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Week 5: Neural Networks -

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Week 5

Neural network learning

Cost function

  • The cost function for neural networks is a generalization of the logistic regression cost function
  • Essentially, each output class is its own logisitic regression cost function; therefore, summing the costs obtained for each logistic regression classification
  • For example, if the classes are:
grade 1    grade 2    grade 3    grade 4
  1           0          0          0            
  0           1          0          0
  0           0          1          0
  0           0          0          1

and the prediction problem is:

target    prediction
  0           0.2       <-- calculate the logisitic cost function, cost1
  0           0.5       <-- calculate the logisitic cost function, cost2
  1           0.9       <-- calculate the logisitic cost function, cost3
  0           0.1       <-- calculate the logisitic cost function, cost4
sum all of the costs: total_cost = cost1 + cost2 + cost3 + cost4

Gradient computation - Backpropagation algorithm

  • Compute forword propagation (see Week 4)
  • Initialize an empty matrix to accumulate errors
  • Compute the error (e.g., delta) for each node going from the output layer backwards through the hidden layers (omitting the input layer)
  • The error, delta, for the last layer is simply prediction - truth
  • For all other layers, step backwards using this formula to obtain delta(layer):
    • delta(layer) = ((theta(layer))-transpose * delta(layer+1)) .∗ a(layer) .∗ (1−a(layer))
    • where:
        • is matrix multiplication and .* is element-wise multiplication
      • theta(layer) is a matrix of parameters
      • delta(layer+1) is the prior layer errors
      • a(layer) is the currently layer activation unit values
    • This is only if activation function g(x) is the sigmoid function
    • If the activation function is a different function, then the formula would be:
      • ((theta(layer))-transpose * delta(layer+1)) .∗ g'(a(layer))
  • The partial derivative is then simply the activation unit values times the error terms
  • Accumulate the errors in the matrix initialized above
  • Multiply the final filled matrix with 1/number_training_examples

Backpropagation intuition

  • The delta terms are essentially errors for how "far" the predicted value is from the target
  • Backpropagation is computing a weighted some of the error terms for each activation unit value
  • The deltas, in practice, are the partial derivatives of the cost function
  • The partial derivative values are computing how much to change each activation unit value to get the prediction closer to the target

Gradient checking

  • Bugs are difficult to find when implementing backpropagation
  • It may be that it appears that backpropagation is working correctly, but the accuracy of the model will be lower than it could be with these subtle bugs
  • Gradient checking ensures that the calculated gradient is correct and eliminates these subtle bugs
  • The gradient is checked by adding and subtracting a small amount epsilon from theta and manually calculating the slope of the line
    • This is the two-sided difference and is slightly more accurate that the one-sided difference (only adding epsilon)
  • This manually calculated slope is then compared to that which is calculated by backpropagation
  • Set epsilon ~0.0001
Implementation note:
  • Implement backpropagation to compute the gradient
  • Implement numeric gradient checking to complete approximate gradient
  • Make sure these values are very similar (using a small epsilon)
  • Turn off gradient checking and use backpropagation to completing the learning
    • This is turned off because this is very computationally expensive

Random initialization (the problem of symmetric weights)

  • For gradient descent or advanced optimization, the initial thetas must be given
  • Initializing all the parameters to 0 does not work because:
    • all of the hidden units values will compute the same numbers
    • all of the errors will be the same
    • all of the partial derivatives will be the same
  • Random initialization breaks this symmetry and is implemented as such:
# randomly initializes the weights of a layer with L_in 
# incoming connections and L_out outgoing  connections. 
# between epsilon and -epsilon

epsilon_initializer = 0.12;

# rand() here generates a matrix with random numbers between
# 0 and 1 of size L_out by L_in + 1
W = rand(L_out, 1 + L_in) * (2 * epsilon_init) - epsilon_init;

Putting it all together

  1. Choose a network architecture:
    • The number of input units is determined by the number of features
    • The number of output units is determined by the number of classess (if it is a classification problem)
      • NB: targets should be rewritten as vectors as noted at the top
    • Reasonable default architecture:
      • 1 hidden layer
      • or if >1 hidden layer, same number of hidden units in each layer
      • More hidden units is generally better
      • Number of hidden units should be approx. number of features
  2. Randomly initialize weights
  3. Implement forward propagation to get h_theta(x(i)) for any x(i)
  4. Implement code to compute the cost function J(theta)
  5. Implement backpropagation to compute the partial derivatives
# In pseudocode:
# each training example is [x(i), y(i)]

for i = 1:num_training_examples {
    perform forward propagation
    perform back propagaion
compute the partial derivatives
  1. Use gradient checking to ensure backpropagation is implemeted correctly
  2. Disable gradient checking
  3. Use gradient descent or an advanced optimization method to minimize the cost as a function of parameters
    • these algorithms take as inputs the cost and the calculated partial derivatives (gradient)
  • NB: Neural networks cost functions are susceptible to the problem of local optima; however, in practice, this does not cause issues with performance