Avrolint Action
(2)This action performs linting on Apache Avro Schema files (.avsc).
- uses: frankgrimes97/avrolint-action@v1
# Avro schema file(s) to lint
# Can be a single file path:
# e.g. '/tmp/avroSchema.avsc'
# Can be a string containing a JSON-encoded array of paths:
# e.g. '["/tmp/avroSchemaA.avsc", "/tmp2/avroSchemaB.avsc"]'
avsc-to-lint: ''
# Check that all fields are documented.
# Default: true
undocumented-field-check: ''
# Check that union types are all simple types.
# i.e. only used to express nullability
# This is enforced because schemas which have complex union types are
# difficult for most programming language type systems to handle gracefully.
# e.g.
# valid: ["null", <TYPE>]
# invalid: [<TYPE1>, <TYPE2>]
# invalid: ["null", <TYPE1>, <TYPE2>]
# Default: true
complex-union-check: ''
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