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API Reference


Name Description
NightyNight This class is deprecated, please use NightyNightForEc2.
NightyNightForAsg A construct that will build a Lambda and a CloudWatch Rule (cron schedule) that will set the given ASG's desired capacity.
NightyNightForEc2 A construct that will build a Lambda and a CloudWatch Rule (cron schedule) that will stop the given ec2 instance at the specified time.
NightyNightForEcs A construct that will build a Lambda and a CloudWatch Rule (cron schedule) that will set the given ECS Service's desired capacity.
NightyNightForRds A construct that will build a Lambda and a CloudWatch Rule (cron schedule) that will stop the given rds instance at the specified time.
WakeyWakeyForEc2 A construct that will build a Lambda and a CloudWatch Rule (cron schedule) that will start the given ec2 instance at the specified time.
WakeyWakeyForRds A construct that will build a Lambda and a CloudWatch Rule (cron schedule) that will start the given rds instance at the specified time.


Name Description
NightyNightForAsgProps Props for the NightNight construct.
NightyNightForEc2Props Props for the NightNight construct.
NightyNightForEcsProps Props for the NightNight construct.
NightyNightForRdsProps Props for the NightNight construct.
NightyNightProps No description
WakeyWakeyForEc2Props No description
WakeyWakeyForRdsProps Props for the WakeyWakeyForRds construct.

class NightyNight ⚠️

This class is deprecated, please use NightyNightForEc2.

Implements: IConstruct, IDependable Extends: NightyNightForEc2


new NightyNight(scope: Construct, id: string, props: NightyNightProps)
  • scope (Construct) No description
  • id (string) No description
  • props (NightyNightProps) No description
    • filters (Array) Filters to match to find an EC2 instance. Optional
    • instanceId (string) the instanceId of the EC2 instance you'd like stopped. Optional
    • schedule (aws_events.CronOptions) An option CronOptions to specify the time of day to stop the instance. Default: { day: '*', hour: '4', minute: '0' }

class NightyNightForAsg

A construct that will build a Lambda and a CloudWatch Rule (cron schedule) that will set the given ASG's desired capacity.

Typically used when you've got and ASG that you can scale during set hours.

Implements: IConstruct, IDependable Extends: Construct


new NightyNightForAsg(scope: Construct, id: string, props: NightyNightForAsgProps)

class NightyNightForEc2

A construct that will build a Lambda and a CloudWatch Rule (cron schedule) that will stop the given ec2 instance at the specified time.

Typically used when you've got ec2 instances that you only need during business hours and want to reduce the costs of.

Implements: IConstruct, IDependable Extends: Construct


new NightyNightForEc2(scope: Construct, id: string, props: NightyNightForEc2Props)
  • scope (Construct) No description
  • id (string) No description
  • props (NightyNightForEc2Props) No description
    • filters (Array) Filters to match to find an EC2 instance. Optional
    • instanceId (string) the instanceId of the EC2 instance you'd like stopped. Optional
    • schedule (aws_events.CronOptions) An option CronOptions to specify the time of day to stop the instance. Default: { day: '*', hour: '4', minute: '0' }

class NightyNightForEcs

A construct that will build a Lambda and a CloudWatch Rule (cron schedule) that will set the given ECS Service's desired capacity.

Typically, used when you've got an ECS Service that you can scale during set hours.

Implements: IConstruct, IDependable Extends: Construct


new NightyNightForEcs(scope: Construct, id: string, props: NightyNightForEcsProps)
  • scope (Construct) No description
  • id (string) No description
  • props (NightyNightForEcsProps) No description
    • desiredCapacity (number) Desired capacity.
    • serviceName (string) The service name to update.
    • cluster (aws_ecs.ICluster) The ECS Cluster where the service resides. Default: 'default'
    • schedule (aws_events.CronOptions) An option CronOptions to specify the time of day to scale. Default: { day: '*', hour: '4', minute: '0' }

class NightyNightForRds

A construct that will build a Lambda and a CloudWatch Rule (cron schedule) that will stop the given rds instance at the specified time.

Typically used when you've got rds instances that you only need during business hours and want to reduce the costs of.

Implements: IConstruct, IDependable Extends: Construct


new NightyNightForRds(scope: Construct, id: string, props: NightyNightForRdsProps)
  • scope (Construct) No description
  • id (string) No description
  • props (NightyNightForRdsProps) No description
    • dbInstanceIdentifier (string) the DBInstanceIdentifier of the RDS instance you'd like stopped.
    • schedule (aws_events.CronOptions) An option CronOptions to specify the time of day to stop the instance. Default: { day: '*', hour: '4', minute: '0' }

class WakeyWakeyForEc2

A construct that will build a Lambda and a CloudWatch Rule (cron schedule) that will start the given ec2 instance at the specified time.

Typically used when you've got ec2 instances that you only need during business hours and want to reduce the costs of. Use in conjunction with the Nightynight construct at

Implements: IConstruct, IDependable Extends: Construct


new WakeyWakeyForEc2(scope: Construct, id: string, props: WakeyWakeyForEc2Props)
  • scope (Construct) No description
  • id (string) No description
  • props (WakeyWakeyForEc2Props) No description
    • filters (Array) Filters to match to find an EC2 instance. Optional
    • instanceId (string) the instanceId of the EC2 instance you'd like started. Optional
    • schedule (aws_events.CronOptions) An option CronOptions to specify the time of day to start the instance. Default: { day: '*', hour: '12', minute: '0' }

class WakeyWakeyForRds

A construct that will build a Lambda and a CloudWatch Rule (cron schedule) that will start the given rds instance at the specified time.

Typically used when you've got rds instances that you only need during business hours and want to reduce the costs of.

Implements: IConstruct, IDependable Extends: Construct


new WakeyWakeyForRds(scope: Construct, id: string, props: WakeyWakeyForRdsProps)
  • scope (Construct) No description
  • id (string) No description
  • props (WakeyWakeyForRdsProps) No description
    • dbInstanceIdentifier (string) the DBInstanceIdentifier of the RDS instance you'd like started.
    • schedule (aws_events.CronOptions) An option CronOptions to specify the time of day to start the instance. Default: { day: '*', hour: '4', minute: '0' }

struct NightyNightForAsgProps

Props for the NightNight construct.

Name Type Description
autoScalingGroup aws_autoscaling.IAutoScalingGroup the AutoScalingGroup you'd like to change the instance count on.
desiredCapacity number Desired capacity.
schedule? aws_events.CronOptions An option CronOptions to specify the time of day to scale.
Default: { day: '*', hour: '4', minute: '0' }

struct NightyNightForEc2Props

Props for the NightNight construct.

Name Type Description
filters? Array Filters to match to find an EC2 instance.
instanceId? string the instanceId of the EC2 instance you'd like stopped.
schedule? aws_events.CronOptions An option CronOptions to specify the time of day to stop the instance.
Default: { day: '*', hour: '4', minute: '0' }

struct NightyNightForEcsProps

Props for the NightNight construct.

Name Type Description
desiredCapacity number Desired capacity.
serviceName string The service name to update.
cluster? aws_ecs.ICluster The ECS Cluster where the service resides.
Default: 'default'
schedule? aws_events.CronOptions An option CronOptions to specify the time of day to scale.
Default: { day: '*', hour: '4', minute: '0' }

struct NightyNightForRdsProps

Props for the NightNight construct.

Name Type Description
dbInstanceIdentifier string the DBInstanceIdentifier of the RDS instance you'd like stopped.
schedule? aws_events.CronOptions An option CronOptions to specify the time of day to stop the instance.
Default: { day: '*', hour: '4', minute: '0' }

struct NightyNightProps

Name Type Description
filters? Array Filters to match to find an EC2 instance.
instanceId? string the instanceId of the EC2 instance you'd like stopped.
schedule? aws_events.CronOptions An option CronOptions to specify the time of day to stop the instance.
Default: { day: '*', hour: '4', minute: '0' }

struct WakeyWakeyForEc2Props

Name Type Description
filters? Array Filters to match to find an EC2 instance.
instanceId? string the instanceId of the EC2 instance you'd like started.
schedule? aws_events.CronOptions An option CronOptions to specify the time of day to start the instance.
Default: { day: '*', hour: '12', minute: '0' }

struct WakeyWakeyForRdsProps

Props for the WakeyWakeyForRds construct.

Name Type Description
dbInstanceIdentifier string the DBInstanceIdentifier of the RDS instance you'd like started.
schedule? aws_events.CronOptions An option CronOptions to specify the time of day to start the instance.
Default: { day: '*', hour: '4', minute: '0' }