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I2C_ADC - ATtiny13A I2C ADC example

Turn the ATtiny13A into an I2C device that properly responds to an I2C controller. This ADC implementation features 4 separate ADC channels. By connecting a TL431 to the reset pin, that pin can be used for both reset and for reading a voltage reference on Channel 0.

Tested with ATtiny13A @ 9.6MHz, board MicroCore/ATtiny13 Arduino IDE 1.8.12: 10 bytes RAM, 1020 bytes Flash

ATtiny13A ADC support

ATtiny13A offers the following support for ADC (see datasheet ch.14):

  • 10-bit Resolution
  • 0.5 LSB Integral Non-linearity
  • ± 2 LSB Absolute Accuracy
  • 13 - 260 μs Conversion Time
  • Up to 15 kSPS at Maximum Resolution
  • Four Multiplexed Single Ended Input Channels
  • Optional Left Adjustment for ADC Result Readout
  • 0 - VCC ADC Input Voltage Range
  • Selectable 1.1V ADC Reference Voltage
  • Free Running or Single Conversion Mode
  • ADC Start Conversion by Auto Triggering on Interrupt Sources
  • Interrupt on ADC Conversion Complete
  • Sleep Mode Noise Canceler

Pinout ATtiny13A

   (PCINT5/RESET/ADC0/dW) PB5 --|1     8|-- VCC
       (PCINT3/CLKI/ADC3) PB3 --|2     7|-- PB2 (SCK/ADC1/T0/PCINT2)
            (PCINT4/ADC2) PB4 --|3     6|-- PB1 (MISO/AIN1/OC0B/INT0/PCINT1)
                          GND --|4     5|-- PB0 (MOSI/AIN0/OC0A/PCINT0)

Pinout T13 I2C_ADC

Pinout ATtiny13A I2C_ADC implementation (top-view, following standard T13I2C pinout I2C_SDA=0, I2C_SCL=1)

              RESET/ADC0/AREF --|1     8|-- VCC
                         ADC3 --|2     7|-- ADC1
                         ADC2 --|3     6|-- SCL
                          GND --|4     5|-- SDA

I2C support (using TinySoftWire library):

  • scanning for ACK using write to address
  • writing up to 4 bytes (I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH 4), acknowledgment on every byte
  • reading up to 4 bytes (I2C_BUFFER_LENGTH 4), last byte not acknowledged by controller
  • detect (re)start/stop conditions

T13I2C ADC commands:

  • 0x00 - read ADC channel 0 (pin 1, ADO0/RST), recommended to use TL431 for 2.5V reference.
  • 0x01 - read ADC channel 1 (pin 7, ADC1/PB2)
  • 0x02 - read ADC channel 2 (pin 3, ADC2/PB4)
  • 0x03 - read ADC channel 3 (pin 2, ADC3/PB3)
  • 0x04 - get VCC, based on reading voltage reference on ADC0
  • 0xF3 - get the I2C-address (can be used to verify T13I2C protocol support)
  • 0xF4 - change the I2C address and store it in EEPROM
  • 0xFB - set refence level in mV*100 to get calculated mV readings. 0xFB19=2500mV. Set to 0 for raw readings.
  • 0xFC - get reference level in mV*100. Default is 25 (0x19).
  • 0xFF - get the T13I2C device type ID (4-bytes)

Note: the reference value set using 0xFB is not stored in EEPROM (not enough FLASH)

TL431 2.5V reference voltage

Using the TL431 as a 2.5V reference (bottom-view):

           /   o--+--(Cathode)--ADC0---+
          |    o--+---(Anode)---GND    +---[1K]--- VCC
           \   o--+----(Ref)----ADC0---+

Note: since !RESET has an internal pullup, the [1K] resistor is optional. Testing confirmed this. Note2: when using a voltage divider to allow reading voltages higher than VCC in combination with the internal pullup (Rp), the pullup will cause higher readings than without.


To allow proper readings the voltage divider should use resistors (R1+R2) that are low enough compared to Rp Testing with a 1K-9.1K voltage divider indicated an internal pullup of 23.4 kOhm.