Prevent Maven Artifact Overwrites
(1)When using Git Flow to develop library projects with Maven, you often run in to a problem, that SNAPSHOT artifacts from develop and different feature branches overwrite each-other in the Maven repository, which leads to random compilation errors.
You can solve this by changing the project version into a unique value for every feature branch. For example changing the version 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
into 1.1.0-cool-feature-SNAPSHOT
. That way, the branches do not interfere with each other.
Changing the versions manually is annoying, time-consuming, and most importantly - people always keep forgetting. Over the years, the internet has come up with many solutions, but they always require some complicated setup on every developer's machine (Git hooks or extensions) and/or do not work well with IDEs (Maven plugins changing the version at compile-time).
This Github action automates the process on a CI/CD level, which brings several benefits:
- No special setup required on the developer's machine
- Works seamlessly with any IDE and with Maven CLI (since the version is changed directly in pom.xml)
Add a step using this action into your workflow before the Maven build step. Do this for your library project (the project whose version needs to change), and also for your application project (the project which uses the library).
The action performs different tasks based on the type of project it is running on:
Set the value of parameter enforce-branch-version
to true
If the action detects it is running on a feature branch, it will append the branch name to the project version with slashes replaced by hyphens. For example, when running on a branch named feature/FEA-123-comments
, the version will be changed from 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
into 1.1.0-feature-FEA-123-comments-SNAPSHOT
. You can also change the version manually into a different value, for example 1.1.0-FEA-123-SNAPSHOT
When running on a non-feature branch, the action will change the branch-specific version back into the original value. This means that you don't have to worry about removing the version postfix when you want to merge your feature branch into develop
. You can just merge the modified version, and the postfix will be removed automatically.
The action changes the project version in the pom.xml
file, and commits and pushes the changes into GIT.
Set the value of parameter enforce-branch-version
to false
When running on a non-feature branch, the action will check versions of all dependencies and if it finds a branch-specific version of a dependency, it will change it back to it's original value. As in the case of running on a library, this means that you don't have to worry about changing the dependency versions when merging into develop
needs to have write permission for scopecontents
, otherwise the version changes cannot be pushed. See GitHub documentation and example workflow below. -
The checkout action needs
to checkout the source in a way that changes can be pushed later. See example workflow below. -
Only Linux-based runners are currently supported.
Minimum action configuration:
- name: Prevent Maven Artifact Overwrites
uses: maven-flow/prevent-artifact-overwrites@v1
enforce-branch-version: true
push-changes: true
Full action configuration:
- name: Prevent Maven Artifact Overwrites
uses: maven-flow/prevent-artifact-overwrites@v1
commit-message-suffix: '[skip ci]'
enforce-branch-version: true
git-user-name: 'John Doe'
git-user-email: ''
maven-args: '-P github'
pom-file: 'subdir/pom.xml'
push-changes: true
Example workflow:
name: Java CI with Maven
on: push
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
contents: write # write permission needed to enable GIT push
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
token: ${{ github.token }} # token needed to enable GIT push
- name: Set up JDK 17
uses: actions/setup-java@v4
java-version: '17'
distribution: 'temurin'
- name: Prevent Maven Artifact Overwrites
uses: maven-flow/prevent-artifact-overwrites@v1
enforce-branch-version: true
push-changes: true
- name: Build with Maven
run: mvn -B deploy
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
Optional. A suffix that can be added to the commit message when committing changes. For example, you could add [skip ci]
if you want to prevent another workflow run after performing changes.
Default value: ""
Required. Whether the project version should be changed to a branch-specific value on feature branches. Set to true
on library projects and to false
on non-library (application) projects.
Optional. The user name which will be used to perform GIT commits.
Default value: github-actions[bot]
Optional. The email which will be used to perform GIT commits.
Default value: github-actions[bot]
Optional. This action uses Maven plugins behind the scenes. You can use this parameter to pass any arguments needed for Maven to work. For example -P github
Default value: ""
Optional. Specify the path to Maven POM file. Useful for example if your POM file is not in the repository root.
Default value: pom.xml
Prevent Maven Artifact Overwrites is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.