The Algorithm is written in C++
We used Qt creator to build the GUI, with Qt Quick 2 (qml)
We used two heuristic for the strips algorithm , the first is with general actions like: Move through first door, Move through second door , which translate to small actions (operators) like Move left , Move right ..
The second heuristic try every basic operator like Move left , Move right , Rotate left ..
Each action has his preconditions which he must satisfy to be done, also the action save a list of goals predicates and another list of deleted predicates (the clear place he make after performing it and the place he occupied).
Most of the game logic and the heuristic are in Broker.cpp and functions.cpp. All the C++ source is here : source.
You can contact me if you got stucked or need any help at:
Thank you and good luck.
You can download a portable version and test it from here :