1.1.4 (2023-09-19)
- update package.json with author, repository, bugs, keywords, and homepage information (5a173aa)
1.1.3 (2023-09-18)
- not correct license (b94f266)
- wallet-pay.ts: change API endpoint path from
1.1.2 (2023-09-18)
- wallet-pay.ts: update getOrderPreview method to use OrderPreviewQueryParams interface and pass id as a query parameter instead of path parameter (44d0f75)
1.1.1 (2023-09-18)
- Error: Package subpath './dist/wallet-pay' is not defined by "exports" (410bda9)
1.1.0 (2023-09-18)
- add release-please configuration file (767219c)
- add release-please workflow (767219c)
- errors.ts: add RequiredError class for handling required field errors (03bcd48)
- index.ts: export WalletPay and types from respective files (03bcd48)
- README.md: add usage instructions for creating an order (c58c56b)
- README.md: add usage instructions for getting an order by id (c58c56b)
- wallet-pay.test.ts: add tests for WalletPay class methods (03bcd48)
- wallet-pay.ts: implement WalletPay class for interacting with WalletPay API (2b63412)
- wallet-pay.ts: implement WalletPay class for interacting with WalletPay API (03bcd48)
- not valid package name (be955af)
- not valid package name (d0eec24)
- README.md: fix typo in installation command (c58c56b)
- update formatting & not valid versions (6cefbde)
- update formatting & not valid versions (a5455a1)
- wallet-pay.ts: fix parameter name in createOrder method (c58c56b)
1.0.2 (2023-09-18)
- not valid package name (d0eec24)
1.0.1 (2023-09-18)
- add release-please configuration file (767219c)
- add release-please workflow (767219c)
- errors.ts: add RequiredError class for handling required field errors (03bcd48)
- index.ts: export WalletPay and types from respective files (03bcd48)
- README.md: add usage instructions for creating an order (c58c56b)
- README.md: add usage instructions for getting an order by id (c58c56b)
- wallet-pay.test.ts: add tests for WalletPay class methods (03bcd48)
- wallet-pay.ts: implement WalletPay class for interacting with WalletPay API (2b63412)
- wallet-pay.ts: implement WalletPay class for interacting with WalletPay API (03bcd48)