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The SimpleList Component


The `<SimpleList>` component

For mobile devices, a <Datagrid> is often unusable - there is simply not enough space to display several columns. The convention in that case is to use a simple list, with only one column per row. The <SimpleList> component serves that purpose, leveraging MUI's <List> and <ListItem> components.

<SimpleList> is an iterator component: it gets an array of ids and a data store from the ListContext, and iterates over the ids to display each record.


You can use <SimpleList> as <List> or <ReferenceManyField> child. You must set at least the primaryText prop, and it should be a function returning the text to render for each list item.

import { List, SimpleList } from 'react-admin';

export const PostList = () => (
            primaryText={record => record.title}
            secondaryText={record => `${record.views} views`}
            tertiaryText={record => new Date(record.published_at).toLocaleDateString()}
            linkType={record => record.canEdit ? "edit" : "show"}
            rowStyle={record => ({ backgroundColor: record.nb_views >= 500 ? '#efe' : 'white' })}

<SimpleList> executes the functions passed as primaryText, secondaryText, and tertiaryText on render, passing the current record as parameter. It uses the result to render each List item.

It accepts the following props:


This prop should be a function returning an <Avatar> component. When present, the <ListItem> renders a <ListItemAvatar> before the <ListItemText>


This prop should be a function returning an <Icon> component. When present, the <ListItem> renders a <ListIcon> before the <ListItemText>


The <SimpleList> items link to the edition page by default. You can also set the linkType prop to show directly to link to the <Show> page instead.

import { List, SimpleList } from 'react-admin';

export const PostList = () => (
            primaryText={record => record.title}
            secondaryText={record => `${record.views} views`}
            tertiaryText={record => new Date(record.published_at).toLocaleDateString()}

linkType accepts the following values:

  • linkType="edit": links to the edit page. This is the default behavior.
  • linkType="show": links to the show page.
  • linkType={false}: does not create any link.


The primaryText, secondaryText and tertiaryText props can accept 3 types of values:

  1. a function returning a string,
  2. a string,
  3. a React element.

If it's a function, react-admin passes the current record as parameter:

import { List, SimpleList } from 'react-admin';

export const PostList = () => (
            primaryText={record => record.title}
            secondaryText={record => `${record.views} views`}

If it's a string, react-admin passes it to the translate function, together with the record so you can use substitutions with the %{token} syntax:

import { List, SimpleList } from 'react-admin';

export const PostList = () => (
            secondaryText="%{views} views"

If it's a React element, react-admin renders it. This means you can use any react-admin field, including reference fields:

import {
} from 'react-admin';

export const PostList = () => (
            primaryText={<TextField source="title" />}
                <ReferenceField reference="categories" source="category_id">
                    <TextField source="name" />

<SimpleList> creates a RecordContext for each list item. This allows Field components to grab the current record using useRecordContext.


This prop should be a function returning an <Avatar> component. When present, the <ListItem> renders a <ListItemAvatar> after the <ListItemText>


This prop should be a function returning an <Icon> component. When present, the <ListItem> renders a <ListIcon> after the <ListItemText>.


This optional prop should be a function, which gets called for each row. It receives the current record and index as arguments, and should return a style object. The style object is applied to the <ListItem> styles prop.

import { List, SimpleList } from 'react-admin';

const postRowStyle = (record, index) => ({
    backgroundColor: record.nb_views >= 500 ? '#efe' : 'white',

export const PostList = (props) => (
    <List {...props}>
        <SimpleList primaryText={record => record.title} rowStyle={postRowStyle} />


See primaryText


See primaryText


It's possible that a SimpleList will have no records to display. If the SimpleList's parent component does not handle the loading state, the SimpleList will display a message indicating there are no results. This message is translatable and its key is ra.navigation.no_results.

You can customize the empty state by passing a component to the empty prop:

const CustomEmpty = () => <div>No books found</div>;

const PostList = () => (
            primaryText={record => record.title}
            empty={<CustomEmpty />}

Using <SimpleList> On Small Screens

To use <SimpleList> on small screens and a <Datagrid> on larger screens, use MUI's useMediaQuery hook:

import { useMediaQuery } from '@mui/material';
import { List, SimpleList, Datagrid } from 'react-admin';

export const PostList = props => {
    const isSmall = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.down('sm'));
    return (
        <List {...props}>
            {isSmall ? (
                    primaryText={record => record.title}
                    secondaryText={record => `${record.views} views`}
                    tertiaryText={record => new Date(record.published_at).toLocaleDateString()}
                    linkType={record => record.canEdit ? "edit" : "show"}   
            ) : (


You can let end users customize the fields displayed in the <SimpleList> by using the <SimpleListConfigurable> component instead.


import {
-   SimpleList,
+   SimpleListConfigurable,
} from 'react-admin';

export const BookList = () => (
-       <SimpleList
+       <SimpleListConfigurable
            primaryText={record => record.title}
            secondaryText={record =>}
            tertiaryText={record =>}

When users enter the configuration mode and select the <SimpleList>, they can set the primaryText, secondaryText, and tertiaryText fields via the inspector. <SimpleList> uses the useTranslate hook to render the fields. The translate function receives the current record as parameter. This means users can access the record field using the %{field} syntax, e.g.:

Title: %{title} (by %{author})