Provided by: Ignacio Van Droogenbroeck
This Dashboard offers you information about your MongoDB instance. Uptime, Connections, Open Connections, Query Operations, Document Operations, Flushes, Network I/O and Commands per Seconds.
- 1 Telegraf Configuration
- 1 Dashboards: mongodb.json
General instructions on using InfluxDB Templates can be found in the use a template document.
Telegraf Configuration requires the following environment variables
- `INFLUX_TOKEN` - The token with the permissions to read Telegraf configs and write data to the `telegraf` bucket. You can just use your master token to get started.
- `INFLUX_ORG` - The name of your Organization.
- `INFLUX_BUCKET` - The name of the bucket you will store the data.
In order to use this Dashboard, you need to specify the string connection to MongoDB instance.
Ex: mongodb://user:auth_key@
Ex without auth: mongodb://
Author: Ignacio Van Droogenbroeck
Email: ignacio[at]vandroogenbroeck[dot]net
Github and Gitlab user: @xe-nvdk
Influx Slack: Ignacio Van Droogenbroeck