A shoutbox-like app for posting of images and text. Uses google authentication via
This is an example app that is designed to run in "production mode" with postgres and redis via docker compose.
(Requires a Google auth client ID; set via environment var GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID)
docker compose build
docker compose up
- Access the app on
If the app is deployed on https://rx-shout.mooo.com
and the box is being embedded via
a static site generator like jekyll:
<iframe src="https://rx-shout.mooo.com/?topic={{ page.url }}&description={{ page.title }}" style="width: 100%; height: 600px; overflow-x: hidden"></iframe>
docker compose -f compose.yaml -f compose.prod.yaml up -d
- Access the app on
docker compose -f compose.yaml -f compose.prod.yaml -f compose.tools.yaml up
- Access postgres via adminer on
- Access redis store via p3x-redis-ui on
Based on the example at reflex/reflex-dev
docker compose exec -it db pg_dump --data-only -U postgres > backup.sql
docker compose exec -it app tar cvz /app/uploaded_files > uploaded_files.tar.gz
docker compose exec -T db psql -U postgres < backup.sql
docker compose exec -T app tar xvz -C / < uploaded_files.tar.gz
This repo has a workflow that will automatically deploy the app to a server on push to the main branch. It requires some secrets to be set in the repo settings as described in the comments at the top of the workflow.
The target server must already have docker compose
installed and working,
firewall rules allowing SSH, HTTP, and HTTPS ports, and an SSH key with a
docker-enabled user that can copy the app to /app
and build/run it.