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Releases: mark-wiemer/ahkpp

5.0.4 - 2024-05-23 😎

24 May 05:53
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  • Add "PixelSearch" to V1 snippets (PR #427)
  • Fix two minor formatting issues (Issue #432, #429)
  • Update internal dependencies for security (PR #435)

5.0.3 - 2023-08-21 🏄

22 Aug 05:29
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  • Fix extension crash when switching to a nullish editor (Issue #398)

5.0.2 - 2023-08-10 🐈

11 Aug 01:39
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  • Fix language mode resetting when VS Code restarts (Issue #392)

5.0.1 - 2023-08-08 😶‍🌫️

09 Aug 02:43
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  • ahk++.file.interpreterPathV2 now defaults to C:/Program Files/AutoHotkey/v2/AutoHotkey64.exe (Issue #387)
  • Add breakpoint support for AHK v2 files (Issue #384)

5.0.0 - 2023-08-07 ✌️

08 Aug 03:52
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AutoHotkey v2 support now in preview! Please test it out and report any issues, you'll help the community of 120,000+ users of this extension!

Be sure to go to the settings and update the new V2 settings in case the defaults aren't correct 😊

Breaking changes

  • Rename some settings. Users will have to manually adjust these new settings from the defaults to match their old settings:
    • ahk++.compiler.compileBaseFile is now ahk++.compiler.compileBaseFileV1
    • ahk++.file.compilePath is now ahk++.file.compilerPath
    • ahk++.file.executePath is now ahk++.file.interpreterPathV1
    • ahk++.file.helpPath is now ahk++.file.helpPathV1
    • ahk++.file.templateSnippetName is now ahk++.file.templateSnippetNameV1 with default value AhkTemplateV1

Other changes

  • Allow .ahk1 and .ah1 extensions for v1 scripts, .ahk2 and .ah2 for v2 scripts. .ahk and .ext can be used for either version, but default to AHK v2 (Issue #396)
    • The original changelog entry mentioned that the shared file extensions defaulted to AHK v1--this was incorrect
    • You can add a #Requires AutoHotkey v1 directive to the top of an of .ahk file to have it automatically load in AHK v1 independent of VS Code settings (Issue #392)
    • The same can be done with #Requires AutoHotkey v2
    • Alternatively, you can follow the below steps to associate all .ahk files with AHK v1:
    1. Open a .ahk file
    2. F1 -> "Change language mode"
    3. "Configure file association for .ahk files"
    4. "AutoHotkey v1"
  • Automatically change AHK version to match the #Requires directive near the top of any script the first time that script is opened
  • Allow running and debugging v1 or v2 scripts without changing settings
  • "Open help" (Ctrl + F1) now opens version-specific help
  • Add full syntax highlighting for v2 scripts thanks to AutoHotkey v2 Language Support by thqby
  • Update icons (found next to a script's name in the explorer)
    • v2 scripts will have official green icons, while v1 scripts now have modified blue icons
    • Icons are a bit smaller to align with existing VS Code icons

4.1.0 - 2023-08-03 🙋

04 Aug 03:33
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  • Add quick help, adapted from thqby's AutoHotkey v2 Language Support (issue #78)
    • Selected text (or word at cursor) is now searched within the help documentation
    • Known limitation: if selected text would cause a syntax error when injected into a script, help is activated but no search is made. Ref issue #376
  • Update file icon to match official AHK repository

4.0.0 - 2023-07-29 🍀

29 Jul 16:08
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Minimal changes here, just following semantic versioning since there are breaking changes.

Breaking changes:

  • Rename some settings. Users will have to manually adjust these new settings from the defaults to match their old settings:
    • ahk++.formatter.indentCodeAfterSharpDirective is now ahk++.formatter.indentCodeAfterIfDirective
    • ahk++.language.enableIntellisense is now ahk++.intellisense.enableIntellisense
    • ahk++.file.maximumParseLength is now ahk++.intellisense.maximumParseLength

Other changes:

  • IntelliSense no longer suggests words when a user presses space (Issue #110)
  • IntelliSense now suggests foo(p1, p2) instead of foo (p1,p2)
  • Improved descriptions of settings

3.3.3 - 2023-07-27 🏖️

27 Jul 15:03
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  • Restore changes from 3.3.1. This release is the same as 3.3.1, except the debugger works.

3.3.2 - 2023-06-21 🪲

21 Jun 14:23
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  • Revert changes in 3.3.1. This release is the same as 3.3.0. Ref Issue #369

3.3.1 (yanked) - 2023-06-20 🌞

21 Jun 01:48
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This release has been yanked, meaning it's not supported. Use v3.3.2 instead.

  • Various syntax highlighting improvements (PR #354, PR #358)
  • Running Open help while tutorial text is selected now opens the Tutorial page (PR #348)
  • Unexpected change: Break debugger.