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Week 3: Logistic

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68 lines (60 loc) · 3.74 KB

Week 3:


Binary classification

  • Linear regression cannot be used for classification
  • Logistic regression is used instead
    • Regression here is a misnomer

Hypothesis representation

  • Linear regression: h_theta(x) = theta transpose x
  • Logistic regression: g( h_theta(x) ) where g() is the sigmoid/logistic function
    • This serves to confine output values between 0 and 1
    • Output is the probability that y = 1 on input x parameterized by theta

Decision boundary

  • Logisitc regression draws a decision boundary (plane or hyperplace) for prediction
    • Typically defined as the output of h_theta(x) (probability) > 0.5 predicts y = 1
  • Nonlinear, complex decision boundaries can be created by adding features modified by functions such as high order polynomials
  • NB: The decision boundary is defined by the parameters (theta) not the data set
    • In other words, the data is used to fit the parameters thetas and then the thetas define the decision boundary

Cost function for logistic regression

  • The sum of squared errors cost function, when applied to logistic regression, is non-convex (i.e., has many local optima)
  • Instead, the cost function to ensure convexity:
    • if y = 1: -log(h(x))
    • if y = 0: -log(1 - h(x))
  • This function captures the intuition that if the model predicts 1 and the true value of y = 1, the cose is 0; if the model predicts 0, but the true value of y = 1, this is penalized with a very high cost (approaching infinity)
  • The opposite of the above is true when y = 0
  • Since y is always either only 0 or 1:
    • -ylog(h(x)) - (1 - y)log(h(x))
  • Minimizing the cost using gradient descent will give the optimal values of theta

Advanced optimization

  • Gradient descent is not the only algorithm that can be used to compute the optimum thetas
  • There are other algorithms that can take the cost and the derivative of the cost:
    • Conjugate gradient
    • BFGS
    • L-BFGS
  • Advantages: learning rate does not need to be chosen, often faster than gradient descent
  • Disadvantages: complex algorithms
  • Look for "good" implementations of these algorithms if using them instead of gradient descent

Multiclass Classification

  • One vs. all (one v. rest) classification:
    • If there are 3 classes to predict, then turn this into 3 separate binary classification problems
    • Fit 3 classifies and each classifier is assessing the probability that the feature set belongs to each class separately
      • A prediction is made by running all three classifiers and then choose the prediction with the highest probability

Solving the problem of overfitting

  • Underfit - model has high bias
    • does not predict well because the algorithm has too much of a "preconceived" notion of the data
  • Overfit - model has high variance
    • predicts very well on the training set, but fails to generalize to new examples
  • How to address the problem of overfitting:
    • Plotting the data if there are few features, though usually not possible
    • Reduce the number of features (manual v. feature/model selection algorithms)
      • This may remove important features
    • Regularization (see the pdf in this repo for a derivation of regularization of linear regression)


  • Penalize the parameters to simplify the hypothesis function; less prone to overfitting
  • (Do not penalize the intercept term theta_0)
  • There is a regularization parameter (lambda) that balances the penalty to the parameters
    • Large lambdas reduce the thetas to zero (akin to fitting a flat line) -- underfitting
    • Small lambdas do not penalize the thetas -- overfitting is not solved
    • Lambda should be chosen with care
  • If the number of examples is smaller than the number of features, the normal equation becomes non-invertible
    • Regularization can solve this issue