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Version: 8.3.2 Type: application

t8s-operator cluster with necessary addons



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Repository Name Version
oci:// common 1.2.1

Initial installation

Take care to do the same steps as in the first migration


When switching from cilium to calico, which is not recommended, the cilium CRDs are left behind

0.x.x -> 1.x.x

The resources of the ccm and the csi are now managed via helm instead of kustomize, which means that you have to either manually add the required labels to everything or, which we would recommend, just uninstall the ccm, the csi and delete the cloud-config secret, as these will just be recreated during installation.

5.x.x -> 7.x.x

Just skip version 6.x.x, as there was a mistake and it has been reverted.

7.x.x -> 8.x.x

Removed the unused .metadata.gopassName field.

t8s cluster configuration

Title: t8s cluster configuration

Type object
Additional properties Not allowed
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- global No object No - -
+ metadata No object No - -
+ controlPlane No object No - -
- cloud No string No - -
+ version No object No - -
+ nodePools No object No - -
- additionalComputePlaneSecurityGroups No array of string No Same as additionalSecurityGroups -
- bastion No object No - -
- containerRegistryMirror No object No - -
- sshKeyName No string or null No - -
- cni No enum (of string) No - The CNI plugin to use. `auto` means to keep the current one or use cilium for a new cluster.
+ openstackImageNamePrefix No string No - -
- common No object No - Values for sub-chart

1. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > global

Type object
Additional properties Any type: allowed
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- helmRepositories No object No - A map of helmRepositories to create, the key is the name
- kubectl No object No - Image with `kubectl` binary
- etcd No object No - Image with `etcdctl` binary
- injectedCertificateAuthorities No string No - -
- kubeletExtraConfig No object No - Additional kubelet configuration

1.1. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > global > helmRepositories

Type object
Additional properties Should-conform

Description: A map of helmRepositories to create, the key is the name

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- No object No - -

1.1.1. Property t8s cluster configuration > global > helmRepositories > additionalProperties

Type object
Additional properties Not allowed
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- url No string No - -
- charts No object No - Which charts are deployed in which version using this repo, used internally
- condition No string No In #/$defs/condition A condition with which to decide to include the resource. This will be templated. Must return a truthy value Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > global > helmRepositories > additionalProperties > url
Type string
Must match regular expression https://.+ Test Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > global > helmRepositories > additionalProperties > charts
Type object
Additional properties Should-conform

Description: Which charts are deployed in which version using this repo, used internally

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- No string No - - Property t8s cluster configuration > global > helmRepositories > additionalProperties > charts > additionalProperties
Type string Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > global > helmRepositories > additionalProperties > condition
Type string
Defined in #/$defs/condition

Description: A condition with which to decide to include the resource. This will be templated. Must return a truthy value


{{ true }}
{{ eq "" }}

1.2. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > global > kubectl

Type object
Additional properties Not allowed

Description: Image with kubectl binary

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- image No object No In #/$defs/image -

1.2.1. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > global > kubectl > image

Type object
Additional properties Not allowed
Defined in #/$defs/image
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- registry No string No - The host of the registry
- repository No string No - The image path in the registry
- tag No string No - -
- digest No string No - - Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > global > kubectl > image > registry
Type string

Description: The host of the registry

Example: Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > global > kubectl > image > repository
Type string

Description: The image path in the registry


bitnami/kubectl Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > global > kubectl > image > tag
Type string Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > global > kubectl > image > digest
Type string

1.3. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > global > etcd

Type object
Additional properties Not allowed

Description: Image with etcdctl binary

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- image No object No Same as image -

1.3.1. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > global > etcd > image

Type object
Additional properties Not allowed
Same definition as image

1.4. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > global > injectedCertificateAuthorities

Type string

1.5. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > global > kubeletExtraConfig

Type object
Additional properties Not allowed

Description: Additional kubelet configuration

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- maxParallelImagePulls No integer No - Only valid for k8s version 1.27 and later. The number of images to pull in parallel.

1.5.1. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > global > kubeletExtraConfig > maxParallelImagePulls

Type integer

Description: Only valid for k8s version 1.27 and later. The number of images to pull in parallel.

2. Required Property t8s cluster configuration > metadata

Type object
Additional properties Not allowed
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
+ serviceLevelAgreement No enum (of string) No - -
- customerID No integer No - -
- customerName No string No - -
- friendlyName No string No - -
- supportProjectUrl No string No - -
- configGroupUrl No string No - -
- remarks No string No - -

2.1. Required Property t8s cluster configuration > metadata > serviceLevelAgreement

Type enum (of string)

Must be one of:

  • "None"
  • "24x7"
  • "WorkingHours"

2.2. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > metadata > customerID

Type integer

2.3. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > metadata > customerName

Type string

2.4. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > metadata > friendlyName

Type string

2.5. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > metadata > supportProjectUrl

Type string

2.6. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > metadata > configGroupUrl

Type string

2.7. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > metadata > remarks

Type string

3. Required Property t8s cluster configuration > controlPlane

Type object
Additional properties Not allowed
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- hosted No boolean No - Whether the control plane is hosted on the management cluster
+ flavor No string No - -
- singleNode No boolean No - -
- additionalSecurityGroups No array of string No In #/$defs/securityGroups -
- allowedCIDRs No array of string No - -

3.1. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > controlPlane > hosted

Type boolean

Description: Whether the control plane is hosted on the management cluster

3.2. Required Property t8s cluster configuration > controlPlane > flavor

Type string

3.3. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > controlPlane > singleNode

Type boolean

3.4. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > controlPlane > additionalSecurityGroups

Type array of string
Defined in #/$defs/securityGroups
Array restrictions
Min items N/A
Max items N/A
Items unicity True
Additional items False
Tuple validation See below
Each item of this array must be Description
additionalSecurityGroups items -

3.4.1. t8s cluster configuration > controlPlane > additionalSecurityGroups > additionalSecurityGroups items

Type string

3.5. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > controlPlane > allowedCIDRs

Type array of string
Array restrictions
Min items N/A
Max items N/A
Items unicity True
Additional items False
Tuple validation See below
Each item of this array must be Description
allowedCIDRs items -

3.5.1. t8s cluster configuration > controlPlane > allowedCIDRs > allowedCIDRs items

Type string
Must match regular expression ^((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]))?$ Test

4. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > cloud

Type string

5. Required Property t8s cluster configuration > version

Type object
Additional properties Not allowed
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
+ major No const No - -
+ minor No integer No - The minor version of the k8s cluster.
+ patch No integer No - -

5.1. Required Property t8s cluster configuration > version > major

Type const

Specific value: 1

5.2. Required Property t8s cluster configuration > version > minor

Type integer

Description: The minor version of the k8s cluster.

Minimum ≥ 25

5.3. Required Property t8s cluster configuration > version > patch

Type integer

6. Required Property t8s cluster configuration > nodePools

Type object
Additional properties Should-conform
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- No object No - -

6.1. Property t8s cluster configuration > nodePools > additionalProperties

Type object
Additional properties Not allowed
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
+ replicas No integer No - -
- availabilityZone No string No - -
+ flavor No string No - -

6.1.1. Required Property t8s cluster configuration > nodePools > additionalProperties > replicas

Type integer
Minimum ≥ 0

6.1.2. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > nodePools > additionalProperties > availabilityZone

Type string

6.1.3. Required Property t8s cluster configuration > nodePools > additionalProperties > flavor

Type string

7. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > additionalComputePlaneSecurityGroups

Type array of string
Same definition as additionalSecurityGroups

8. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > bastion

Type object
Additional properties Not allowed
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- enabled No boolean No - -
- availabilityZone No null or string No - -
- sshKeyName No null or string No - -

8.1. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > bastion > enabled

Type boolean

8.2. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > bastion > availabilityZone

Type null or string

8.3. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > bastion > sshKeyName

Type null or string

9. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > containerRegistryMirror

Type object
Additional properties Not allowed
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- additionallyMirroredRegistries No array of string No - -
- mirrorEndpoint No string No - -

9.1. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > containerRegistryMirror > additionallyMirroredRegistries

Type array of string
Array restrictions
Min items N/A
Max items N/A
Items unicity False
Additional items False
Tuple validation See below
Each item of this array must be Description
additionallyMirroredRegistries items -

9.1.1. t8s cluster configuration > containerRegistryMirror > additionallyMirroredRegistries > additionallyMirroredRegistries items

Type string

9.2. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > containerRegistryMirror > mirrorEndpoint

Type string

10. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > sshKeyName

Type string or null

11. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > cni

Type enum (of string)

Description: The CNI plugin to use. auto means to keep the current one or use cilium for a new cluster.

Must be one of:

  • "cilium"
  • "auto"
  • "calico"

12. Required Property t8s cluster configuration > openstackImageNamePrefix

Type string

13. Optional Property t8s cluster configuration > common

Type object
Additional properties Any type: allowed

Description: Values for sub-chart