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Repo Visualizer

A GitHub Action that creates an SVG diagram of your repo
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Repo Visualizer

A GitHub Action that creates an SVG diagram of your repo. Read more in the writeup.

Please note that this is an experiment. If you have feature requests, please submit a PR or fork and use the code any way you need.

For a full demo, check out the githubocto/repo-visualizer-demo repository.



A path (relative to the root of your repo) to where you would like the diagram to live.

For example: images/diagram.svg

Default: diagram.svg


A list of paths to folders to exclude from the diagram, separated by commas.

For example: dist,node_modules

Default: node_modules,bower_components,dist,out,build,eject,.next,.netlify,.yarn,.vscode,package-lock.json,yarn.lock


A semicolon-delimited array of file globs to exclude from the diagram, using micromatch syntax. Provided as an array.

For example:

excluded_globs: "frontend/*.spec.js;**/*.{png,jpg};**/!(*.module).ts"
# Guide:
# - 'frontend/*.spec.js' # exclude frontend tests
# - '**/*.{png,ico,md}'  # all png, ico, md files in any directory
# - '**/!(*.module).ts'  # all TS files except module files


The directory (and its children) that you want to visualize in the diagram, relative to the repository root.

For example: src/

Default: '' (current directory)


The maximum number of nested folders to show files within. A higher number will take longer to render.

Default: 9


Whether to make a new commit with the diagram and push it to the original repository.

Should be a boolean value, i.e. true or false. See commit_message and branch for how to customise the commit.

Default: true


The commit message to use when updating the diagram. Useful for skipping CI. For example: Updating diagram [skip ci]

Default: Repo visualizer: updated diagram


The branch name to push the diagram to (branch will be created if it does not yet exist).

For example: diagram


The name of an artifact to create containing the diagram.

If unspecified, no artifact will be created.

Default: '' (no artifact)


You can customize the colors for specific file extensions. Key/value pairs will extend the default colors.

For example: '{"js": "red","ts": "green"}' default: '{}'



The contents of the diagram as text. This can be used if you don't want to handle new files.

Example usage

You'll need to run the actions/checkout Action beforehand, to check out the code.

- name: Checkout code
  uses: actions/checkout@master
- name: Update diagram
  uses: githubocto/repo-visualizer@0.7.1
    output_file: "images/diagram.svg"
    excluded_paths: "dist,node_modules"

Accessing the diagram

By default, this action will create a new commit with the diagram on the specified branch.

If you want to avoid new commits, you can create an artifact to accompany the workflow run, by specifying an artifact_name. You can then download the diagram using the actions/download-artifact action from a later step in your workflow, or by using the GitHub API.


- name: Update diagram
  id: make_diagram
  uses: githubocto/repo-visualizer@0.7.1
    output_file: "output-diagram.svg"
    artifact_name: "my-diagram"
- name: Get artifact
  uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
    name: "my-diagram"
    path: "downloads"

In this example, the diagram will be available at downloads/my-diagram.svg Note that this will still also create a commit, unless you specify should_push: false!

Alternatively, the SVG description of the diagram is available in the svg output, which you can refer to in your workflow as e.g. ${{ steps.make_diagram.outputs.svg }}.

Repo Visualizer is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


A GitHub Action that creates an SVG diagram of your repo

Repo Visualizer is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.