Repo Visualizer
(2)A GitHub Action that creates an SVG diagram of your repo. Read more in the writeup.
Please note that this is an experiment. If you have feature requests, please submit a PR or fork and use the code any way you need.
For a full demo, check out the githubocto/repo-visualizer-demo repository.
A path (relative to the root of your repo) to where you would like the diagram to live.
For example: images/diagram.svg
Default: diagram.svg
A list of paths to folders to exclude from the diagram, separated by commas.
For example: dist,node_modules
Default: node_modules,bower_components,dist,out,build,eject,.next,.netlify,.yarn,.vscode,package-lock.json,yarn.lock
A semicolon-delimited array of file globs to exclude from the diagram, using micromatch syntax. Provided as an array.
For example:
excluded_globs: "frontend/*.spec.js;**/*.{png,jpg};**/!(*.module).ts"
# Guide:
# - 'frontend/*.spec.js' # exclude frontend tests
# - '**/*.{png,ico,md}' # all png, ico, md files in any directory
# - '**/!(*.module).ts' # all TS files except module files
The directory (and its children) that you want to visualize in the diagram, relative to the repository root.
For example: src/
Default: ''
(current directory)
The maximum number of nested folders to show files within. A higher number will take longer to render.
Default: 9
Whether to make a new commit with the diagram and push it to the original repository.
Should be a boolean value, i.e. true
or false
. See commit_message
and branch
for how to customise the commit.
Default: true
The commit message to use when updating the diagram. Useful for skipping CI. For example: Updating diagram [skip ci]
Default: Repo visualizer: updated diagram
The branch name to push the diagram to (branch will be created if it does not yet exist).
For example: diagram
The name of an artifact to create containing the diagram.
If unspecified, no artifact will be created.
Default: ''
(no artifact)
You can customize the colors for specific file extensions. Key/value pairs will extend the default colors.
For example: '{"js": "red","ts": "green"}' default: '{}'
The contents of the diagram as text. This can be used if you don't want to handle new files.
You'll need to run the actions/checkout
Action beforehand, to check out the code.
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@master
- name: Update diagram
uses: githubocto/repo-visualizer@0.7.1
output_file: "images/diagram.svg"
excluded_paths: "dist,node_modules"
By default, this action will create a new commit with the diagram on the specified branch.
If you want to avoid new commits, you can create an artifact to accompany the workflow run,
by specifying an artifact_name
. You can then download the diagram using the
action from a later step in your workflow,
or by using the GitHub API.
- name: Update diagram
id: make_diagram
uses: githubocto/repo-visualizer@0.7.1
output_file: "output-diagram.svg"
artifact_name: "my-diagram"
- name: Get artifact
uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
name: "my-diagram"
path: "downloads"
In this example, the diagram will be available at downloads/my-diagram.svg
Note that this will still also create a commit, unless you specify should_push: false
Alternatively, the SVG description of the diagram is available in the svg
which you can refer to in your workflow as e.g. ${{ steps.make_diagram.outputs.svg }}
Repo Visualizer is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.