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Track TODO Action

Sync TODO/BUG/FIXME comments with GitHub Issues and Projects
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Turn your TODO comments into GitHub Issues

Build Integration Test

GitHub Action that will manage issues based on TODO/BUG/FIXME/HACK comments in the source code. Optionally issues are added to a Project Column that you specify. Source code is parsed using tdg which supports comments for almost all existing languages.

When a new todo comment is added, a new issue is created. When this comment is removed on the branch it was added, the corresponding issue is closed. Each issue is added with a special label so you can build more automation on top of it.


TDG result


Create a workflow file in your .github/workflows/ directory with the following contents:

Basic example

name: TDG workflow
on: [push, pull_request]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@master
    - name: Run tdg-github-action
      uses: ribtoks/tdg-github-action@master
        TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        REPO: ${{ github.repository }}
        SHA: ${{ github.sha }}
        REF: ${{ github.ref }}

NOTE: Please note that currently GitHub has 5000 requests per hour limit so if you are running it on a fresh repository and you have lots of todos in comments, you may hit this limit.


Input Description
REPO Repository name in the format of owner/repo (required)
TOKEN Github token used to create or close issues (required)
REF Git ref: branch or pull request (required)
SHA SHA-1 value of the commit (required)
ROOT Source code root (defaults to .)
LABEL Label to add to the new issues (defaults to todo comment)
EXTENDED_LABELS Add additional labels to mark branch, issue type and estimate
CLOSE_ON_SAME_BRANCH Close issues only if they are missing from the same branch as they were created on (by default)
PROJECT_COLUMN_ID Automatically create a project card in this column for new issue (none by default)
INCLUDE_PATTERN Regex to include source code files (includes all by default)
EXCLUDE_PATTERN Regex to exclude source code files (excludes none by default)
MIN_WORDS Minimum number of words in the comment to become an issue (defaults to 3)
MIN_CHARACTERS Minimum number of characters in the comment to become an issue (defaults to 30)
DRY_RUN Do not open or close real issues (used for debugging)
ADD_LIMIT Upper cap on the number of issues to create (defaults to 0 - unlimited)
CLOSE_LIMIT Upper cap on the number of issues to close (defaults to 0 - unlimited)

NOTE: Keep in mind that you have to escape slashes in regex patterns when putting them to yaml

Flag values like CLOSE_ON_SAME_BRANCH or DRY_RUN use values 1/true/y as ON switch.

In order to get a column ID, you can go to your project and press "Copy column link" in the column 3 dots menu. ID is the last part of the URL (ID would be 823438).

In case you are disabling EXTENDED_LABELS, then CLOSE_ON_SAME_BRANCH logic will be broken since there will be no knowledge on which branch the issue was created (for new issues), effectively making it disabled.


Output Description
scannedIssues Equals to 1 if completed successfully



name: TDG
on: [push, pull_request]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@master
    - name: Run tdg-github-action
      uses: ribtoks/tdg-github-action@master
        TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        REPO: ${{ github.repository }}
        SHA: ${{ github.sha }}
        REF: ${{ github.ref }}
        LABEL: "my label"
        MIN_WORDS: 3
        MIN_CHARACTERS: 40
        ADD_LIMIT: 1
        CLOSE_LIMIT: 1
        ROOT: "src"
        PROJECT_COLUMN_ID: 824533
        INCLUDE_PATTERN: "\\.(cpp|h)$"

Note escaped regex.

If you want to only process TODO comments from master branch, modify the workflow on section like this:

  # only for the master branch
    - master

TODO comments

Comments are parsed using tdg. Supported comments: //, #, %, ;, *.

Example of the comment (everything but the first line is optional):

// TODO: This is title of the issue to create
// category=SomeCategory issue=123 estimate=30m author=alias
// This is a multiline description of the issue
// that will be in the "Body" property of the comment

Track TODO Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Sync TODO/BUG/FIXME comments with GitHub Issues and Projects

Track TODO Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.