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384 lines (262 loc) · 13.2 KB

File metadata and controls

384 lines (262 loc) · 13.2 KB


2.3 (WIP)

New feature

  • Add GridBuilder, GridConfig and GridFactory to make easier the grid constructor.
  • Add GridType, GridRegistry for build the grid in a separate class, which can then be reused.


  • Fix #739 - Fix filters with undefined index error

2.2 or earlier

14 October 2012

  • Don't redirect with an AJAX request

13 October 2012

  • Fix bug - Fixed errors with default values in Column __initialize.
  • Add escape option for the value of a cell

7 October 2012

  • Fix bug - Fix file Content-Length calculation for export.

2 October 2012

  • Fix bug - Fix field name in DQL for multi level entities

21 September 2012

  • Fix bug - Wrong regex for the eq operator for the vector source and the setData function
  • Fix bug - Fix excpetion in ArrayColumn class
  • Add pagerfanta to the configuration
  • Add a columns order function

7 September 2012

  • Fix #241 - Numeric and boolean filter don't work with Vector source and setData function
  • Fix #224 - Fix wrong default junction with multi select feature
  • Fix #239 - Fix complexes alias names conflict
  • Add #242 feature - Checkbox and radio filter with select filter and selectExpanded=true
  • Fix bug - Fix one of the problems of #181
  • Add #244 helper - Grid data to array
  • Add DQL function support with non mapped fields

4 September 2012

27 August 2012

  • Fix #229 - Fix pagerfanta with PHP < 5.4

18 August 2012

  • Fix #227 - Bug with annotations config groups

17 August 2012

  • Add role control on massAction, rowAction and Export
  • Fix bug : grid not found when you export a grid with an searchOnClick column
  • Fix persistence with basic authentification

14 August 2012

  • Add grid data conjunction setting
  • Fix bug : wrong convert charset for exports

9 August 2012

  • Fix datetime select filter

8 August 2012

  • Add the default size and separator default config

31 July 2012

  • Fix javascript event for IE
  • Fix Regular expresion for vector source and setData

31 July 2012

  • Fix data junction for vector source and setData

17 July 2012

  • Add multi select feature

15 July 2012

  • Add default limit (item per page) feature
  • Fix total count for vector source and setData

12 July 2012

  • Trim export values

10 July 2012

  • Allow a default order on a non sortable column.

7 July 2012

  • Fix addRouteParameters and manage mapped fields in routeParameters of a rowAction

5 July 2012

  • Fix bug - Manage array values for select populated filter

4 July 2012

  • Add searchOnClick parameter to Column class

3 July 2012

  • Add ajax loading with jquery
  • Update composer requirements (Twig >= 1.5.0)
  • Lower case the order in Grid::setDefaultOrder
  • Add default configuration for no data and no result messages

2 July 2012

  • Fix bug - Blocks are not found with the _self template for an export

1 July 2012

  • Fix bug - Don't save empty session!

30 Jun 2012

  • Add configuration files for tests
  • Add travis-ci support

29 Jun 2012

  • Add default configuration for limits and persistence
  • Fix bug - Fix the guess of a datetime column in vector source

28 Jun 2012

  • Explode grid_pager block into three blocks
  • Fix bug - Fix persistence with order and pager

27 Jun 2012

  • Manage empty data with a vector source
  • Add a default columns parameters for the vector source
  • Update vector source documentation
  • Fix bug - Write data to the session when a null operator is selected

26 Jun 2012

  • [Bundle] Push the actuel master branch into the new 2.0 branch and tag. The master branch is now the version 2.1 of this bundle

New in 2.1: No BC Break

  • Rework grid = Lazy loading of all parameters. Every parameters can be set after the source and the code is more understandable
  • Fix bug - Fix false values in twig with symfony 2.1

23 Jun 2012

  • Fix bug - Array values are already unserialized with the new doctrine in Symfony 2.1

20 Jun 2012

  • Fix bug - Issue with mapped fields on two or more levels

19 Jun 2012

  • Add pagerfanta pager + doc
  • Add a blank column
  • Allow massaction without selected rows
  • Fix bug - Reset templates array when you call a grid

18 Jun 2012

  • Fix bug - Don't show filters row with only massaction and actions column

17 Jun 2012

  • Fix bug - Filterable attribute from a source annotation doesn't work
  • Don't show a mapped field column if it has not been defined with a column annotation
  • Fix #144
  • Move the checkbox of massaction from the filters row to the titles row
  • Add the reset filters feature (#36)
  • Add a reset button in the massaction column of the filters row
  • Add a reset link in the actions column of the filters row
  • Add a reset button in the grid search box
  • Update screenshots
  • [BC Break] Pass the grid object to the cell and filter blocks instead of the hash of the grid
  • Add number of total results

16 Jun 2012

  • [Bundle] Push the actuel master branch into the new 1.0 branch. The master branch is now the version 2.0 of this bundle

New in 2.0: See UPGRADE-2.0 documentation.

  • [BC Break][Bundle] Change the namespace of the bundle
  • [BC Break][Filters] Add operator selector feature with a default operator
  • [Filters] Add operators Equals, Not equal to, Lower than, Lower than or equal to, Greater than, Greater than or equal to, Between exclusive, Between inclusive, Contains, Not contains, Starts with, Ends with, Is not defined, Is defined
  • [Filters] Add annotation and php support for the operator selector feature and for the default operator
  • [BC Break][Columns] Remove range, select and sourceselect columns (Include now in all columns with the filter attribute)
  • [Annotations][Filters] Add an attribute to define the type of the filter (input, select)
  • [Select filter] Populate select filters from the query result or the source
  • [Annotations][Select filter] Add an attribute to define the source values of the select filter (From values, the source or the query)
  • [Annotations][Filters] Add range feature implemented in input and select filter type with the operators between.
  • [BC Break][Grid::initFilter] Grid::initFilter rename to setDefaultFilters
  • [BC Break][Grid::initOrder] Grid::initOrder rename to setDefaultOrder
  • [Columns] Add a way to change the data junction of the filters of a column
  • [Mass action] Add templates for massaction filter and cell
  • [Mass action] Add additional parameters passed to the callback
  • [Columns] Add number column (decimal, money, percent, duration, scientific, spell out)
  • [Export] Add export feature
  • [Export] Add DSV, CSV, SCSV, TSV, XML, Excel (with PHPExcel library) and html (with PHPExcel library) exports
  • [Grid::setLimits] Add support for a simple array to define limits (e.g. $grid->setLimits(5, 10);)
  • [BC Break][Sources] Source::setCallBack rename to manipulateRow and manipulateQuery and the first argument is removed
  • [BC Break][Columns] Column::setCallBack rename to manipulateRenderCell
  • [Row action] Add addRouteParameters method on rowAction class
  • [Row action] rowAction::setRouteParameters allows string
  • [BC Break][Grid::gridResponse] Grid::gridResponse rename to Grid::getGridResponse
  • [BC Break][Grid::gridManagerResponse] GridManager::gridManagerResponse rename to GridManager::getGridManagerResponse
  • [Grid::getGridResponse] The view parameters and the view name in Grid::getGridResponse can be set in reverse order to match the Template::render function
  • [Grid::getGridResponse] Add array('grid' => $grid) automatically in view parameters with Grid::getGridResponse
  • [Grid::getGridManagerResponse] GridManager::getGridManagerResponse can be set in reverse order to match the Template::render function.
  • [Grid::getGridManagerResponse] Add array('grid1' => $grid1, 'grid2' => $grid2, ...) automatically in view parameters with GridManager::getGridManagerResponse
  • [DQL Functions] Manage a simple parameter for dql aggregate functions (e.g. vars.var:CountIf:3)
  • [Entity source] Implement setMaxResults feature
  • [Document source] Implement setMaxResults feature
  • [Document source] Add all filters with operators
  • [Document source] Add populate select filters feature
  • [Vector source] Implement setMaxResults feature
  • [Vector source] Add guess typing
  • [Vector source] Add all filters with operators
  • [Vector source] Add guess type sorting
  • [Vector source] Add populate select filters feature
  • [Grid::setData] Implement setMaxResults feature
  • [Grid::setData] Add all filters with operators
  • [Grid::setData] Add guess type sorting
  • [Grid::setData] Add populate select filters feature
  • [Template] Add some css classes
  • [Template] Show 'false' in the grid if value === false in boolean column because a false value isn't show in twig)
  • [Template] Add width attribute on filter th tag too
  • [ActionsColumn] Add the method Grid::setActionsColumnSize to set the size of the actions column
  • [ActionsColumn] Add the method Grid::setActionsColumnSeparator to set the separator of the actions column
  • [Filter] Disallow url filtering if the column is not filterable
  • [Sort] Disallow url sorting if the column is not sortable
  • [Limit] Disallow url limit if the value is not in the limits selector
  • [Bundle] Update composer
  • [Bundle] Clean and optimize code
  • [Bundle] Follow Code Standard of Symfony2
  • [Docs] Rework the whole documentation with the new features

25 May 2012

  • Fix bug - XMLHttpRequest force the persistence mode

15 May 2012

  • Allow using controllers as services in mass actions (lstrojny)
  • Optimize total count query on entity source

13 May 2012

  • Add DateTimeRange and DateRange column
  • Add DateTime and Date column
  • Add parentType search for cell render

8 May 2012

  • Nothing private!

7 May 2012

  • Fix bug - Templates are not reset for each grid displayed
  • Fix bug - Count of selected visible rows when filters are displayed
  • Fix bug - params not initialised to an empty array in twig extension
  • Fix bug - Pager not visible when only one limit is defined
  • Fix bug - Set false to the filterable attribute of an ActionColumn
  • Add a way to pass attributes to RowActions
  • Add odd/even css class in tr tags

5 May 2012

  • Allow extended Grid class

3 May 2012

  • Add groupBy support on Source annotation

2 May 2012

  • Don't throw no data message when the grid is filtered
  • If noDataMessage = false, the grid is display empty with the noResultMessage
  • Add a no result message when a filtered grid has no result
  • Add last-column and last-row classes because the css :last-child isn't support by IE7
  • Fix input page setter (Doesn't work when you have a form before the grid)
  • Set to the first page if this is an order, limit, mass action or filter request

1 May 2012

  • [BC Break] Show a message instead of an empty grid
  • Add a way to pass twig variables to override blocks

30 Apr 2012

  • Add array Column for Entity sources
  • Fix createHash when you define a id for the grid
  • [BC BREAK] Don't use previous data if the client leave the page during the session. You can turn on the persistence if you want the opposite.
  • Fix initFilters method
  • Add initOrder method
  • Add show and hide columns methods
  • Fix render bloc ids and manipulate row field ids with mapping fields.

29 Apr 2012

  • Add Vector source
  • Add visible columns mask Helpers
  • Add support for additionnal route parameters on row actions

23 Apr 2012

  • Add groups support in annotation + doc

21 Apr 2012

  • Improve configuration doc
  • Set the default title of an associated field
  • Add support for multi columns on the same JoinColumn property + doc
  • Add groupBy feature with aggregate dql functions support in mapping association + doc

20 Apr 2012

  • add initFilters feature
  • fix custom actions column
  • fix exception not found with setData on the grid

13 Apr 2012

  • japanese translations

12 Apr 2012

  • applying filter now reloads grid to first page
  • new SourceSelect column type

9 Apr 2012

  • fix broken confirmation message
  • polish translations

8 Apr 2012

  • as far as symfony 2.0 lacks of some important features and 2.1dev is heavily unstable with too many changes every day (which causes too many problems form my company) i've decided to stop using symfony2 for my future projects it basically means that i'll no longer support this bundle, Abhoryo and nurikabe have rights to merge any PR for this bundle

20 Oct 2011

  • new param for column called role * column is visible only when access is granted by security.context
  • removed column->hide() and column->show() and added column->isVisible() and column->setVisible(bool)

19 Oct 2011

  • when rendering template calling prepare function is not needed
  • removed custom route for filtering and ordering grid columns
  • added events to modify source data query building and data hydration
  • added column->setAlign('left/right/center')
  • support relations in Entity source
  • support custom mapping divers
  • form type guesser from Source column
  • own columns can be added by annotations
  • possible registrations of custom column types in container * look at Resources/Config/services
  • grid need to be created as service
  • annotations
  • ODM support