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File metadata and controls

126 lines (112 loc) · 6.14 KB

Understanding the Config File

The config file contains all the hyperparameters and various settings regarding your training runs. I'll break down the numerous settings here as clearly as possible.

Dataset Paths

data_root: ./data/                           # Where you have extracted the google speech commands v2 dataset.
train_list_file: ./data/training_list.txt    # Contains paths to your training .wav files.
val_list_file: ./data/validation_list.txt    # Contains paths to your validation .wav files.
test_list_file: ./data/testing_list.txt      # Contains paths to your test .wav files.
label_map: ./data/label_map.json             # A json file containing {id: label} key value pairs.
                                             # The above four files can be generated by

Experiment Settings

    wandb: False                           # Whether to use wandb or not
    wandb_api_key: <path/to/api/key>       # Path to your key. Ignored if wandb is False.
    proj_name: torch-kwt                   # Name of your wandb project. Ignored if wandb is False.
    exp_dir: ./runs                        # Your checkpoints will be saved locally at exp_dir/exp_name
    exp_name: exp-0                        # ..for example, ./runs/exp-0/something.pth
    device: auto                           # "auto" checks whether cuda is available; if not, uses cpu. You can also put in "cpu" or "cuda" as device.
                                           # only single   device training is supported currently.
    log_freq: 5                            # Saves logs every log_freq steps
    log_to_file: True                      # Saves logs to exp_dir/exp_name/training_logs.txt
    log_to_stdout: True                    # Prints logs to stdout
    val_freq: 1                            # Validate every val_freq epochs
    n_workers: 1                           # Number of workers for dataloader
    pin_memory: True                       # Pin memory argument for dataloader
    cache: 2                               # 0 -> no cache | 1 -> cache wav arrays | 2 -> cache MFCCs (and also prevents wav augmentations like time_shift,
                                           # resampling and add_background_noise)


hparams:                    # everything nested under hparams are hyperparamters, and will be logged as wandb hparams as well.

Basic settings

    seed: 0                  # Random seed for determinism
    batch_size: 16           # Batch size
    n_epochs: 10             # How many epochs will be trained. (1 epoch = (len(dataset) / batch_size) steps)
    l_smooth: 0.1            # If a positive float, uses LabelSmoothingLoss instead of the vanilla CrossEntropyLoss

Audio Processing

        sr: 16000            # sampling rate
        n_mels: 40           # number of mel bands for melspectrogram (and MFCC)
        n_fft: 480           # n_fft, window length, hop length, center are also all args for calculating the melspectrogram.
        win_length: 480      # Check the docs here for further explanation: 
        hop_length: 160      #
        center: False        # MFCC conversion is currently done on CPU with librosa. May add in a CUDA MFCC conversion later (with nnAudio)

Model Settings

        name: kwt-1          # If name is provided, will look for named model (e.g. kwt-1, kwt-2, kwt-3) and will ignore below parameters.
        input_res: [98, 40]  # Shape of input spectrogram (T x n_mels)
        patch_res: [40, 1]   # Resolution of patches
        num_classes: 35      # Number of classes
        mlp_dim: 768         # mlp_dim, dim, heads, depth are all parameters which construct the model.
        dim: 192             # You may refer to the original paper and change these around to form KWT-1, KWT-2 and KWT-3. The settings to 
        heads: 3             # the left are for KWT-3, for example.
        depth: 12            #
        dropout: 0.0         # The paper uses a dropout of 0, but you may try increasing this.
        emb_dropout: 0.1     # The paper doesn't say anything about embedding dropout, but ViT uses 0.1 by default.
        pre_norm: False      # Prenorm or Postnorm transformer. The paper says that it uses Postnorm transformers, so that's the default.

Optimizer & Scheduling

    optimizer:               # AdamW with an lr of 0.001 and weight decay of 0.1, as in the original paper.
        opt_type: adamw      # Please modify get_optimizer() in utils/ if you want to add support for more optimizer variants.
          lr: 0.001
          weight_decay: 0.1
    scheduler:               # Warmup scheduling for 10 epochs and cosine annealing, as in the original paper.
        n_warmup: 10         # Please modify get_scheduler() in utils/ if you want to add support for other scheduling techniques.
        max_epochs: 140      # Up to which epoch the normal scheduler will be run.
        scheduler_type: cosine_annealing


    augment:                 # Augmentations are applied only during training
        resample:            # Randomly resamples between 85% and 115%
            r_min: 0.85
            r_max: 1.15
        time_shift:          # Randomly shifts samples left or right, up to 10%
            s_min: -0.1
            s_max: 0.1

        bg_noise:            # Adds background noise from a folder containing noise files. Make sure folder only contains .wav files
                             # (the default noise folder in the speech commands v2 dataset contains a .md file)
            bg_folder: ./data/_background_noise_/

        spec_aug:            # Spectral augmentation. SpecAug is applied on the CPU currently, with a numba JIT compiled function. May provide a 
                             # CUDA SpecAug later.
            n_time_masks: 2
            time_mask_width: 25
            n_freq_masks: 2
            freq_mask_width: 7