File manager for vim/neovim powered by n³.
colorscheme yin
- n³
has('nvim') || has('terminal')
i.e. terminal support- Optional
has('nvim-0.5') || has('popupwin')
for floating window - Optional n³ v4.3(+) needed for file-explorer mode
Install n³. Instructions here.
Install the plugin using the built-in package manager:
git clone --depth 1\
git clone --depth 1\
Or install the plugin using other plugin manager:
" using vim-plug
Plug 'mcchrish/nnn.vim'
To open n³ as a file picker in vim/neovim, use the command :NnnPicker
or the
key-binding <leader>n
. The command accepts an optional path to open e.g.
:NnnPicker path/to/somewhere
Run the plugin, select file(s) and press Enter to quit the n³ window. Now vim will open the first selected file and add the remaining files to the arg list/buffer list.
Pressing Enter on a file in n³ will pick any earlier selection (or the hovered file if no selection exists) and exit n³.
To open n³ as a file-explorer use the command :NnnExplorer
. The command
accepts optional path similar to :NnnPicker
. In explorer mode pressing
Enter will pick a file but keep the n³ window open. Running
while an explorer window is active on that tab will toggle/close
NOTE: In order to use explorer mode n³ version 4.3 (or above) must be installed.
NOTE: Pressing l or Right on a file would open it
instead of picking. Use -o
via nnn#command to disable
To discard selection and/or exit, press q.
Press c-g to quit n³ and cd
into the last directory.
set hidden
may be required for the floating windows to work.
For complete plugin documentation see :help nnn
" Disable default mappings
let g:nnn#set_default_mappings = 0
" Set custom mappings
nnoremap <silent> <leader>nn :NnnPicker<CR>
" Start n³ in the current file's directory
nnoremap <leader>n :NnnPicker %:p:h<CR>
" Opens the n³ window in a split
let g:nnn#layout = 'new' " or vnew, tabnew etc.
" Or pass a dictionary with window size
let g:nnn#layout = { 'left': '~20%' } " or right, up, down
" Floating window. This is the default
let g:nnn#layout = { 'window': { 'width': 0.9, 'height': 0.6, 'highlight': 'Comment' } }
is same as g:nnn#layout
but for the explorer mode.
It's possible to set extra key-bindings for opening files in various ways. No default is set so that n³'s key-bindings are not overridden.
let g:nnn#action = {
\ '<c-t>': 'tab split',
\ '<c-s>': 'split',
\ '<c-v>': 'vsplit' }
With the above example, when inside an n³ window, pressing ^T will open the selected file in a tab instead of the current window. ^X will open in a split an so on. Multi-selected files will be loaded in the buffer list.
An example assigning a function to an action:
function! CdSelectedFile(lines)
let dir = a:lines[-1]
if filereadable(dir)
let dir = fnamemodify(dir, ':h')
execute 'cd' dir
let g:nnn#action = { '<c-w>': function('CdSelectedFile') }
In this example, pressing c-w will select the file and cd
into its
n³ sessions can be used to remember the location when it is reopened.
" use the same n³ session within a vim session
let g:nnn#session = 'local'
" use the same n³ session everywhere (including outside vim)
let g:nnn#session = 'global'
NOTE: If desired, an n³ session can be disabled temporarily by passing
session: 0
as an option to nnn#pick()
It's possible to override the default n³ command and add some extra program options.
" to start n³ in detail mode:
let g:nnn#command = 'nnn -d'
" OR, to pass env variables
let g:nnn#command = 'NNN_TRASH=1 nnn -d'
The nnn#pick([<dir>][,<opts>])
and nnn#explorer([<dir>][,<opts>])
can be called with a custom directory and additional options such as opening
file in splits or tabs. They are more configurable versions of the :NnnPicker
and :NnnExplorer
call nnn#pick('~/some-directory', { 'edit': 'vertical split' })
" Then add custom mappings
can be:
- type of window the select file will be open.layout
- same asg:nnn#layout
and overrides it if specified.
n³ will detect env variables defined in vimrc
let $NNN_TRASH=1
- How to auto start explorer when vim opens?
" Start NnnExplorer and leave the cursor in it.
autocmd VimEnter * call nnn#explorer()
" Start NnnExplorer and put the cursor back in the other window.
autocmd VimEnter * call nnn#explorer() | wincmd p | stopinsert
" If a file is specified, start NnnExplorer and move the cursor to the file window.
autocmd StdinReadPre * let s:std_in=1
autocmd VimEnter * if argc() > 0 || exists("s:std_in") | call nnn#explorer() | wincmd p | stopinsert | endif
- How to auto close vim when explorer is the last window remaining?
" Exit Vim if NnnExplorer is the only window remaining in the only tab.
autocmd BufEnter * if tabpagenr('$') == 1 && winnr('$') == 1 && &filetype ==# 'nnn' | quit! | endif
" Close the tab if NnnExplorer is the only window remaining in it.
autocmd BufEnter * if winnr('$') == 1 && &filetype ==# 'nnn' | quit! | endif
Use the same option names as you would in Vim script, e.g.:
local function copy_to_clipboard(lines)
local joined_lines = table.concat(lines, "\n")
vim.fn.setreg("+", joined_lines)
command = "nnn -o -C",
set_default_mappings = 0,
replace_netrw = 1,
action = {
["<c-t>"] = "tab split",
["<c-s>"] = "split",
["<c-v>"] = "vsplit",
["<c-o>"] = copy_to_clipboard,
These are some common problems that one might run into. Follow the instruction
and add relevant code snippet into your vimrc
or init.vim
to fix them.
- Files being renamed randomly: This can happen when using
function! AutoCmpNNN()
call acp#disable()
autocmd BufLeave <buffer> call acp#enable()
autocmd BufEnter <buffer> call acp#disable()
autocmd FileType nnn call AutoCmpNNN()
- Explorer buffer gets wiped when opening a file: This can happen when using
plugin. The workaround is to make sureminiBufExpl
is open before calling:NnnExplorer
let g:miniBufExplBuffersNeeded = 1
- Can't execute
: This issue exists in both vim and neovim. When you try to quit using the commandwqa
you see the error:E948: Job still running
. Crude workaround:
command Z w | qa
cabbrev wqa Z
Main n³ repository.