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Society and Philosophy


Business Analysis

  • Defining Aggregators

  • Laws of Tech: Commoditize Your Complement -

    Joel Spolsky in 2002 identified a major pattern in technology business & economics: the pattern of “commoditizing your complement”, an alternative to vertical integration, where companies seek to secure a chokepoint or quasi-monopoly in products composed of many necessary & sufficient layers

  • Strategy Letter V – Joel on Software

    Smart companies try to commoditize their products’ complements.

  • Google’s Waymo risks repeating Silicon Valley’s most famous blunder | Ars Technica

    Everyone in Silicon Valley knows the story of Xerox inventing the modern personal computer in the 1970s and then failing to commercialize it effectively.

  • Google Maps’s Moat

    Over the past year, we’ve been comparing Google Maps and Apple Maps in New York, San Francisco, and London—but some of the biggest differences are outside of large cities. Take my childhood neighborhood in rural Illinois.

  • Why and How to Model a Non-profit on the Lean Canvas

    I often get asked if one can or should model a non-profit using a Lean Canvas. The answer is a resounding yes. A nonprofit is essentially a multisided model made up of users (beneficiaries) and customers (donors).

  • A Regulatory Framework for the Internet – Stratechery

    This week, when the U.K.’s Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and the Secretary of State for the Home Department released a white paper calling for significantly increased regulation for tech companies, the scope of the debate was predictable.

  • Camels and Rubber Duckies – Joel on Software

    One of the biggest questions you’re going to be asking now is, “How much should I charge for my software?”

    ... those 12 fine souls who would have paid a full $399, and yet, we’re only charging them $220 just like everyone else! The difference between $399 and $220, i.e., $179, is called consumer surplus.

    There’s no software priced between $1000 and $75,000. I’ll tell you why. The minute you charge more than $1000 [...] you need to send a salesperson out to the customer.

  • Stripe Atlas: Software as a Service, as a business

    Software-as-a-service (SaaS) is a billing and delivery model for software which is so superior to the traditional method for selling software licenses that it restructures businesses around itself. This has led SaaS businesses to have a distinct body of practice.

  • The Tyranny of Stuctureless

    The earliest version of this article was given as a talk at a conference called by the Southern Female Rights Union, held in Beulah, Mississippi in May 1970.

  • The Epistemology of Truth – by a developer that worked on the Google Knowledge Graph


  • Code Ownership – Who Should Own the Code? - DZone Agile

    A key decision in building and managing any development team is agreeing on how ownership of the code will be divided up: who is going to work on what code; how much work can be, and should be, shared across the team; and who will be responsible for code quality.

  • Why Dependently Typed Programming Will (One Day) Rock Your World

    You can #timestamp it, folks. I’ve seen the future, and it’s dependently typed. We won’t merely teach the homeless to code. Rather, me and you and everyone we know will have a whole new framework in which to think, learn, and interact with the world.

  • Sustainable Authorship in Plain Text using Pandoc and Markdown

    In this tutorial, you will first learn the basics of Markdown—an easy to read and write markup syntax for plain text—as well as Pandoc, a command line tool that converts plain text into a number of beautifully formatted file types: PDF, .docx, HTML, LaTeX, slide decks, and more.

  • Multichannel Text Processing

    In the classic era of word processing, text was born between MS Word and a printer. Today, it is written and edited on multiple devices and apps, then mailed, printed, copied, pasted, annotated, published, RSSed, shared and re-shared, using all kinds of tools and platforms.

Were computers a mistake?


  • Why Explore Space?

    In 1970, a Zambia-based nun named Sister Mary Jucunda wrote to Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger, then-associate director of science at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, in response to his ongoing research into a piloted mission to Mars.

  • Want faster data and a cleaner planet? Start mining asteroids | Aeon

    Mining asteroids might seem like the stuff of science fiction, but there are companies and a few governments already working hard to make it real.

  • Steam-powered spacecraft could jump-start asteroid exploration | MIT Technology Review

    When the idea of asteroid mining was first booming, many of the firms involved talked about using water-based fuels to power their spacecraft. The idea was that ice was so abundant on asteroids that it could be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen to make a more efficient fuel.

  • Asteroid Mining 101: Wealth for the New Space Economy, John S. Lewis (2014)