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907 lines (594 loc) · 41.6 KB

File metadata and controls

907 lines (594 loc) · 41.6 KB



  • react-static-plugin-mdx: Bump webpack loader version to v1
  • react-static: HMR dev server client is only required once, and HMR emitter now resolves to a single instance
  • react-static: Hot reloading stability has been improved to better support hooks like React.useState and React.useEffect
  • react-static: Updated eslint rules and code to pass those rules.



  • react-static: Alternative dev server port is now accurate
  • react-static: Dev server location is now logged in blue for more visibility



  • Fixed issues with custom config specified using -c or -config is not loaded
  • react-static-plugin-source-filesystem: Fixed resolution on Windows
  • react-static: Fixed building chunks on Windows
  • react-static: Fixed production build on Windows
  • react-static-plugin-sitemap: Removed invalid closing </xml> tag
  • react-static-plugin-sitemap: Improved minification of generated sitemap XML in production



  • Fixed issues with siteData being fetched twice during dev mode
  • Updated typescript template to use latest depenencies



  • Typescript template now uses JS for static.config.js. It will use typescript in the future, but for now is not fully or reliably supported.
  • Config and plugin resolution is now more accurate.
  • App entry resolution is now more reliable.
  • config.paths are now more reliably detected and parsed
  • Typscript template is now more stable



  • Fix bug where default config.devServer is not an object.



  • You can now override the default host and port of the webpack dev server via config.devServer.



  • siteData is now properly invalidated and refetched when reloadClientData is called and/or the static.config.js is updated.



  • blank template now properly imports app.css
  • Updated pull request template to include CHANGELOG checkbox



  • Updated dependencies of templates to use 7.0.0
  • Updated Readme to remove @next reference



  • React-Static is now powered by hooks!
  • Suspense is now used internally for routes that are not loaded yet during runtime only. This means, you can handle the loading state at any level of your app by using React's Suspense component eg. <React.Suspense fallback={<span>Loading...</span>}>. NOTE: SUSPENDING DURING SSR IS STILL NOT SUPPORTED. When `document === 'undefined', you MUST render a loading placeholder instead.
  • The Root component now has a browser-side plugin interface called Root.
  • The Routes component now has a browser-side plugin interface.
  • You can now use useRouteData and useSiteData hooks to fetch site and route data (related deprecations below)
  • You can now use the usePrefetch hook to prefetch routes (related deprecations below)
  • useLocation, useBasepath useRoutePath and useStaticInfo have been added as utility hooks for both users and plugins.
  • You can now use a --analyze CLI options to quickly profile your production webpack bundle (related deprecations below)
  • The new react-static-plugin-sitemap plugin allows you to build and customize a sitemap for your site from your routes.
  • The new react-static-plugin-source-filesystem plugin allows you to recursively import and create routes from any webpack compatible files in a directory!
  • New plugin APIs!
    • afterGetConfig
    • beforePrepareBrowserPlugins
    • afterPrepareBrowserPlugins
    • beforePrepareRoutes
    • getRoutes
    • normalizeRoute
    • afterPrepareRoutes
    • webpack
    • afterDevServerStart
    • beforeRenderToElement
    • beforeRenderToHtml
    • htmlProps
    • headElements
    • beforeHtmlToDocument
    • beforeDocumentToFile
    • afterExport
  • Use the new addPrefetchExcludes method to exclude paths (like dynamic ones that would produce 404s) from every being prefetched! Yay!
  • You can now customize terser options via the config.terser object. This object is passed directly to the Webpack Terser plugin.
  • You can use the getWebpackConfig(configPath, stage) function from react-static/node to synchronously generate the webpack configuration for any static.config.js + state combination. This is especially useful for eslint plugins and other developer tools that rely on a webpack configuration during dev time.


  • Hot reloading is now MUCH more reliable
  • Hot data reloading is now MUCH more reliable
  • Changes to static.config.js during development are now more reliable
  • Plugin resolution is now more reliable
  • Production webpack bundles now have a default performance.maxEntrypointSize of 300000 bytes (300kb)
  • Immutable global state is now being used internally that offers massive stability improvements. This same global state is provided and reduced through the revamped plugin API
  • The plugin API has been revamped to offer more control over the state of the CLI and build processes.
  • The ErrorBoundary UI is only shown in production now. During development, the standard react-hot-loader error reporter will show again.
  • Source maps are no longer exported by default in production. To export them in production, turn them on via config.productionSourceMaps: true
  • Logging is now cleaner and more succinct (removed => from all log lines)

Breaking Changes

Migration tips are listed as sub-items if applicable.

  • Upgraded to React 16.8.x
    • You will need to upgrade react and react-dom to this version. You will also want to make sure all of your other react-related libraries are compatible with this upgrade.
  • Route objects returned in getRoutes now use the property template instead of component
    • Replace all instances of component with template when defining a route both in static.config.js or plugins.
  • The Prefetch component has been deprecated in favor of the usePrefetch hook.
    • You will need to refactor your usage of Prefetch to use this new hook or create your own Prefect component that utilizes the hook. Most applications don't use manual prefetching, so we don't foresee this being an big deal for most, if not all projects.
  • All scroller props previously supported on the Root component are now deprecated. Since you can bring your own router to React Static now, there is no reliable built-in way to ship auto hash scrolling without severly bloating the core of React Static. Please use a smooth scrolling library that supports the router you choose, or better yet, we recommend going with the mostly supported html { scroll-behavior: smooth; } css property for decent support.
    • Remove any and all props from the Root component that are related to scrolling.
  • Plugin loading order has been changed to:
    • Absolute Require.resolve (will use package.json's main entry to resolve)
    • Absolute Path
    • plugins/ relative path
    • Require.resolve (from Plugins directory)
    • CWD relative path
    • Require.resolve (from Root directory)
  • config.bundleAnalyzer is now deprecated in favor of the build --analyze/-a and export --analyze/-a option.
  • sitemap functionality has now been extracte into the react-static-plugin-sitemap plugin.
    • route properties like noindex, lastModified, and priority are now meant to be set under a route.sitemap object and map directly to xml attributes now. eg. route: { sitemap: { lastmod: '10/10/2010', priority: '0.5' } }
    • noindex is still an inherited attribute
  • Functionality to include the pages directory has been moved to a plugin called react-static-plugin-source-filesystem. It ships by default with every template to use the src/pages directory within the template.
  • config.disableDuplicateRoutesWarning has been depreacted. This is mainly because multiple hooks can now create routes for the same route and by default, they are merged together unless specified with the replace: true flag on the route creation.
  • Internally, all state is now being tracked and stored in a single global state variable. This global state is passed around everywhere, including getRoutes, most plugin hooks, and just about anywhere React Static calls into your own user code.
  • options and in several locations has been deprecated (getRoutes, getData, etc.) and has been replaced with the internal state of React Static. You can still access by using state.stage === 'dev'.
  • The getConfig hook has been renamed to afterGetConfig and is now a reducer that accepts and returns the global state
  • The reloadRoutes function exported from react-static/node has been renamed to reloadClientData
  • The Head plugin hook in node.api.js has now been aptly renamed to headElements and is now a reducer, not a mapper.
  • The entire internal state of React Static is now available via the state prop in the Document component
  • The renderMeta prop available on the Document component hass been renamed to meta and is now only available on the state prop of the document component
  • The environment variable process.env.REACT_STATIC_SLAVE has been renamed to process.env.REACT_STATIC_THREAD.
  • Plugin methods like webpack must now explicityly return undefined if they wish to opt-out (previously you could return anything falsey)
  • Source maps are no longer exported by default in production. This may break logging or reporting tools if you rely on production source maps. If you wish to still export them in production, turn them on via config.productionSourceMaps: true
  • Though still available, the start, bundle and export commands are being deprecated and have been removed from the documentation.
  • The child renderer and corresponding getComponentForPath utility previously provided via the Routes component has been deprecated.


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Fix prefetching issues for 404 templates and other edge cases.
  • Fix registration of 404 template on client boot
  • Fix remounting of Route components when no history changes have occurred
  • Use outputPath when inlineCss option is used
  • Move build artifacts out of the dist directory and into a new artifacts directory


New Features

  • MDX plugin
  • Typscript Template
  • Non-js extensions
  • Use Terser instead of uglifyJS
  • Fix Shared-Data loading
  • Uprade to React 16.8


New Features

  • Added support for incremental builds

Fixes & Optimizations

  • Fixed a security issue where process.env variables could be exported and distributed by accident.
  • Remove update-notifier. It was never that reliable and was presenting problems with multi-threading.


New Features

  • Official browser plugin support
  • Added the Router browser plugin hook
  • Added the react-static-plugin-react-router plugin and guide

Fixes & Optimizations

  • Various css-loader issues have been fixed in plugins for more stability with the latest features



  • Silently deprecated both config.renderToHtml and config.renderToElement in favor of using the plugin API. Hope this doesn't annoy anyone too much. Better to do it now that later!


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Reduced the size of npm installation by removing the archives directory from the npm tarball


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Fixed an issue where helpers were not included in external node_modules imported through babel


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Added Guides to documentation. All example except for the three main templates (located in packages/react-static/templates will be converted over to guides eventually.
  • Examples have been deprecated and are no longer available as templates for react-static create. They have been moved to archives/old-examples.


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Fixed styled components example for V6 (#889)


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Removed old website code
  • Fixed examples to import Link from external router modules


Fixes & Optimizations

  • The CLI now uses minimist instead of commander. Along with this change, there is now only a single binary for all of react-static. This should cut down on inconsistencies between npm and yarn and how they treat multi-binary projects.


New Features

  • A pages directory is now available. Any files in this directory will automatically become unique routes with no configuration necessary.
  • react, react-dom, react-router and react-hot-loader dependencies are now optional as project dependencies and will resolve using react-static's versions if needed.
  • Plugin system. Hook and the like capable of altering and adding features to a project non-invasively.
  • Created react-static-plugin-emotion
  • Created react-static-plugin-styled-components
  • Updated eslint and prettier and configured both to run on the pre-commit git hook
  • config.maxThreads now lets you specify how many maximum threads to use to export your html files.
  • config.disablePreload lets you disabled automatic preloading for debugging worst case scenarios.

Breaking Changes

  • Upgraded to Webpack 4 - Make sure your webpack modifications are compliant with its new API
  • The config.webpack option has been removed in favor of using the new plugin system. This should encourage the creation of plugins and also provide a single way of doing things with webpack.
  • Upgraded to Babel 7 - Make sure your babel plugins are compliant with this version.
  • react-hot-loader's hot(module)(Component) syntax has been changed to now use the <AppContainer> approach. This is much easier than using the hot(module)(Component) in every module you create.
  • Removed the is404 property from the 404 route. To designate a 404 route, you can now place a 404.js file in your pages directory or create a route where the path === '404'
  • static.config.js will now be imported and run multiple times depending on how many threads your build environment supports. If this is a problem, you can use the process.env.REACT_STATIC_THREAD === 'true' condition to detect if the instance is a threaded export slave or not.
  • config.renderToHtml has been deprecated in favor of using the beforeRenderToElement hook.
  • config.usePreact is no longer an option in the static.config.js file. Use the react-static-plugin-preact plugin.
  • A new loader for external JS files is now used after the normal jsLoader called jsLoaderExternal. It is responsible for handling all javascript files that are not located in your projects source.
  • The Routes (and react-static-routes) import has been replaced by simply doing import { Routes } from 'react-static'. Under the hood, this uses a webpack alias to point to the generated dist/react-static-routes.js file, and thus won't confuse linters or IDEs like codesandbox :).
  • Passing an object as the config to react-static is no longer supported. You must pass a location of the root of the project.
  • All render and component props are now deprecated in favor of using child-as-a-function rendering. Anywhere you are using these props must be migrated to use a child as a function.
  • The Loading component has been removed. If you wish to show loading states in your app, you can use the Loading props for any components that support them. This is in preparation for React...Suspense!
  • React-Static no longer ships with any routing-related functionality. It functions independently of your routing paradigm. Thus, it no longer exports anything from react-router.
  • The PrefetchWhenSeen component has been deprecated in favor of only using the Prefetch component
  • The Prefetch component is now smart like PrefetchWhenSeen was.
  • The client-side Redirect component has been deprecated. Redirects should be done in the static.config.js. If the user needs to do any redirects for dynamic/runtime routes, they can use their favorite router's redirect solution.
  • Router has been deprecated and replaced by the Root component. The Root component implements the HashScroller component, an ErrorBoundary and a very simple and non-invasive route context using @reach/router (the recommended router). The base router is customizable or replaceable if the user wishes to use a different router.
  • The Root component renders a div under the hood (from reach/router). This may affect layouts during migration.
  • config.disableRouteInfoWarning has been depracated. Do not use RouteInfo on non-static pages!
  • Shared route data is no longer calculated automatically for performance reasons. This was previously done on every key of every prop sent to a route, which was very expensive for little benefit.
  • Shared route data is still supported via the createSharedData utility and the sharedData property on a route. See the docs for information on usage.

Fixes & Optimizations

  • React-Hot-Loader should now work out of the box for all projects. If it doesn't, please report it immediately!
  • Much better performance when building routes for large sites via general performance improvements and also multi-threading HTML exporting
  • Fixed an issue where XML sitemaps contained invalid characters
  • Refactored many files to be more easily testable


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Removed jsesc until we can find a better way to handle utf-8 encoding for routeInfo
  • Removed a stray console.log


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Updates examples sites & various documentation typos
  • Log errors during build configuration step to aid in build debugging.
  • Moved away from Slack to Spectrum for support and community.
  • Fixed a regression that prevented cache busting on routeInfo.js files
  • static/index.js logic is now broken up into smaller pieces.
  • Added various tests for parts of static/index.js
  • Upgraded snapshots for testing

5.9.4 - 5.9.5

Fixes & Optimizations

  • Removed deprecated react-hot-loader/patch from webpack dev entry, but kept the react-hot-loader entry to ensure it is required before React.
  • Updated tests to work with regressions


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Add tests for building a sitemap
  • Add tests for building the config
  • Improved Gentics Mesh example


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Fix an issue with routeInfo not loading on 404 pages
  • String comparisons are used for env variables now
  • Ignore tests when created a build
  • Fix examples that use the css loader to work correctly
  • Don't replace hrefs if route prefixing is disabled
  • New sites in the built-with list
  • An automated was added to test all examples build integrity
  • Upgraded some dependencies


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Fix inifinite loading issue introduced with 5.9.0



  • The <Loading> component and the onLoading method now return a more detailed loading state. 0 for not loading, 1 for "soft" loading (when navigation is happening) and 2 for "hard" loading (when asynchronous assets are being requested).


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Switch from babel-preset-latest to babel-preset-env.
  • Remove unnecessary babel-preset-stage-3 since it's included already with babel-preset-stage-0.


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Expose the react-static babel settings as a babel-preset.js file for more complex babel setups. .babelrc uses this preset for backwards compatibility.


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Upgraded swimmer to hide log messages.
  • Document-level rendering now uses renderToStaticMarkup instead of renderToString. This ensures there is no code comments or meta markup in the


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Upgrade Documentation example and expose some undocumented utilities to the outside world.


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Remove console.log from documentation example



  • Added a config.disableDuplicateRoutesWarning option.


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Improved getPath and getRoutePath methods, and added some simple tests for them.



  • Added the pagination example.
  • Added a makePageRoutes utility function on the react-static/node import to help with generating page routes from an array of items.



  • Added a config.disableRouteInfoWarning configuration option to silence missing route information in development

Fixes & Optimizations

  • Missing routeInfo.json requests do not throw in production now.
  • Fixed an error where router paths would not match as expected during static export. It now uses the same format (leading slash at root patsh) as react-router does by default during development.


Fixes & Optimizations

  • New Error handler component and accompanying tests. Thanks @jasonlafferty!


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Improved prefetch lifecycles and page responsiveness for slow networks.



  • Added hidden feature to rebuild routes and routeData automatically when the config is edited during development.



  • Added hidden feature to rebuild routes and routeData during development.


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Fixed yet another issue in the dev server that could result in a 404 on first load.

5.6.6 - 5.6.7

Fixes & Optimizations

  • Fixed gitignore files from not being generated


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Fixed an issue in the dev server that would result in a 404 on first load.
  • Upgrade eslint rules to latest versions


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Fix gitignore issues


Fixes & Optimizations

  • .gitignore files can now have the dot prefix in examples. Automatic changes resulting in a .npmignore name swap are handled by react-static create
  • react-static build --debug flag now uses the development flag so as to not hide react warnings, errors and disable react minification
  • Changed default dist folder during development to tmp/dev-server
  • No more losing internal state in components during hash navigation
  • Dev server now serves public directly through webpack, allowing immediate feedback to changes in its files.


Fixes & Optimizations

  • --config CLI argument accepts a path again.
  • Netlify CMS example now uses npm instead of yarn as the default Netlify script
  • Documentation Updates
  • CLI now uses pretty-error!
  • CLI route export errors now display the route that errored.
  • TypeScript example now excludes node_modules in tsconfig.json
  • MaterialUI updated to use latest beta


Fixes & Optimizations

  • In the typescript example, ts-loader is fixed for webpack 3
  • less-antdesign has been updated to run and work properly.



  • Added config.extractCssChunks option. Set to true for automatic style-splitting and importing using ExtractCssChunks instead of ExtractTextPlugin.
  • Added config.inlineCss option. Set to true to inline all styles into the resulting HTML document instead of using link tags.

Fixes & Optimizations

  • Server-side rendering of UTF-8 characters no longer behaves erratically.
  • Resulting HTML for a route no longer includes double instances of route data.
  • Auto hash scrolling is no more responsive and handles more edge cases.
  • Fetching route info for non-existent routes now has better logging.
  • Fixed a bug where an imported woff2 file extension would crash babel.


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Fixed a missing export of propsByHash.
  • Added update-notifier so people can keep up with all these updates!


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Moved gitdocs to dev dependencies
  • Added shrink-to-fit to default Document meta.


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Production code-split components that error will now log the correct error to the console.
  • Added routeInfo to the config.Document component.



  • The react-hot-loader/babel is no longer used in production. Who's the dummy who did that?! (, haha)
  • compact: false is now the default in .babelrc. Only a select few care about those compaction messages anyway.
  • Various __dirname references are now fixed with the correct number of ../'s



  • Fixed a rare issue where hash links may not be scrolled to if navigation is fast enough (imagine that ;)
  • Added a config.paths.root option that is also rare.



  • Fixed a rare issue (in Gitdocs mostly) where a RouteData would not load even though routeInfo.allProps was synchronously accessible.



  • .com or any other suffix is no longer clipped from siteRoot.
  • Absolute URL rewriting now takes into account basePath and also src='' attributes
  • 404 component more reliably supports RouteData and is generally more stable.
  • An is404 prop is now available via RouteData/withRouteData if and when rendered on a 404 page, regardless if it is the /404 route itself or any other route that results in a 404.
  • Fixed some hot-reloading side effects that were introduced with the new project architecture.
  • Lost some weight on the node packaging. The docs and many other large files are now excluded from distribution.
  • Improved the node API support with much more stability.
  • Added a key prop to the rendered route in react-static-routes.js to avoid stale or mixed state for routes that happen to share the same top-level component.
  • Removed complexity from the user by making the <Routes> component's getComponentForPath render prop more robust. (Check documentation if you use custom rendering for your react-static-routes)



  • Added a Redirect component and route.redirect option to routes.


  • src='/' paths are now also rewritten with siteRoot and basePath



  • Added Node API to React-Static via importing react-static/node
  • Added the ability to use a custom static.config.js via the CLI
  • Added config.basePath option for hosting and running react-static sites from a sub-route
  • Added config.stagingSiteRoot, config.stagingBasePath, config.devBasePath. Used for overriding the above options in specific environments
  • Added the ability to create projects using a local template location.

Fixes & Optimizations

  • Entire repo has been reorganized and split for easier maintenance and project grokking ability.
  • Template information and route data hashes are now automatically generated and collocated in a routeInfo.js for each route, instead of in a single location (give them massive sites some support, baby!)
  • Fixed config.siteRoot to be more reliable, but must no longer contain a sub route (it will be stripped)
  • React Router now uses config.basePath for its basename prop
  • History instances now use config.basePath for the basename option
  • Moved the codegen for react-static-routes to its own file
  • Added maximum-scale=1 to the default document component's viewport meta
  • More reliable handling of path slashes throughout the codebase
  • Added react key props to head scripts, links and preloads


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Scrolling to a hash is now more accurate, especially if the page reflows during mid scroll.
  • Added documentation website that is built with gitdocs. Still a few kinks to work out.
  • Updated build-with site list
  • All .gitignore files are now uniform to not include the . until copied during creation
  • Fixed an import typo with the sass example
  • Added a basic error logging handler for universally-code-split components
  • Various upkeep items on the Netlify-CMS example
  • CLI now uses commander
  • Disabled code-splitting in dev mode. This fixes a majority of problems with react-hot-loader without requiring users to make a ton of changes to their exports.


  • CLI now supports using a .git address to clone for the template.



  • Fixed component style render props from not passing children



  • Router.scrollToHashOffset prop allows for setting an offset for hash scrolling now :)
  • Added netlify-cms example.

Fixes & Optimizations

  • Squashed some bugs


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Removed the various extract-hoc related babel plugins in favor of the new react-hot-loader version 4.



  • Added --staging CLI argument to react-static build that does not perform build-time optimizations like siteRoot replacement on links assets, etc. If you are testing your site locally, you will likely want to use this option to allow your production site to be navigable on localhost.



  • Automatic Route Splitting. From here on out as long a project is using the automatic component-based static routing, all route templates will be automatically deduped and split into separate modules. These modules are statically-rendered into every page that uses them, are preloaded asynchronously with React-Static built-in prefetching utiliies, and are also loaded on demand if needed as the client navigates through your site. Carry on!
  • Automatic prefetching of templates and assets. Any eligible Link component to a code/data-split destination will automatically queue a prefetch for the appropriate assets.
  • Render prop versions of withRouteData and withSiteData are now available as RouteData and SiteData. These support inline access to their respective props, instead of having to set up an HOC. They also support all three major render prop syntaxes, so render those props however you want!. See the README for more information.
  • Added a new Loading render prop component and a companion withLoading HOC component to easily display React-Static's loading state (that probably won't happen much, but still... ;).
  • Added a new Loading/withLoading render prop / HOC component pair. You can render this component to gain access to the loading prop, which was previously only accessible via the Router.subscribe callback.
  • Path changes now automatically scroll to the top of the page. Duration defaults to 0ms, but can be modifed via the scrollToTopDuration prop on the Router component.
  • Hash routing changes now automatically scroll to the element (or top of the page if the hash is removed but the path stays the same). Duration defaults to 800ms, but can be modifed via the scrollToHashDuration prop on the Router component.

Breaking Changes

  • In some previous scenarios the window's would be taken into account when matching a path. That is now not the case. You could never previously rely on URL parameters for static paths, but now we're letting you know :)
  • The getRouteProps and getSiteData HOC's have both been renamed to withRouteData and withSiteData. Using the old methods will result in a deprecation notice and a broken app. Luckily this is an easy find and replace :)
  • Router.subscribe has been deprecated. Though, if you still need programmatic access to a loading event, you can use the new onLoading subscriber that functions the same way.

How to Upgrade

  • In your components:
    • Replace all instances of getRouteProps with withRouteData
    • Replace all instances of getSiteProps with withSiteData
    • Replace all instances of Router.subscribe with onLoading, and import onLoading.
  • In your static.config.js:
    • Replace all instances of getProps with getData
    • Replace getSiteProps with getSiteData
    • If you are using a custom Document be sure to replace the siteProps prop with siteData.
  • Note: To take advantage of auto-code-splitting, you cannot use custom routing for your static routes. I suggest migrating to the automatic routing strategy asap.


Fixes & Optimizations

  • getRouteProps was fixed to always have access to the router props, thus supporting getRouteProps as nested components instead of top-level page components.


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Node version was rolled back to <=6.10.0, to allow some existing users continued usage.



  • Preact can now be used in production by setting preact: true in your static.config.js! Remember to use ReactDOM.render instead of hydrate in production too :)
  • Added the preact example.


Fixes & Optimizations

  • getRouteProps now functions as it should when it's wrapped component receives new props without remounting. (Thanks @EmilTholin!)
  • Node >=7.5.0 <=6.10.0 is now stated as required, instead of implied.
  • When building for node stage, the main is now preferred in package imports, instead of module
  • Better module resolution locations, which allows overriding react-static module versions by installing them locally.



  • Added Firebase Authentication example (Thanks @deden!)

Fixes & Optimizations

  • Better error logging for unhandled promise rejections
  • Handle Routes with spaces (Thanks @etimberg!)
  • Add shouldPrefetch() method to avoid setting loading state (Thanks @chrisbrown-io!)
  • Pass DOM props through in links (Thanks @denis-sokolov!)
  • Pass additional CLI arguments through to getSiteData() (Thanks @etimberg!)



  • Common props returned by getRouteProps (props that === one another) now promoted to shared props and only requested once per session. Learn more in the docs: Automatic Data and Prop Splitting. Depending on your site, this may significantly decrease site bandwidth and increase both initial page load speed and subsequent page load performance.



  • <Routes> now accepts a render prop for custom rendering of automatic routes.
  • Added animated-routes example.

Fixes & Optimizations

  • Link and NavLink now properly render hash links and external links. (Thanks @denis-sokolov!)
  • sass example now uses a proper webpack loader configuration for style extraction. (Thanks @talves!)


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Link and NavLink now properly render hash links and external links. (Thanks @denis-sokolov!)
  • sass example now uses a proper webpack loader configuration for style extraction. (Thanks @talves!)



  • Added sass example. (Thanks @2metres!)
  • Added glamorous-tailwind example. (Thanks @deden!)
  • The REACT_STATIC_ENV environment variable is now used internally (and set deterministically via usage of the start and build commands) instead of NODE_ENV. This means you can finally set your own NODE_ENV variables and use tools like cross-env. Yay!

Fixes & Optimizations

  • Fixed some misleading phrasing where a route component path could be assumed to be compatible with a class, function, or react component, when in fact it is the path to that. (Thanks @Jonarod!)
  • config.path.src is now taken into account when constructing the config.path.entry path. (Thanks @crubier!)
  • Added to list of sites built with React Static. (Thanks @hql287!)
  • Updated the graphql-request example to use react-markdown instead of dangerouslySetInnterHTML. (Thanks @hmeissner!)



Fixes & Optimizations

  • Use ReactDOM.render instead of ReactDOM.hydrate in dev (Thanks @EmilTholin!)


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Cordova example's res directory is no longer included in the npm distribution making releases and installations much faster.


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Fixed a bug where windows users could not serve or build a project. (Thanks @karland!)


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Fixed a bug where some directories or files weren't being included in npm distributions


Fixes & Optimizations

  • Fixed a bug where component names with numbers would not render propertly. (Thanks @muloka!)



  • config.paths.devDist can now be set to specify a different scratch output directory when in development mode.

Fixes & Optimizations

  • react-static-routes imports are now relative, thus avoiding absolute path madness... hopefully? :)



  • Added Probot to the github repo! Hooray!
  • Better yarn/npm colors in cli. @cgmx
  • Router now uses componentDidCatch to gracefully display runtime errors for you.

Fixes & Optimizations

  • react-static-routes now uses dynamic template imports. @EmilTholin
  • Helmet meta tags are more reliably extracted. @EmilTholin
  • Config server is no longer served separately, but piggybacks on webpack dev server. @rileylnapier



  • Added config.paths, which can now be used to customize dist folder location and other file locations used by react-static
  • Added onStart hook. Fires after the first successful dev build when running react-static start
  • Added onBuild hook. Fires after a successful production build when running react-static build
  • Added config.devServer, which can be used to customize the configuration for the webpack-dev-server used in development. (Thanks @rywils21!)
  • Added TypeScript typings for React-Static core exports (Thanks @D1no!)
  • Allow customization of dev server PORT and HOST via those environment variables. (Thanks @rywils21!)
  • config.getRoutes is no longer required and will default to exporting a single root path.
  • Webpack configurations can now be exported and used externally. (Thanks @crubier!)
  • <Root> component now supports a type prop that can be: browser, hash, or memory, which defines which type of history object to create and use internally. Useful for non-web environments or situations where your app will be accessed in a filesystem or nested domain as opposed to a web server.
  • Added Redux example (Thanks @crubier!)
  • Added Apollo GraphQL example (Thanks @crubier!)
  • Added Redux + Apollo example (Thanks @crubier!)
  • Added Typscript example (Thanks @D1no!)

Fixes & Optimization

  • The Document's <title> tag can now be used as a fallback to any <title> tag produced via the <Head> component. (Thanks @EmilTholin!)
  • Fixed a bug where not defining a 404 component resulted in an error during production build. (Thanks @mplis!)
  • Fixed a bug where the webpack dev server would rebuild the app multiple times in a row when started up for the first time. (Thanks @cgmx!)


Breaking Changes

  • The webpack function in static.config.js has a new function signature.
    • Each function is now not required to return a new config object. If a falsey value is returned, the transformation will be ignored, and the next transformation will carry on as normal. Even so, avoid mutating the config object at all costs ;)
    • A new argument is now available in the args parameter called defaultLoaders:
      webpack: (
        config, {
          defaultLoaders: {
      ) => {...}
    These loaders are here for convenience. Please read the documentation for more information.


  • A dynamic code-splitting example and typescript example are now available! Huzzah!

Fixes & Optimizations

  • Webpack files are now hashed for better cache invalidation. It's about time right?!


Breaking Changes

  • Your index.js file must now export your app in NON-JSX form, eg. export default App, not <App />. With this change, builds can be faster, leaner, and have more control over the build pipeline.
  • The optional Html component in static.config.js was renamed to Document.
  • The preRenderMeta and postRenderMeta hooks in static.config.js have been deprecated in favor of the new renderToHtml hook. This is a very important change, so please check the readme if you are using these hooks!
  • The new renderToHtml hook now uses a mutable meta object. This object is passed as a prop to the base Document component as renderMeta now, instead of the previous staticMeta.


  • New PrefetchWhenSeen component allows for prefetching when component becomes visible in the viewport.

Fixes & Optimizations

  • Exporting is now up to 2x faster after switching from a dual pass to a single pass render strategy.
  • Fixed a very elusive and angering bug where imported node_modules were not being shared between the node context and the node webpack build of the app used for exporting.


Breaking Changes

  • The webpack function in static.config.js has a new function signature.
    • The new value can be an array of functions or a single function.
    • Each function passed will receive the previous resulting (or built-in) webpack config, and expect a modified or new config to be returned. See Webpack Config and Plugins


Now that the webpack callback accepts an array of transformer functions, the concept of plugins has been introduced. These transformer functions are applied in order from top to bottom and have total control over the webpack config. For more information see Webpack Config and Plugins

webpack: [

Fixes & Optimizations

All route exporting is now done via a node bundle that is packaged with webpack. This should dramatically increase reliability in customization and cross-platform usability.