File tree
2,062 files changed
lines changed- .github/workflows
- design
- docs
- src
- Authentication
- Masa.Contrib.Authentication.Oidc.Cache
- Models
- Masa.Contrib.Authentication.Oidc.Cache.Storage
- Masa.Contrib.Authentication.Oidc.EntityFrameworkCore
- BasicAbility
- Masa.Contrib.BasicAbility.Auth
- Service
- Masa.Contrib.BasicAbility.Dcc
- Internal
- Masa.Contrib.BasicAbility.Mc
- Masa.Contrib.BasicAbility.Pm
- Service
- Masa.Contrib.BasicAbility.Scheduler
- Masa.Contrib.BasicAbility.Tsc
- Extensions
- BuildingBlocks
- Authentication
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.Authentication.Identity
- Entities
- Isolation
- Enum
- Internal
- OpenIdConnect
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.Authentication.OpenIdConnect.Cache
- Caches
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.Authentication.OpenIdConnect.Domain
- Constants
- Entities
- Abstract
- Enums
- Repositories
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.Authentication.OpenIdConnect.Models
- Constans
- Enums
- Models
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.Authentication.OpenIdConnect.Storage
- Stores
- Configuration
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.Configuration
- Options
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.Configuration.Tests
- Data
- Mapping
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.Data.Mapping
- Options
- Enum
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.Data.MappingExtensions
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.Data
- Concurrency
- Enum
- IdGenerator
- Options
- System
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.Data.Contracts
- DataFiltering
- Paginated
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.Data.UoW
- Ddd/Domain
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.Ddd.Domain
- Entities
- Auditing
- Full
- Events
- Repositories
- SeedWork
- Services
- Specifications
- Values
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.Ddd.Domain.Tests
- Dispatcher
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.Dispatcher.Events
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.Dispatcher.IntegrationEvents
- Logs
- Isolation/Masa.BuildingBlocks.Isolation
- Environment
- Middleware
- MultiTenant
- Options
- Parser
- ReadWriteSpliting
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.ReadWriteSpliting.Cqrs
- Commands
- Queries
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.ReadWriteSpliting.EventSourcing
- SearchEngine
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.SearchEngine.AutoComplete
- Options
- Response
- Tests/Masa.BuildingBlocks.SearchEngine.AutoComplete.Tests
- Service
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.Service.Caller
- Options
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.Service.Contracts
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.Service.MinimalAPIs
- StackSdks
- Auth
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.StackSdks.Auth
- Service
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.StackSdks.Auth.Contracts
- Enum
- Model
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.StackSdk.Tsc
- Enums
- Model
- Log
- Metric
- Service
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.StackSdks.Dcc
- Model
- Service
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.StackSdks.Mc
- Enum
- Infrastructure/ObjectExtending
- Model
- Service
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.StackSdks.Pm
- Enum
- Model
- Service
- Masa.BuildingBlocks.StackSdks.Scheduler
- Enum
- Model
- Request
- Service
- Storage/Masa.BuildingBlocks.Storage.ObjectStorage
- Response
- Configuration
- Masa.Contrib.Configuration
- Masa.Contrib.Configuration.ConfigurationApi.Dcc
- Contrib
- Authentication
- Masa.Contrib.Authentication.Identity
- Const
- OpenIdConnect
- Masa.Contrib.Authentication.OpenIdConnect.Cache
- Caches
- Models
- Utils
- Masa.Contrib.Authentication.OpenIdConnect.Cache.Storage
- Stores
- Masa.Contrib.Authentication.OpenIdConnect.EFCore
- Caches
- DbContexts
- EntityConfigurations
- Options
- Repositories
- Tests/Masa.Contrib.Authentication.Identity.Tests
- Configuration
- ConfigurationApi
- Masa.Contrib.Configuration.ConfigurationApi.Dcc
- Internal
- Model
- Options
- Parser
- Options
- Tests/Masa.Contrib.Configuration.ConfigurationApi.Dcc.Tests
- Internal
- Common
- Config
- Enum
- Model
- Masa.Contrib.Configuration
- Internal
- Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Configuration.Tests
- Config
- Scenes
- Masa.Contrib.Configuration.Tests.Scenes.AutoMap
- Masa.Contrib.Configuration.Tests.Scenes.NoLessConstructor
- Data
- Contracts
- Masa.Contrib.Data.Contracts.EFCore
- DataFiltering
- Internal
- Options
- Tests/Masa.Contrib.Data.Contracts.EFCore.Tests
- DistributedLock
- Masa.Contrib.Data.DistributedLock.Local
- Internal
- Medallion
- Masa.Contrib.Data.DistributedLock.Medallion
- Internal
- Masa.Contrib.Data.DistributedLock.Medallion.Azure
- Masa.Contrib.Data.DistributedLock.Medallion.FileSystem
- Masa.Contrib.Data.DistributedLock.Medallion.MySql
- Masa.Contrib.Data.DistributedLock.Medallion.Oracle
- Masa.Contrib.Data.DistributedLock.Medallion.PostgreSql
- Masa.Contrib.Data.DistributedLock.Medallion.Redis
- Internal
- Masa.Contrib.Data.DistributedLock.Medallion.SqlServer
- Masa.Contrib.Data.DistributedLock.Medallion.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Data.DistributedLock.Medallion.WaitHandles
- Masa.Contrib.Data.DistributedLock.Medallion.ZooKeeper
- Tests/Masa.Contrib.Data.DistributedLock.Local.Tests
- IdGenerator
- NormalGuid/Masa.Contrib.Data.IdGenerator.NormalGuid
- SequentialGuid
- Masa.Contrib.Data.IdGenerator.SequentialGuid
- Masa.Contrib.Data.IdGenerator.SequentialGuid.Tests
- Snowflake
- Masa.Contrib.Data.IdGenerator.Snowflake
- Internal
- Masa.Contrib.Data.IdGenerator.Snowflake.Distributed.Redis
- Internal
- Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Data.IdGenerator.Snowflake.Tests
- Perfs
- Distributed.Redis.Tests.Perfs
- Tests.Perfs
- Mapping
- Masa.Contrib.Data.Mapping.Mapster
- Internal
- Options
- Tests/Masa.Contrib.Data.Mapping.Mapster.Tests
- Domain
- Aggregates
- Orders
- Users
- ValueObjects
- Requests
- Orders
- Users
- Orm/EFCore
- Masa.Contrib.Data.EFCore
- Filters
- Masa.Contrib.Data.EFCore.Cosmos
- Internal
- Masa.Contrib.Data.EFCore.InMemory
- Masa.Contrib.Data.EFCore.MySql
- Masa.Contrib.Data.EFCore.Oracle
- Masa.Contrib.Data.EFCore.Pomelo.MySql
- Masa.Contrib.Data.EFCore.PostgreSql
- Masa.Contrib.Data.EFCore.SqlServer
- Masa.Contrib.Data.EFCore.Sqlite
- Masa.Contrib.Data.EFCore.Tests
- Internal
- Models
- UoW
- Masa.Contrib.Data.UoW.EFCore
- Internal
- Tests/Masa.Contrib.Data.UoW.EFCore.Tests
- Ddd/Domain
- Masa.Contrib.Ddd.Domain
- Options
- Masa.Contrib.Ddd.Domain.Repository.EFCore
- Internal
- Tests/Masa.Contrib.Ddd.Domain.Repository.EFCore.Tests
- Domain/Entities
- Dispatcher
- IntegrationEvents
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.IntegrationEvents
- Internal
- Options
- Processor
- Servers
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.IntegrationEvents.Dapr
- Options
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.IntegrationEvents.EventLogs.EFCore
- Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.IntegrationEvents.Dapr.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.IntegrationEvents.EventLogs.EFCore.Tests
- Domain/Entities
- Events
- Infrastructure
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.IntegrationEvents.Tests
- Events
- Infrastructure
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.Events
- Enums
- Internal
- Dispatch
- Expressions
- Middleware
- Options
- Strategies
- Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.Events.Tests
- EventHandlers
- Events
- Middleware
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.Events.Tests.Perfs
- Extensions
- EventHandlers
- Events
- Middleware
- Scenes
- CheckMethodsParameter
- EventHandlers
- Events
- CheckMethodsParameterNotNull
- EventHandlers
- Events
- CheckMethodsParameterType
- EventHandlers
- Events
- CheckMethodsType
- EventHandlers
- Events
- HandlerOrder
- EventHandlers
- Events
- OnlyCancelHandler
- EventHandlers
- Events
- OrderEqualBySaga
- EventHandlers
- Events
- Isolation
- Masa.Contrib.Isolation
- Middleware
- Masa.Contrib.Isolation.MultiEnvironment
- Middleware
- Masa.Contrib.Isolation.MultiTenant
- Middleware
- Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Isolation.MultiEnvironment.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Isolation.MultiTenant.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Isolation.Tests
- UoW
- Masa.Contrib.Isolation.UoW.EFCore
- Internal
- Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Isolation.UoW.EFCore.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Isolation.UoW.EFCore.Web.Tests
- EventHandlers
- Events
- ReadWriteSpliting
- Masa.Contrib.ReadWriteSpliting.Cqrs
- Commands
- Queries
- Tests/Masa.Contrib.ReadWriteSpliting.Cqrs.Tests
- Commands
- Queries
- SearchEngine/AutoComplete
- Masa.Contrib.SearchEngine.AutoComplete.ElasticSearch
- Options
- Tests/Masa.Contrib.SearchEngine.AutoComplete.ElasticSearch.Tests
- Model
- Service
- Caller
- Masa.Contrib.Service.Caller
- Internal
- Options
- Masa.Contrib.Service.Caller.DaprClient
- Options
- Masa.Contrib.Service.Caller.HttpClient
- Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Service.Caller.Tests
- Queries
- Requesties
- Response
- Utils
- Scenes/Masa.Contrib.Service.Caller.AutomaticCaller.Tests
- Callers
- Masa.Contrib.Service.MinimalAPIs
- Tests/Masa.Contrib.Service.MinimalAPIs.Tests
- Services
- StackSdks
- Masa.Contrib.StackSdks.Auth
- Service
- Masa.Contrib.StackSdks.Dcc
- Internal
- Service
- Masa.Contrib.StackSdks.Mc
- Infrastructure
- Extensions
- Helper
- Service
- Masa.Contrib.StackSdks.Pm
- Service
- Masa.Contrib.StackSdks.Scheduler
- Services
- Masa.Contrib.StackSdks.Tsc
- Extensions
- Logging
- Metrics
- OpenTemetry
- Service
- Tracing
- Tests
- Masa.Contrib.StackSdks.Auth.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.StackSdks.Dcc.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.StackSdks.Mc.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.StackSdks.Pm.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.StackSdks.Scheduler.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.StackSdks.Tsc.Test
- Extensions
- Service
- Storage/ObjectStorage
- Masa.Contrib.Storage.ObjectStorage.Aliyun
- Internal
- Response
- Options
- Tests/Masa.Contrib.Storage.ObjectStorage.Aliyun.Tests
- Data
- DistributedLock
- Masa.Contrib.Data.DistributedLock.Local
- Masa.Contrib.Data.DistributedLock.Medallion
- IdGenerator
- Masa.Contrib.Data.IdGenerator.NormalGuid
- Masa.Contrib.Data.IdGenerator.SequentialGuid
- Masa.Contrib.Data.IdGenerator.Snowflake
- Masa.Contrib.Data.IdGenerator.Snowflake.Distributed.Redis
- Mapping/Masa.Contrib.Data.Mapping.Mapster
- Masa.Contrib.Data.Contracts.EF
- Internal
- Masa.Contrib.Data.EntityFrameworkCore
- Masa.Contrib.Data.EntityFrameworkCore.Cosmos
- Masa.Contrib.Data.EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory
- Masa.Contrib.Data.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql
- Masa.Contrib.Data.EntityFrameworkCore.Oracle
- Masa.Contrib.Data.EntityFrameworkCore.Pomelo.MySql
- Masa.Contrib.Data.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSql
- Masa.Contrib.Data.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
- Masa.Contrib.Data.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite
- Masa.Contrib.Data.UoW.EF
- Internal
- Ddd
- Masa.Contrib.Ddd.Domain
- Masa.Contrib.Ddd.Domain.Repository.EF
- Internal
- Dispatcher
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.Events
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.IntegrationEvents
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.IntegrationEvents.Dapr
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.IntegrationEvents.EventLogs.EF
- Identity/Masa.Contrib.Identity.IdentityModel
- Isolation
- Masa.Contrib.Isolation
- Masa.Contrib.Isolation.MultiEnvironment
- Masa.Contrib.Isolation.MultiTenant
- Masa.Contrib.Isolation.UoW.EF
- Internal
- ReadWriteSpliting/Cqrs/Masa.Contrib.ReadWriteSpliting.Cqrs
- SearchEngine/Masa.Contrib.SearchEngine.AutoComplete.ElasticSearch
- Service
- Caller
- Masa.Contrib.Service.Caller
- Masa.Contrib.Service.Caller.DaprClient
- Masa.Contrib.Service.Caller.HttpClient
- Masa.Contrib.Service.MinimalAPIs
- Utils
- Caching
- Distributed
- Masa.Utils.Caching.Redis
- DependencyInjection
- Extensions
- Helpers
- Internal/Enum
- Models
- Tests/Masa.Utils.Caching.Redis.Tests
- Masa.Utils.Caching.Core
- DependencyInjection
- Helpers
- Interfaces
- Models
- Masa.Utils.Caching.DistributedMemory
- DependencyInjection
- Interfaces
- Models
- Masa.Utils.Caching.Memory
- Caller
- Masa.Utils.Caller.Core
- Internal
- Options
- Masa.Utils.Caller.DaprClient
- Masa.Utils.Caller.HttpClient
- Masa.Utils.Caller.Tests
- Application
- Queries
- Requesties
- Response
- Infrastructure
- Callers
- Utils
- Configuration
- Masa.Utils.Configuration.Dcc
- Masa.Utils.Configuration.Json
- Data
- Masa.Utils.Data.DataAnnotations
- DataAnnotations
- Masa.Utils.Data.Elasticsearch
- Analysis/TokenFilters
- Internal
- BulkOperation
- Options
- Alias
- Document
- Count
- Create
- Delete
- Exist
- Get
- Query
- Set
- Update
- Index
- Response
- Alias
- Document
- Index
- Masa.Utils.Data.Prometheus
- Enums
- Extensions
- Model
- Reponse
- Exemplar
- MetaData
- Query
- Request
- Tests
- Masa.Utils.Data.DataAnnotations.Tests
- Masa.Utils.Data.Elasticsearch.Tests
- Models
- Masa.Utils.Data.Prometheus.Test
- Extensions
- Development/Dapr
- Masa.Utils.Development.Dapr
- Configurations
- Internal
- Process
- Masa.Utils.Development.Dapr.AspNetCore
- Extensions
- Masa.Utils.Extensions.DependencyInjection
- Options
- Masa.Utils.Extensions.DotNet
- Masa.Utils.Extensions.Enums
- Model
- Masa.Utils.Extensions.Expressions
- Tests/Masa.Utils.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Tests
- Domain
- Models
- Repositories
- Services
- Infrastructure
- Repositories
- Services
- Validations/Masa.Utils.Extensions.Validations.FluentValidation
- Ldap
- Masa.Utils.Ldap.Novell
- Entries
- Extensions
- Tests/Masa.Utils.Ldap.Novell.Tests
- Masa.Utils.Exceptions
- Extensions
- Handlers
- Internal
- Options
- Results
- Models/Masa.Utils.Models.Config
- Security
- Authentication
- Masa.Utils.Security.Authentication
- Attributes
- Constants
- Extensions
- Masa.Utils.Security.Authentication.OpenIdConnect
- Masa.Utils.Security.Cryptography
- Masa.Utils.Security.Token
- Model
- Tests/Masa.Utils.Security.Cryptography.Tests
- test
- Masa.Contrib.BasicAbility.Auth.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.BasicAbility.Dcc.Tests/Masa.Contrib.BasicAbility.Dcc.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.BasicAbility.Mc.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.BasicAbility.Pm.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.BasicAbility.Scheduler.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.BasicAbility.Tsc.Test
- Masa.Contrib.Configuration.AutoMap.NoArgumentConstructor.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Configuration.ErrorSectionAutoMap.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Configuration.MountErrorSectionAutoMap.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Configuration.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Data.Contracts.EF.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Data.DistributedLock.Local.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Data.DistributedLock.Medallion.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Data.EntityFrameworkCore.Tests
- Internal
- Models
- Masa.Contrib.Data.IdGenerator.SequentialGuid.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Data.IdGenerator.Snowflake.BenchmarkDotnet.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Data.IdGenerator.Snowflake.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Data.Mapping.Mapster.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Data.UoW.EF.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Ddd.Domain.Entities.Tests
- DomainEvents
- Events
- Masa.Contrib.Ddd.Domain.Integrated.Tests
- Handlers
- Masa.Contrib.Ddd.Domain.Repository.EF.CustomRepository.Tests
- Entities
- Repositories
- Masa.Contrib.Ddd.Domain.Repository.EF.Tests
- Domain
- Entities
- Repositories
- Infrastructure
- Repositories
- Masa.Contrib.Ddd.Domain.Tests
- Events
- Handlers
- Services
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.Events.BenchmarkDotnet.Tests
- Extensions
- EventHandlers
- Events
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.Events.CheckMethodsParameter.Tests
- Events
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.Events.CheckMethodsParameterNotNull.Tests
- EventHandlers
- Events
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.Events.CheckMethodsParameterType.Tests
- Events
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.Events.CheckMethodsType.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.Events.HandlerOrder.Tests
- Events
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.Events.OnlyCancelHandler.Tests
- Events
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.Events.OrderEqualBySaga.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.Events.Tests
- EventHandlers
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.IntegrationEvents.EventLogs.EF.Tests
- Domain/Entities
- Events
- Infrastructure
- Masa.Contrib.Dispatcher.Tests
- Application
- Events
- Domain/Aggregate
- Infrastructure
- Extensions
- Masa.Contrib.Identity.IdentityModel.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Isolation.UoW.EF.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Isolation.UoW.EF.Web.Tests
- Events
- Masa.Contrib.ReadWriteSpliting.Cqrs.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Service.Caller.AutomaticCaller.Tests
- Masa.Contrib.Service.Caller.Tests
- Masa.EventBus.IntegrationTests
- Application
- Command
- Events
- Queries
- Domain/Aggregate
- Infrastructure
- Extensions
- Middleware
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
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