Buttons allow users to take actions, and make choices, with a single tap.
In order to use Material buttons, first add the Buttons
subspec to your Podfile
pod MaterialComponents/Buttons
Then, run the installer:
pod install
After that, import the relevant target or file and initialize your button.
import MaterialComponents.MaterialButtons
let button = MDCButton()
#import "MaterialButtons.h"
MDCButton *button = [[MDCButton alloc] init];
To help ensure your buttons are accessible to as many users as possible, please be sure to review the following recommendations:
Set an appropriate
value if your button does not have a title. This is often the case with Floating
Action Button instances which typically only have an icon.
button.accessibilityLabel = "Create"
button.accessibilityLabel = @"Create";
Make sure that your buttons have a minimum touch area. The Material spec for buttons calls for buttons that have a visual height of 36 and that touch areas should be at least 48 points high and 48 wide.
To keep a button's visual sizes small with larger touchable areas, set the
to a negative value. Be careful to maintain sufficient distance
between the button touch targets. This will allow your button to have a large
enough touch
while maintaining the desired visual appearance. For more see the Touch and click
in the spec.
let buttonVerticalInset =
min(0, -(kMinimumAccessibleButtonSize.height - button.bounds.height) / 2);
let buttonHorizontalInset =
min(0, -(kMinimumAccessibleButtonSize.width - button.bounds.width) / 2);
button.hitAreaInsets =
UIEdgeInsetsMake(buttonVerticalInset, buttonHorizontalInset,
buttonVerticalInset, buttonHorizontalInset);
CGFloat verticalInset = MIN(0, -(48 - CGRectGetHeight(button.bounds)) / 2);
CGFloat horizontalInset = MIN(0, -(48 - CGRectGetWidth(button.bounds)) / 2);
button.hitAreaInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(verticalInset, horizontalInset, verticalInset, horizontalInset);
Set your buttons to have a minimum size. Though there are some exceptions, Material Buttons guidelines typically recommend a minimum height of 36 points and a minimum width of 64 points.
button.minimumSize = CGSize(width: 64, height: 48)
button.minimumSize = CGSizeMake(64, 36);
Apple rarely recommends using the accessibilityHint
because the label should
already be clear enough to indicate what will happen. Before you consider
setting an -accessibilityHint
consider if you need it or if the rest of your
UI could be adjusted to make it more contextually clear.
A well-crafted, thoughtful user interface can remove the need for
in most situations. Examples for a selection dialog to
choose one or more days of the week for a repeating calendar event:
- (Good) The dialog includes a header above the list of days reading, "Event
repeats weekly on the following day(s)." The list items do not need
values. - (Bad) The dialog has no header above the list of days. Each list item
(representing a day of the week) has the
value, "Toggles this day."
There are four types of buttons: 1. Text button 2. Outlined button 3. Contained button 4. Toggle button (not supported in iOS)"
All Material buttons are implemented by MDCButton
, a subclass of UIButton
Text buttons are typically used for less-pronounced actions, including those located in dialogs and cards. In cards, text buttons help maintain an emphasis on card content.
To use a text button use the text button theming method on the MDCButton
theming extension. For more information on theming extensions see the Theming section.
button.applyTextTheme(withScheme: containerScheme)
[self.button applyTextThemeWithScheme:self.containerScheme];
A text button has a text label, a transparent container and an optional icon.
- Text label
- Container
- Icon
Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value | |
Text label | titleLabel |
setTitle:forState: titleForState: |
nil |
Color | titleLabel.textColor |
setTitleColor:forState: titleColorForState: |
Primary color |
Typography | titleLabel.font |
setFont: and font on titleLabel |
Button |
Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value | |
Color | backgroundColor |
setBackgroundColor:forState: backgroundColorForState |
UIColor.clearColor |
Stroke color | setBorderColor:forState: borderColorForState: |
nil |
Stroke width | setBorderWidth:forState: borderWidthForState: |
0 |
Ripple color | inkColor |
setInkColor inkColor |
Primary color at 12% opacity |
Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value | |
Icon | imageView |
setImage:forState: imageForState: |
nil |
Color | imageView.tintColor |
setImageViewTintColor:forState: imageViewTintColorForState: |
nil |
Outlined buttons are medium-emphasis buttons. They contain actions that are important, but aren’t the primary action in an app.
To achieve an outlined button use the outlined button theming method on the MDCButton
theming extension. To access the theming extension see the Theming section.
button.applyOutlinedTheme(withScheme: containerScheme)
[self.button applyOutlinedThemeWithScheme:self.containerScheme];
An outlined button has a text label, a container, and an optional icon.
- Text label
- Container
- Icon
Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value | |
Text label | titleLabel |
setTitle:forState: titleForState: |
nil |
Color | titleLabel.textColor |
setTitleColor:forState: titleColorForState: |
Primary color |
Typography | titleLabel.font |
setFont: and font on titleLabel |
Button |
Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value | |
Color | backgroundColor |
setBackgroundColor:forState: backgroundColorForState |
UIColor.clearColor |
Stroke color | setBorderColor:forState: borderColorForState: |
On surface color at 12% opacity | |
Stroke width | setBorderWidth:forState: borderWidthForState: |
1 | |
Ripple color | inkColor |
setInkColor inkColor |
Primary color at 12% opacity |
Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value | |
Icon | imageView |
setImage:forState: imageForState: |
nil |
Color | imageView.tintColor |
setImageViewTintColor:forState: imageViewTintColorForState: |
nil |
Contained buttons are high-emphasis, distinguished by their use of elevation and fill. They contain actions that are primary to your app.
Contained buttons are implemented by MDCButton
. To achieve a contained button use the contained button theming method on the MDCButton
theming extension. To access the theming extension see the Theming section.
button.applyContainedTheme(withScheme: containerScheme)
[self.button applyContainedThemeWithScheme:self.containerScheme];
A contained button has a text label, a container, and an optional icon.
- Text label
- Container
- Icon
Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value | |
Text label | titleLabel |
setTitle:forState: titleForState: |
nil |
Color | titleLabel.textColor |
setTitleColor:forState: titleColorForState: |
On primary color |
Typography | titleLabel.font |
setFont: and font on titleLabel |
Button |
Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value | |
Color | backgroundColor |
setBackgroundColor:forState: backgroundColorForState |
Primary color |
Stroke color | setBorderColor:forState: borderColorForState: |
nil |
Stroke width | setBorderWidth:forState: borderWidthForState: |
nil |
Ripple color | inkColor |
setInkColor inkColor |
On primary color at 12% opacity |
Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value | |
Icon | imageView |
setImage:forState: imageForState: |
nil |
Color | imageView.tintColor |
setImageViewTintColor:forState: imageViewTintColorForState: |
nil |
You can theme an MDCButton
to match any of the Material Button styles using theming
extensions. Learn more about theming extensions. Below is a screenshot of Material Buttons with the Material Design Shrine theme:
To make use of the theming methods shown in the examples above install the Buttons theming extensions with Cocoapods. First, add the following line to your Podfile
pod MaterialComponents/Buttons+Theming
Then run the installer:
pod install
Next, import the Buttons theming target and initialize a button.
import MaterialComponents.MaterialButtons
import MaterialComponents.MaterialButtons_Theming
let button = MDCButton()
#import "MaterialButtons.h"
#import "MaterialButtons+Theming.h"
MDCButton *button = [[MDCButton alloc] init];
From there, use the theming methods from the examples to achieve your preferred button style.