I hope this helps you, but I have to be honest: I'm not really working on this anymore, and so I can't rule out that there are things that don't work right etc etc etc. If you want to contribute or fork or anything, please do! But I just don't really have the bandwidth for bugfixes, let alone feature requests! Sorry :(.
Jekyll JSON turns YAML config into JSON, so that you can use it in Javascript.
Passed a YAML key, it'll return a JSON, combining the page specific YAML with any config in _config.yml (using the value set on the page wherever there's a conflict).
Plonk jekyll_json.rb in your _plugins directory.
Use the tag like this:
{% yaml_to_json yaml_key_goes_here %}
In _config.yml:
provider: google_js
api_key: 123456
zoom: 10
width: 600
height: 400
In a page's front matter:
latitude: 0
longitude: 0
width: 500
height: 500
In your layout:
<script type="text/javascript">
var some_object = {% yaml_to_json mapping %};
<script type="text/javascript">
var some_object = {