Selenium Code to populate Leaderboard
I know all of this isn't pretty but it's my first stab at creating node apps and jsforce. Some day this will be running on Heroku
Right now you will need to manually run node init.js to populate Salesforce
All of this assumes you have the custom object from the Leaderboard repository -
To get app up and running
Download code and unzip
Open VS Code and open the folder where you download zip
Update your Salesforce username, password and secret in .env
Run npm update to get all node modules
Should be good to go.
Run node init.js
If you get this message: SessionNotCreatedError: session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version XX
That is when Chrome gets updated - it may break this program with that message Check for newer chromedriver Do this: -> npm outdated
If newer version then change in package.json to that version and run npm update to update the node modules
Please email me any comments, critiques, etc.
I really need help with uploading this mess to Heroku so I don't have to manually run the job -
Note: 2022-04-26 Uploaded certs.js
This file when run will read and update Certifications in Salesforce Object
node certs.js xxxxx - where xxxxx is the vanityname