- refresh dashboard data
- refresh dashboard data
- refresh dashboard data
- refresh dashboard data
- refresh dashboard data
- refresh dashboard data
- refresh dashboard data
- Add vaccine acceptance panel on non-US country pages with indicators for: proportion who would accept a Covid-19 vaccine, vaccine eligibility, main reasons driving vaccine hesitancy, and structural barriers to vaccination among the unvaccinated
- Add vaccine acceptance panel on Region pages with indicator for proportion who would accept a Covid-19 vaccine
- Add figure for indicator for "Proportion vaccinated in all low- and middle-income countries globally (all ages, at least one dose)" on the Region page
- Remove case fatality ratio (CFR) indicator when there is insufficient data reported but displays indicator historically
- Add 12 month and 18 month "Show change over" options
- Fix: change Swaziland to Eswatini in the “geography-country-list.xlsx”
- Fix: proportion BIPOC vaccinated among vaccinations w/ race/ethnicity reported to state agencies imputation
- refresh dashboard data
- refresh dashboard data
- other as missing
- fixes to race/ethnicity national roll-up
- refresh dashboard data
- refresh dashboard data
- refresh dashboard data
- refresh dashboard data
- ux updates
- refresh dashboard data
- temp trim to CDC data to account for 5+ vaccinations (will change this in a future update)
- cleaned up data sources description
- user experience updates (basic visual updates)
- removed dashboard and non-US subnational pages
- refresh dashboard data
- top code case fatality ratio
- refresh dashboard data
- fix handling of missing OWID cumulative vaccinations by state when constructing total Total BIPOC population vaccinated, estimated
- refresh dashboard data
- refresh dashboard data
- added google analytics tracking
- refresh dashboard data
- hotfix to modify lookback to 60 days due to delayed KFF data on BIPOC vaccinations
- Refresh dashboard data
- Suppress PA Asian data
- Update renv.lock file
- Update disclaimer and about text
- refresh dashboard data
- suppress indian subnational data: data source link no longer works
- revise indicator definitions for evx targets
- refresh dashboard data
- update indicator definitions. add targets for evx indicators
- Refresh dashboard data
- simplify US page to focus on equitable vaccination
- improve dashboard speed
- add BIPOC proportion vaccinated to the core indicators
- Add disclaimer, new about text, RF logo
- remove Florida equity data before 6/13
- refresh dashboard data
- Include data fixes:
- don't assign zeros to us state-dates with missing data (affects CA)
- fix cdc county names
- filter out unused US geographies
- adjust y axis for equitable vaccination figures
- refresh dashboard data
- Hotfix: remove Florida data causing BIPOC disparity figure error
- Hotfix: re-do refresh of data through 06/27/2021
- Update: refresh data through 06/27/2021
- Set US country to be the landing page
- Update aesthetics
- Display latest policy indicators
- Add clickable pins to reach demonstration site pages
- Update: refresh data through 06/13/2021
- Update: refresh data through 06/07/2021
- Updated vaccine acceptance definition (includes vaccinated)
- Include BIPOC share of vaccinations figure
- Update: refresh data through 05/31/2021
- Update: mask anomalous Brazilian testing data on 5-24-2021
- Update: refresh data through 05/17/2021
- Update: include vaccine equity panel and demonstration sites, update documentation
- Update: refresh data through 05/14/2021
- Update: include proportion vaccinated (all indicators), update documentation
- Update: date through 5/4/2021
- Update: date through 4/19/2021
- Update: use up-to-date link for Indian subnational data
- Update: use oxford policy database for mask policies (instead of masks4all)
- Update: date through 4/19/2021
- Update: use up-to-date link for Indian subnational data
- Update: use oxford policy database for mask policies (instead of masks4all)
- Update: data through 4/5/2021
- Update: add US healthcare capacity indicators
- Update: replace CTP US data with JHU and healthdata.gov sources
- Update: data through 3/22/2021
- Update: display state heatmap on country pages
- Update: data through 3/8/2021
- Update: data through 2/8/2021
- Update: release new V2 features
- Update: data through 1/25/2021
- Update: data through 1/11/2021
- Update: data through 12/28/2020
- Update: data through 12/14/2020
- Update: data through 11/29/2020
- Update: data through 11/15/2020
- Style: mortality labels
- Fix: population weighting
- Hotfix: remove population display when empty
- Initial deployment for external review
- Initial deployment for internal review