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Schedule a delayed job in GitHub Actions
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Schedule delayed GitHub Actions job

Sometimes you can't finish your CI/CD job in a single run: you have to wait for some event or until an external long-running process finishes. In that case, you can schedule a delayed job to finish it later.

Read the article for details and other possible approaches.

Generate token

To make it work, you have to generate a new GitHub token with workflows and repo permissions because by default GitHub permits creating workflows by automation tools. Add new token to the secret with the WORKFLOWS_TOKEN name.

Schedule delayed job in your workflow

- uses: actions/checkout@v2
# ... your steps ...
# ...
# schedule the rest for finishing later:
- uses: cardinalby/schedule-job-action@v1
    ghToken: ${{ secrets.WORKFLOWS_TOKEN }}
    templateYmlFile: '.github-scheduled-workflows/example.yml'

Define scheduled job

Create .github-scheduled-workflows/example.yml scheduled workflow definition (using cron trigger) with the single job:

name: "example-cron-action"
    - cron:  '*/15 * * * *'    # At every 15th minute

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          ref: ${{ env.DELAYED_JOB_CHECKOUT_REF }} # SHA that triggered your original job 

      - name: Do some work
        run: echo $GITHUB_SHA

      # If job finished successfully, remove the workflow file (and tag if necessary)
      - name: Remove scheduled job
        uses: cardinalby/unschedule-job-action@v1
          ghToken: ${{ secrets.WORKFLOWS_TOKEN }} 

Please note, it's not located in the .github directory. It's just a template that will be copied to the .github directory during the run.

Template modifications

Also, the action will add several env variables to the env section of the template workflow file:

    SHA of a commit triggered the original workflow or tag name from the addTag input

    true (ref above is a tag name) or false (it's a commit SHA)

    .github/workflows/example-%SHA%.yml in our example (see targetYmlFileName input).

    master (see targetBranch input)

    If jobPayload input was filled.

Step with cardinalby/unschedule-job-action action utilizes these env variables for proper removing of the delayed workflow file and tag.

Limit attempts number

To limit failed attempts number for the delayed job to run, add cardinalby/unschedule-job-action as a first step in .github-scheduled-workflows/example.yml (before checkout) with the condition:

- name: Remove scheduled job after 10 attempts
  uses: cardinalby/unschedule-job-action@v1
  if: github.run_number > 10
    ghToken: ${{ secrets.WORKFLOWS_TOKEN }} 

Scheduled actions reminder

Remember, scheduled workflows can run only in the main branch (master) of the repository.

Infinite loop protection

The action checks if a commit triggered the run was made by the action itself (adding scheduled workflow file) or by other action (deleting scheduled workflow file) to prevent an infinite loop caused by actions.


  • ghToken Required
    Special GitHub access token with workflows permission. Use secrets!

  • templateYmlFile Required
    Path (relative to the repository) to template scheduled workflow yml file.

  • overrideTargetFile Default: true
    Override yml file if exists. If false and file exists, action will fail.

  • targetYmlFileName Default: templateYmlFile's name + sha/tag + .yml
    Target yml file name in .github/workflows folder

  • targetRepo Default: current repository
    Repository to add the delayed workflow to. Format: owner-name/repo-name

  • targetBranch Default: master
    Branch to push. Please note, scheduled jobs work only in the default branch.

  • addTag
    Specify a tag to schedule job for. Will be used as a ref in the checkout step instead of commit sha.

  • jobPayload
    Optional, pass a string to DELAYED_JOB_PAYLOAD env variable in delayed workflow file.

  • copyEnvVariables
    Names of env variables (whitespace separated) that should be set in env section of scheduled workflow jobs. Values will be given from env variables of the step where this action called.
    Be aware! Do not expose variables with secret values.


  • targetYmlFileName File name of the new yml file (inside .github/workflows folder).
  • targetYmlFilePath Absolute path to the target yml file.

schedule-job-action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Schedule a delayed job in GitHub Actions

schedule-job-action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.