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Week 11: Application Example - Photo

File metadata and controls

77 lines (71 loc) · 5.17 KB

Week 11

Photo OCR Case Study

Problem description

  • Stands for photo optical character recognition
  • Recognize letters and words in images in order to motivate search or copy/paste


  1. Detect where text is
  2. Character segmentation
  3. Classify the characters
  4. (Spelling correction)
  • The above is a machine learning pipeline that requires multiple modules
    • Some modules may be machine learning and others not
    • The design and conception of the pipeline itself can have a major impact on performance of the overall algorithm
    • Each of the above modules may be the task of 1-5 engineers

Sliding windows classifier

  • Text detection is a more challenging than, but similar task to pedestrian detection
    • The pedestrian detection problem is more straightforward because the aspect ratio (height:width) of pedestrians in an image is relatively fixed while the aspect ratio of parts of an image with text varies
  • Therefore, start with the task of pedestrian detection:
    • Assume that a training set of pedestrian detection consists of an 80px by 40px image of pedestrian (y=1) or no pedestrian (y=0)
    • Train an algorithm (such as a neural network) on this training set
    • Apply the algorithm to every part of a test image by sliding an 80px by 40px "window" across the entire image and testing multiple 80px by 40px sections of the image
      • The amount by which the window slides across the image is called the "step size" or "stride"
      • A step size of 1px performs best, but is more computationally expensive
      • A step size of 4-8px is typically chosen
    • Once the image is processed like this in 80px by 40px chunks, then:
      • Increase the size of the image chunk (e.g., 100px x 60px)
      • Resize it to 80px by 40px
      • Run that patch through the algorithm
      • Repeat until the entire image is processed
  • Apply this method to text detection:
    • Once the sliding window has found high-probability text areas, another algorithm must process to make large rectangles that combine regions of the image that have text—"expansion" operator
      • Operationalized by finding areas where nearby pixels comtain text
  • To split the characters, slide a window in one-dimension and find the empty spaces
  • Once the characters are separated, classify each letter

Getting Lots of Data and Artificial Data

  • Artificial data synthesis—either create data from scratch or increase the size of a small dataset
  • Artificial data can be synthesized for the photo OCR problem by pasting images from different fonts together
    • This takes quite a bit of work to ensure that the synthetic data appears similar to real data
    • If the synthetic data is a poor representation, this will affect the performance of the model
  • Data can also be synthesized by creating artificial distortions to each letter (for example for the photo OCR)
    • NB: Distortion introduced should be representative of the type of noise/distortions that will be encountered in the test set
    • Usually does not help to add purely random/meaningless noise to your data
    • This can be more of an art than science
  • Important notes to keep in mind:
    • Make sure you have a low bias classifier before expending the effort (i.e., plot learning curves)
      • Consider continuing to increase the number of features
      • Consider increasing the number of hidden units in a neural network
    • "How much work would it be to get 10x as much data as we currently have?"
      • This is a very common question to ask
      • Often, it turns out that this is quite easy
        • Artificial data
        • Collect/label data yourself
          • Calculate the actual amount of time that it would take to collect more data
          • e.g., we have m = 1,000 and it takes 10 seconds/new example to get 10,000 examples, it is not too much work
      • "Crowd-source" the data labeling (may be less reliable labeling)
        • e.g., Amazon Mechanical Turk
    • This can increase the performance considerably

Ceiling analysis

  • Most valuable resource is engineering/developer time
  • Ceiling analysis helps to assess what parts of the pipeline to focus on to improve the performance of the model
  • Continuing with the photo OCR example:
    • Here is the pipeline again: image -> text detection -> character segmentation -> character recognition
    • Always find a single real-number evaluation of the model
    • Imagine the overall system has an accuracy of 72%
      • Modify the system so that the text detection algorithm has the ground truth labels (i.e., simulate that it has 100% accuracy) and re-assess the accuracy of the system—assume this increases the accuracy to 89%
      • Modify the character segmentation to 100% accuracy—assume this increases the accuracy to 90%
      • Modify the character recognition to 100% accuracy—assume this increases the accuracy to 100%
    • These above numbers mean that:
      • if the text detection algorithm was improved, there could be up to a 17% improvement in the overall system accuracy (i.e., 72% -> 89%)
      • if the character segmentation algorithm was improved, there could only be up to a 1% improvement in the overall system accuracy (i.e., 89% -> 90%)
      • if the character recognition algorithm was improved, there could be up to a 10% improvement in the overall system accuracy (i.e., 90% -> 100%)