Welcome to the MetaMask Snap for Massa! This Snap enables seamless integration of MetaMask with the Massa layer 1 protocol, providing users with convenient access to Massa's features directly through MetaMask.
Astro-Devs Labs
The MetaMask Snap for Massa supports the following operations:
Method | Parameters | Response | Param Example | Response Example |
account.balance |
address: string;
} |
finalBalance: string,
candidateBalance: string
} |
address: 'AU1234567890abcdef';
} |
finalBalance: "100",
candidateBalance: "200",
} |
Method | Parameters | Response | Param Example | Response Example |
account.sign |
address: string,<br>data: number[]
} |
signature: number[],
publicKey: string
} |
address: "AU1234567890abcdef",
data: [1, 2, 3]
} |
signature: [4, 5, 6],
publicKey: "Pabcdef1234567890"
} |
Method | Parameters | Response | Param Example | Response Example |
account.callSC |
nickname: string,
fee: string,
functionName: string,
at: string,
args: number[],
coins: string,
nonPersistentExecution?: {
isNPE: boolean,
maxGas: string
} |
operationId: string;
} |
nickname: "TestContract",
fee: "100",
functionName: "transfer",
at: "ASabcdef1234567890",
args: [1, 2, 3],
coins: "Massa"
} |
operationId: 'OP1234567890abcdef';
} |
Method | Parameters | Response | Param Example | Response Example |
account.sendTransaction |
recipientAddress: string,
amount: bigint,
fee: bigint
} |
operationId: string;
} |
recipientAddress: "AU1234567890abcdef",
amount: 100,
fee: 10
} |
operationId: 'OP1234567890abcdef';
} |
Method | Parameters | Response | Param Example | Response Example |
account.sellRolls |
fee: string,
amount: string
} |
operationId: string;
} |
fee: "100",
amount: "50"
} |
operationId: 'OP1234567890abcdef';
} |
Method | Parameters | Response | Param Example | Response Example |
account.buyRolls |
fee: string,
amount: string
} |
operationId: string;
} |
fee: "100",
amount: "50"
} |
operationId: 'OP1234567890abcdef';
} |
Method | Parameters | Response | Param Example | Response Example |
account.getActive |
name: string,
address: string
} |
name: "Active Account",
address: "AU1234567890abcdef"
} |
Method | Parameters | Response | Param Example | Response Example |
Provider.getNodeUrls |
string[] |
['https://node1.example.com', 'https://node2.example.com']; |
Method | Parameters | Response | Param Example | Response Example |
account.getActive |
name: string,
address: string
} |
name: "Account 0",
address: "AU12ZDFfdf2Rdf3f4fg"
} |
Method | Parameters | Response | Param Example | Response Example |
account.showCredentials |
address?: string<br>
} |
publicKey: string<br>;
} |
address: 'AU1234567890abcdef'<br>;
} |
publicKey: 'Pabcdef1234567890'<br>;
} |
Method | Parameters | Response | Param Example | Response Example |
account.addToken |
address: string,
accountAddress?: string
} |
address: string,
accountAddress: string
} |
address: "AU1234567890abcdef",
accountAddress: "AU1234567890abcdef"
} |
address: "AU1234567890abcdef",
accountAddress: "AU1234567890abcdef"
} |
Method | Parameters | Response | Param Example | Response Example |
account.deleteToken |
accountAddress?: string,
address: string
} |
response: 'OK' | 'ERROR',
message?: string
} |
address: "AU1234567890abcdef",
accountAddress: "AU1234567890abcdef"
} |
response: 'OK';
} |
For detailed information about each operation, including parameters and responses, refer to the corresponding DTOs in the codebase.
To use the MetaMask Snap for Massa, follow these steps:
- Install MetaMask: If you haven't already, install the MetaMask browser extension for your preferred browser.
- Add Massa Network: Open MetaMask and add the Massa network to your network list. You'll need to provide the network details including RPC endpoint, chain ID, symbol, and block explorer URL.
- Install MetaMask Snap: Install the MetaMask Snap for Massa by visiting the MetaMask Snap Store and searching for "Massa". Click on the Snap and follow the installation prompts.
We welcome contributions from the community! If you would like to contribute to the MetaMask Snap for Massa, please checkout our "good first issue" issues and submit a pull request.
The MetaMask Snap for Massa is released under the BSL license.