Thank you for considering contributing to Fiume! We welcome contributions from the community to improve and enhance this state machine library. By contributing, you help make Fiume better for everyone.
Before you start contributing, please follow these steps:
Fork the repository on GitHub.
Clone your forked repository to your local machine.
git clone
Create a new branch for your changes.
git checkout -b feature-or-fix-branch
Install the project dependencies.
pnpm install --frozen-lockfile
Make your changes and ensure that tests pass.
pnpm test
Commit your changes and push them to your fork.
git add . git commit -m "Your commit message" git push origin feature-or-fix-branch
Create a pull request on the main repository.
Please adhere to the existing code style in the project. Fiume uses TypeScript, and we follow a consistent coding style. Run the linter before committing your changes:
pnpm format
Ensure that your changes include relevant tests. Run the test suite to confirm that your changes do not break existing functionality:
pnpm test
If you make changes that impact user-facing features, update the documentation accordingly.
Documentation is located in the
If you encounter bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue on the GitHub repository. Provide detailed information about the problem or enhancement you are proposing.
When submitting a pull request, please include a clear description of the changes you've made and the motivation for them. Make sure your branch is up-to-date with the main repository before creating a pull request.
Thank you for your contribution! 🚀