Title |
Configuration |
The dockership configuration is based on an INI-formatted config file.
Dockership will look at /etc/dockership/dockership.conf
for this config file by default. The -config
flag may be passed to the dockershipd
or dockership
binaries to use a custom config file location.
The config file syntax is based on git-config, with minor changes.
The file consists of sections and variables. A section begins with the name of the section in square brackets and continues until the next section begins. Section names are not case sensitive. Only alphanumeric characters, - and . are allowed in section names. Each variable must belong to some section, which means that there must be a section header before the first setting of a variable.
Sections can be further divided into subsections. To begin a subsection put its name in double quotes, separated by space from the section name, in the section header, like in the example below:
; Comment line
[section "subsection"]
name = value # Another comment
flag # implicit value for bool is true
A miscellaneous of configuration variables used across the whole tool.
(mandatory): a Github personal access token used in every request to the Github API. -
(default: true): if it is false all the images and containers will be defined using full length revision names, instead the short ones. -
(multiple, optional): etcd server, needed for etcd variables at the Dockerfiles.
Configuration of the web server from dockershipd
. This section is only required by dockershipd
Since the authentication is based on a registered Github Application, you should create it at Github. The Authorization callback URL must be filled with http://<server-addr>/oauth2callback
, this URL should be accessible by anyone.
(default: the TCP network addressGithubID
(mandatory): theClient ID
provided by GithubGithubSecret
(mandatory): theClient Secret
provided by GithubGithubOrganization
(optional): only the members from this Github Organization are allowed to access.GithubUser
(multiple, optional): Github user allowed to access into DockershipGithubRedirectURL
(mandatory): theAuthorization callback URL
configured in Github
An environment is a logical group of any number of Docker servers. Dockership supports multiple environments. Each Environment
is defined as a section with subsection: [Environment "production"]
(mandatory, multiple): Docker Remote API address, if dockership and Docker are running in the same host you can useunix:///var/run/docker.sock
if not you should enable remote access at the docker daemon (with -H parameter) and use a TCP endpoint. (eg.:tcp://
) -
(optional): The hostname that the machine will be exposed at. Reachable thorugh theDOCKERSHIP_HOST
variable in Dockerfiles. -
(optional): If you are running Docker with TLS support you must provide the path to your keys files, just like the DOCKER_CERT_PATH looks. -
(multiple, optional): if none is configured theGlobal.EtcdServer
will be used
section defines the configuration for every project to be deployed in the environments. The relation between repositories is one-to-one, so the repository should contain the Dockerfile
and all the files needed to build the Docker image. The Project as Environment is defined as a section with subsection: [Project "disruptive-app"]
(mandatory): Github repository SSH clone URL, the branch can be added to the end of the URL preceded of a!
(default: Dockerfile): the path to the Dockerfile at the repository.RelatedRepositories
(optional, multiple): SSH clone URL to dependent repositories. (Link to more explanatory document)History
(default: 3): Number to old images you want to keep in each Docker server.NoCache
(optional): Avoid to use the Docker cache (like --no-cache atdocker build
(multiple, optional): container port to expose, format:<host-addr>:<host-port>:<container-port>/<proto>
(like -p atdocker run
), additionaly the port can be configured just for one enviroment adding it to end of the port preceded by a@
(optional, default: no): restart policy to apply when a container exits (no, on-failure[:max-retry], always) (like --restart atdocker run
(multiple, optional): creates a Link to other project, when this project is deployed the linked projects are restarted (like -P atdocker run
(multiple, optional): mounts a Data Volume Container (like -v atdocker run
(multiple, optional): mounts a Data Volumes From a specified container (like --volumes-from atdocker run
(default: Global.GithubToken): the token needed to access this repository, if it is different from the global one.Environment
(multiple, mandatory): Environment name where this project could be deployedWebHook
(optional): An HTTP address. See Extending Dockership for details.
REST webservice in Python running under a uwsgi+nginx on port 8080
This repository requires the python package domain
, so we want to detect if the rest-service has pending changes to be deployed when the domain has new commits, even when the rest-service
repository does not have new commits.
An AngularJS frontend running on a nginx server, with a reverse_proxy
pointing to the port 8080 at rest-service container, in the path /rest
We want to expose the port 80 at the host server.
GithubToken = example-token
[Project "rest-service"]
Repository = git@github.com:company/rest-service.git
Environment = live
Environment = dev
File = /tmp/container.py
RelatedRepository = git@github.com:company/domain.git
[Project "frontend"]
Repository = git@github.com:company/angular-client.git
Environment = live
Environment = dev
Port =
Link = rest-service:backend
[Environment "live"]
DockerEndPoint = http://live-1.example.com
DockerEndPoint = http://live-2.example.com
[Environment "dev"]
DockerEndPoint = http://dev.example.com