If you're looking for GenFu, please check the official repo... http://genfu.io/
This fork allows GenFu instantiation and multithreading, making it more reliable for unit testing and web scenarios.
You can install it from NuGet (by now): https://www.nuget.org/packages/GenFu.Instantiable.NonOfficial/
var childGenerator = new GenFuInstance();
var adultGenerator = new GenFuInstance();
childGenerator.Configure<Person>().Fill(x => x.Age).WithinRange(1, 10);
adultGenerator.Configure<Person>().Fill(x => x.Age).WithinRange(20, 100);
Classic static usage still works, but now it is usable in concurrent scenarios. For instance, this test won't fail.
public void registrations_can_be_reset()
Parallel.For(0, 10000, i =>
It would be great being able to clone instances or use scopes, somehow, allowing temporary change a rule from a previous definition.