The master board is based on a ESP32 module programmed in C++ using the expressif idf SDK
To install the SDK (v4.0.1) simply follow the instruction form
Firmware of the ESP32 can be found here
You will also need to install the esptool
from here
To flash the firmware without admin rights, make sure your local user is part of the dialout
group. You can check the groups of your current user using the groups
command and add the user to the dialout group using the command usermod -a -G dialout $USER
The Master Board need to be connected to a host computer via the PROG connector, and to be powered from a DC source from 5V to 60V. The programmer is a simple USB to SERIAL adapter with line RTS and DTR accessible.
To put the ESP32 in a flash mode, a special circuit is needed to lower the G0 pin from the RTS and DTR lines and generate a reset. To avoid using a dedicated hardware, we can use an ESP dev board containing this circuit and the USB to SERIAL adapter, where the orginal ESP module have been removed:
On a freshly assembled board, we first need to burn a configuration fuse because of a conflict with a boot pin. To do so, use the script: (the fuse burning process is irreversible, be sure to only execute the following command)
python set_flash_voltage 3.3V
To flash the board, from the master-board/firmware
folder, you can run:
- Flash the board:
make flash
- Change configurations:
make menuconfig
- Debug the board:
make monitor