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217 lines (168 loc) · 7.67 KB

File metadata and controls

217 lines (168 loc) · 7.67 KB

Upgrade from 0.6 to 1.0

Directory structure changes

Default location of webpack.config.js changed to be compatible with new Symfony 4 structure. It's now stored in config folder of your project directory.

To keep previous behaviour, provide this configuration:


Also, to support /public directory in Symfony4 out of the box, default webpack.config.js scans parent directories until it finds either /public or /web directory and uses that for dumping assets into.

Bundle inheritance unsupported

If bundle inheritance is used, assets will be searched only in the first bundle. Configure additional assets directory for extended bundles if needed.

This change was done to be compatible with Symfony4, which drops support for bundle inheritance.

Upgrade from 0.5 to 0.6

Configuration changes

Configuration of the bundle was changed so that it would be more clear and semantic:

  • twig.function_name was removed and is always webpack_asset;
  • asset_providers was totally removed, use the following instead:
    • enabled_bundles to parse twig templates only in some bundles that you need;
    • twig.additional_directories to parse twig templates in additional provided directories. %kernel.root_dir%/Resources/views is always parsed if it exists;
    • custom asset providers does not need additional configuration and are always called;
  • aliases.register_bundles was removed - it's now the same as enabled_bundles
  • bin.webpack.tty_prefix and bin.dev_server.tty_prefix were removed and dashboard configuration node added instead. This makes the bundle aware of WebpackDashboard explicitly, so now it passes WEBPACK_DASHBOARD environment variable into webpack.config.js (with value enabled) if dashboard is used, TTY_MODE is no passed. This also allows extending functionality if some other changes to dashboard would be needed;
  • default webpack.config.js configuration extracts CSS by default, so if you had config.parameters.extract_css set to true, you could just remove it. If it was not set and you do not need extracting CSS, set config.parameters.extract_css to false;
  • default executables were changed from [node, node_modules/package/bin/package.js] into [node_modules/.bin/package] - this should be backwards compatible.

So, if you had this configuration:

            type:     twig_bundles
            resource: [ApplicationBundle]
            type:     twig_directory
            resource: %kernel.root_dir%/Resources/views
            type:     twig_directory
            resource: %kernel.root_dir%/Resources/other-directory
    aliases:                            # allows to set aliases inside require() in your JS files
        register_bundles:               # defaults to all bundles
            - ApplicationBundle
            tty_prefix: [/my/path/to/node, node_modules/webpack-dashboard/bin/webpack-dashboard.js]
            tty_prefix: [/my/path/to/node, node_modules/webpack-dashboard/bin/webpack-dashboard.js]

Now it would be like this:

        - ApplicationBundle
            - %kernel.root_dir%/Resources/other-directory
            extract_css: false
        enabled: always
        executable: [/my/path/to/node, node_modules/webpack-dashboard/bin/webpack-dashboard.js]

Changed twig tags

Removed webpack_javascript, webpack_stylesheets and webpack_assets twig tags - replace them with webpack tag and use js or css token if needed.

Change this:

{% webpack_javascripts '@app/a.js' '@app/b.js' %}
<script src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>
{% end_webpack_javascripts %}

{% webpack_stylesheets '@app/a.js' '@app/b.js' %}
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset_url }}"/>
{% end_webpack_stylesheets %}

{% webpack_assets '@app/a.png' '@app/b.png' %}
<img src="{{ asset_url }}"/>
{% end_webpack_assets %}

To this:

{% webpack js '@app/a.js' '@app/b.js' %}
<script src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>
{% end_webpack %}

{% webpack css '@app/a.js' '@app/b.js' %}
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset_url }}"/>
{% end_webpack %}

{% webpack '@app/a.png' '@app/b.png' %}
<img src="{{ asset_url }}"/>
{% end_webpack %}

This allows extending functionality (like adding named for commons chunk assets) and still using single tag.

Migrating to Webpack 2

This bundle was already compatible with Webpack 2 if custom webpack.config.js was used - this configuration and your assets themselves are affected by Webpack version.

From this version, default webpack.config.js was added for Webpack 2 - maba:webpack:setup command installs Webpack 2 by default.

If you want to keep Webpack 1, update configuration file by providing command line option:

app/console maba:webpack:setup --useWebpackV1

Configuration itself kept all the loaders and plugins as they were in previous version. One notable (and backwards incompatible) change is that '' is no longer in resolve.modules. Webpack just does not allow it anymore. This affects your codebase if you required relative assets without ./ or ../ prefix.

If you have something like this:

require('asset1.js');   // asset1.js is in the same directory
require('styles.css');  // styles.css is in parent directory

You'll have to provide relative paths explicitly:


Asset providers refactored

Asset provider functionality was refactored - this is important only if you implemented AssetProviderInterface or CollectionResourceInterface in your code. Changes:

  • changed AssetResult class - collection of assets are now AssetItem instances instead of strings
  • changed AssetProviderInterface::getAssets - it does not take $resource as an argument anymore
  • removed CollectionResourceInterface interface
  • if you implement AssetProviderInterface and tag service with maba_webpack.asset_provider, no further configuration is needed in config.yml - getAssets will be always called and given assets compiled.

Upgrade from 0.4 to 0.5

TTY prefix

bin.dev_server.tty_prefix was added with ['node', 'node_modules/webpack-dashboard/bin/webpack-dashboard.js', '--'] default value.

This requires changes in package.json and webpack.config.js.

You can set it to [] to disable NASA-like dashboard when compiling assets.


Second parameter for AssetManager::getAssetUrl has been made optional. If not provided, it is figured by configuration so that binary files could be loaded with webpack_asset twig function.

Non-Javascript Entry File Support

Now you can use webpack_asset on other files than .js - for example, for images.

This requires changes in package.json and webpack.config.js.

You can disable this by setting entry_file.enabled to false in config.yml.

You should always do this procedure after updating this bundle:

  • run maba:webpack:setup, replace files and merge changes
  • run npm install (this should be done with composer install (and) as a step in deployment)

Explicit API for semantic versioning

Some interfaces, classes and class methods were marked with @api. Any other classes or methods can be changed or removed without MAJOR release bump.

Also most of the services marked as private for the same reason - you should only use those that are public.

Deprecated setting custom twig function

maba_webpack.twig.function_name configuration option is deprecated and will be removed in 0.6