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Error Codes

Marius David Wieschollek edited this page Jan 2, 2024 · 9 revisions

General Errors

[6304571a] HTTPS required

You can not run Passwords without HTTPS on a productive server as this is completely insecure.

[a3f7ed53] Access denied

The permissions of yur client do not allow this action.

[f84f93d3] Access denied

The requested action requires an authorized session. Open a session before making the request.

Validation Errors

[7b584c1e] Invalid server side encryption type

This error indicates that the entity was assigned to a server side encryption type that does either not exist or is not supported.

[4e8162e6] Invalid client side encryption type

This error indicates that the submitted client side encryption type is not supported by the server.

[f43e7b82] No encryption specified

Neither a client side, nor a server side encryption method was specified.

[fce89df4] Client side encryption key missing

A client side encryption type with cseKey was used, but the cseKey is empty.

[7c31eb4d] Field "label" can not be empty

The field "label" can not be left empty when creating or updating an entity.

[5b9e3440] Field "hash" must contain a valid sha1 hash

The field "hash" must contain a valid sha1 hash of the password. This has is used for security checks.

[2aff026c] Field "color" can not be empty

The field "color" can not be left empty when creating or updating a tag.

[f281915e] Invalid revision id

The given revision uuid does not belong to the given entity uuid.

[9c5d2ad8] Invalid revision id

The given revision uuid is not the current revision of the entity.

[7c8efc3c] Can not edit base folder

When working with folders, you can not manipulate properties of the base folder as it is a virtual folder.

[60177108] Illegal field in search criteria

When using the find command, only a predefined set of properties can be searched. Look into the documentation of the entity you want to use find on to see which properties are allowed.

[f2fc3b4a] Illegal operator in search criteria

The following operators can be used in the find command: eq, nq, lt, gt, le, ge.

Sharing Errors

[0b0498c1] Sharing disabled

Sharing has been disabled by the administrator.

[2b70fd38] Sharing disabled for user

Sharing has been disabled by the administrator for this specific user.

[65782183] Invalid receiver uid

You can not share an entity with the given user.

[f58a5f80] Invalid expiration date

You can not set an expiration date that lies in the past.

[07f4cb63] Invalid share type

The share type you have chosen is not allowed by the system. This can happen if the administrator has disabled a specific sharing type or if the api does not support this sharing type. The info command lists all allowed sharing types.

[daf00c23] Entity not shareable

This can happen if you try to share a password which has been shared with the user. The administrator or the original owner may have permitted this possibility. If the owner does not allow sharing, this is noted in the "shareable" attribute of the extended "share" property of the entity object. You can request the "share" property with the detail level "+shares". If the administrator has permitted resharing, this is noted in the "resharing" filed in the info command.

[e860bf51] Entity already shared with user

This error occurs when the given entity was already shared with the receiving user. You can request all active shares for the entity in the "shares" property with the detail elvel "+shares".

[54131ad4] CSE type does not support sharing

If you want to create a share, you need to make sure that the entity is currently encrypted with a CSE type which supports sharing.

[7269e742] Shared entity can not be hidden

You can not share entities while they are hidden.

Service Errors

[74b8fcb3] Unable to generate password

The password service was unable to create a password with the given settings.

[d786e9f3] Invalid dimensions given

The pageshot service does not support the given image dimensions.

[66dfd890] API Request Failed

The service made a request to a third party api or program which failed. It might be possible that credentials are required but are not given or incorrect. Look into the Nextcloud error log to find more information.

[06af75db] Internal Favicon API Error

The current favicon service was unable to create a favicon for the given domain. Also the default favicon service failed to create a default icon. Please check your server configuration.

[34e9164c] Internal Website Preview API Error

The current website preview service was unable to create a preview of the given domain. Also the default preview service failed to load a default image. Please check your server configuration.

[43486931] Internal Words API Error

The current words service was unable to produce usable output. Please check your server configuration.

[49f5c936] Invalid range

The hash range provided to the hashes endpoint is not within the allowed range of 5 - 40 characters.

Other Errors


The application was not designed to be able to fulfill the requested action.

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