Contributions to this module are welcomed. Please consider the following guidance when making a contribution:
- Create an Issue for any features/bugs/questions and (if you submit a code change) reference this via your Pull Request.
- In general, this repository follows the guidance in the PowerShell Best Practices and Style Guide here: In particular:
- Use full cmdlet names
- Be consistent with the existing code layout style (this is Stroustrup and its the default behaviour of the code auto-formatter for PowerShell in VSCode which I encourage you to use).
- Function names should follow the Verb-Noun structure (even Private functions).
- Where possible please create a Pester test to cover any code changes you make and/or modify existing tests.
- Please ensure you update the comment-based help text for any new parameters you add as well as add new examples where it may be useful.
This module uses Azure Pipelines for CI/CD. When a version of the code is ready for deployment, the following change needs to be committed in order for a new version to be deployed to the PowerShell Gallery:
- Update to have a new section, titled
## !Deploy
followed by a list of changes for the new version.
As part of the CI/CD pipeline the file will then be automatically updated with the date and version of the module deployed, replacing the !Deploy
Note deployments only occur from the Master branch.