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85 lines (58 loc) · 2.6 KB

File metadata and controls

85 lines (58 loc) · 2.6 KB


This extension contains a list of functions describe below to manage your PostgreSQL database easily.




apt-get install postgresql-server-dev-<postgres-version>

apt-get install libpq-dev

Install manually

mydatabase=# create extension if not exists postgres_admin with schema myschema;
mydatabase=# select * from admin.extension_object where extension_name = 'postgres_utils' order by object_kind, object_name;

Install automatically

me:/dir$ ./install -db mydb -U me

Install options

-h : Database host

-p : Database port (Default: 5432)

-U : Database user

-schema : Schema name where the extension will be install

-db : Database name


mydatabase=# drop extension if exists postgres_admin [CASCADE];


 extension_name | object_kind |   object_name    |                                   description
 postgres_admin    | FUNCTION    | array_avg        | Compute the average of an array
 postgres_admin    | FUNCTION    | is_float         | Test if a value is in fact a float
 postgres_admin    | FUNCTION    | is_int           | Test if a value is in fact an integer
 postgres_admin    | VIEW        | database_size    | List all databases and their disk usage
 postgres_admin    | VIEW        | extension_object | List of all object packed in an extension with associated comment
 postgres_admin    | VIEW        | index_duplicate  | List all indexes similar to each other, you should keep an eye on those indexes
 postgres_admin    | VIEW        | index_operator   | List of all valid operators for an index
 postgres_admin    | VIEW        | index_usage      | List all indexes and index usage statistics, easily find unused indexes
 postgres_admin    | VIEW        | setting_delta    | List of settings that have been changed from the default by any source
 postgres_admin    | VIEW        | table_size       | List all table sizes, index sizes and various size-related metrics


Use the git feature branch workflow in order to contribute to this project.

Documentation can be found here <!workflow-feature-branch>

```Add a function to the project

Add a file with my_function-unpacked.sql into src/extension/sql/

The function must be well documented using the command "ADD COMMENT"