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$ pip install signalhooks
from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from signalhooks.hooks import SNSSignalHook, HTTPSignalHook

from myapp.models import Pizza

# SNS hooks
sns_hook = SNSSignalHook(
post_save.connect(sns_hook, sender=Pizza)

# HTTP(S) hooks
http_hook = HTTPSignalHook(
post_save.connect(http_hook, sender=Pizza)

🎉 Start receiving notifications!

The problem

Microservice architectures are great, but keeping services syncronized about distributed events can be very challenging.

Sample use case:

When "Model X" is created in "Service 1", update "Model Y" attributes in "Service 2".

In a monolithic app this use case would be very simple to solve, but in distributed architectures it gets a little more complicated. Service 2 needs to be notified when a new instance of Model X is created, and needs to receive the new instance attributes (fields in the Model) in order to perform its actions.

A more complex use case:

When "Model X" is deleted in "Service 1", do "X" in "Service 2" and "Y" in "Service 3".

Many subscribers might be interested in listeting when Model X instances get updated/deleted. And all services might be interested in receiving the instance attributes/ID to react accordingly.


django-signalhooks provides a set of useful hooks that you can attach to your Django Signals to notify other services when a Signal is triggered. All you need to do is connect the Django Signal you want with the hook that better fits your needs.

Supported hooks

Currently, these are the supported hooks:

  • SNSSignalHook: Publishes a message to a AWS SNS Topic each time a Signal is triggered.

  • HTTPSignalHook: Performs a HTTP(S) webhook request each time a Signal is trigerred.

  • Any other idea? Create an issue.



Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) is a great option to keep your microservices syncronized. It's a pubsub solution where one service can publish notifications to a "topic", and any other services can subscribe to receive those notifications.

SNSSignalHook let you send a SNS Notification to certain Topic when a Django Signal is triggered. If the Signal is an instance of ModelSignal, the SNS notification will serialize the sender instance as JSON and send it in the notification payload as base64 encoded.

How to use it


from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from signalhooks.hooks import SNSSignalHook

from myapp.models import Pizza

hook = SNSSignalHook(
post_save.connect(hook, sender=Pizza)

Make sure you configure your target services as subscribers of the SNS Topic you connected the Signal to.

Sample SNS notification body

The notification published to SNS will look similar to this:

    Message="Django Signal triggered",
        "Event": {
            "DataType": "String",
            "StringValue": "myapp.Pizza:created",
        "InstanceId": {
            "DataType": "String",
            "StringValue": "25",
        "Instance": {
            "DataType": "String",
            "StringValue": "eyJtb2RlbCI6ICJhcHAucGl6emEiLCAicGsiOiAyNCwgImZpZWxkcyI6IHsibmFtZSI6ICJOYXBvbGl0YW5hIiwgInByaWNlIjogIjEwLjUwIn19",

Note that "Instance" is a JSON serialization of your Pizza model, encoded as base64 to allow transportation in a JSON payload.



Performs a HTTP(S) webhook request to given URL each time the Signal is triggered.

How to use it


from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from signalhooks.hooks import HTTPSignalHook

from myapp.models import Pizza

hook = HTTPSignalHook(
post_save.connect(hook, sender=Pizza)

Connect to multiple services


from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from signalhooks.hooks import HTTPSignalHook

from myapp.models import Pizza

# Service 1
hook_service1 = HTTPSignalHook(
post_save.connect(hook_service1, sender=Pizza)

# Service 2
hook_service2 = HTTPSignalHook(
post_save.connect(hook_service2, sender=Pizza)

Each time the Pizza models is saved, both Service 1 and Service 2 will get notified.