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dummy ROS package just to hold maps

##data acquistion process for map making To make a map, first bag some data. e.g., start up gazebo: roslaunch gazebo_ros empty_world.launch

Then start up the mobot in the starting pen, along with supporting nodes: roslaunch mobot_urdf mobot_startup_open_loop.launch

Record a bagfile that includes the LIDAR topic and /tf (for odometry). Choose where this file is to be written (e.g., this directory) and choose a filename (e.g. mapData) rosbag record -O mapData /scan /tf

Start the robot moving. E.g, run a 3m square with: rosrun mobot_pub_des_state pub_des_state_path_client_3x3

Stop recording after enough data is logged.

##conversion of bag data to a map Kill gazebo (if it is still running). Start a roscore. From this (maps) directory, run: rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping scan:=/scan (if your robot uses a different LIDAR topic than "scan", e.g. /laser/scan, use: scan:=/laser/scan)

Playback the recorded bag file with, e.g.: rosbag play mapData.bag

To watch the progress, start up rviz: rosrun rviz rviz and add a "map" display topic. Can watch the map-building progress.

When the playback is done, save the computed map with a chosen map name: rosrun map_server map_saver -f newMap