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## moral-political komingeh
1- a is moral society organized around binding ethos of philosophy of living, politically democratic of equal political distribution, autonomously sufficient in primary needs economics.
2- analogous to moral society bonded by coherent ethos, komingeh self-sufficiency is achieved through it's communes bonded by common goals, and binding philosophy, methodology, or hierarchy, meaning that common goals with different binding philosophies of politicizing implies different communes for the same goals for minimal conflicts, and highest productivity, a commune is optimally to be conformist as well, giving space for innovation, and creativity, analogous to the komingeh philosophy, a communes is small version of the komingeh, where without the complete autonomy, but dependents on the rest of the komingeh's services.
3- a commune is organized on common interests of communalists to serve the needs of the komingeh self-sufficiency, formed by members of equal political weight. hierarchy, and administration is arbitrary per commune, the commune on itself have no more political power than that of it's own members, and no power can be directed from the commune outward, by the definition of equal political weight of communalists, but inward is possible however, according to commune internal policy.
4- for the commune to have more utilization of resources for supporting the needs of more communalists other than it's administrators, a commune require the acceptance, or conscription of the interested communalists for utilizing parts of their communal share of resources.
5- commune internals must include input, and output committees for administrating input resources, and output services, media committee for publicizing it's work, research, philosophy, policy, statistics, and transparency of transactions with optional confidentiality, research center for societal grass-root solutions, service development, and production monitoring, and lastly an economical committee for analyzing economics of production for reduction of cost using alternative means, or methodologies of production, inside which a reverse engineering committee for hacking, customary developing, and manufacturing imported technologies for less cost for achieving self-sufficiency of the secondary needs, and redistributing accumulation of humane knowledge to it's heirs, and academies as part of research center, through which each communalists find it's societal role, basic academies are for at least satisfying the basic societal needs for survival and preservation, it's in the interest of each academy to present, teach their ideas for new generations, and new learner for continuity of the commune, and attraction of young, sharp, and passionate minds, societal sciences inside each commune academy are interdisciplinary, integrated and inseparable from society, humanitarian, abstract, and applicable sciences are ought to be integrated not be separated from uniting goals, communalists therefore are expected to be generalists taught in coherent abstract thinking, and languages, commune philosophy, humanitarian sciences, arts, and technology, etc. nature of societal sciences as integral whole, and working force for studying, developing, or resolving, specific societal aspects, they are inseparable from society, and environment by the implication of it's needs, due to the relatively small size of average komingeh of 5k, one sufficient land of relatively small area to the typical city of hundreds of thousands, or tens of millions, any environmental problem is quickly realized, and sensed, the need for constructing ecological sciences follow to be redundant in self-sufficient komingeh!
6- analyzing commune transactions can be used for verification of utilized resources per capita.
7- each communes with at sum power of it's communalists, and conscripted members, society political weight will be concentrated in the communes of common-interest, only for decisions related to communalists, and public resources, decision need to be arrived in bottom-up egalitarian linear approach, in the dichotomy of communalist, and free-rider, communalist will have greater political exercise, in politicizing it's commune, compared to free-rider who only participate in public decision making of conscripted commune.
8- technology can have a great rule for tracing, and block-chaining transaction, voting, conscription, and policies, and eliminating administration burdens.
9- the fitness of the commune is evolutionary determined by the productivity of it's philosophy or methodology, eminence of commune is determined by philosophical competence, and not capitalistic competence of domination of knowledge, but through seeking truth, perfection, simplicity and beauty, in survival of the fittest nature always penalize the un-fit, and reward the eminent most adaptive, and productive, in democratic komingeh nature evolution shall be adopted to protect against dissipation of resources, therefore conscious evolution shall be utilized by penalizing it's philosophy, or methodology, and not it's members by cutting input resources, a vigilant communalists are active specially in cases of scarcity, implied by nature of self-regulating societally aware komingeh.
10- in the komingeh natural resources are life itself. protecting, monitoring, and overwatching resources utilization is the task of vigilant, socially aware, communalists, and not a central power, not a separation of responsibility implied by egalitarianism from the body of responsibility, the common binding ethos of philosophy of living play a great role, without moral society such condition can't be maintained.
11- a komingeh is a synergy of it's autonomous communes, each commune coalesce of around 150 (Dunbar number D), between 100, and 250, with average number of communes of same goals, but different philosophies, and methodologies of administration to be V, and primary and secondary communes to be C, then komingeh size equals C*V*D
12- research center in commune is responsible for analyzing working methodology, and work productivity, and overtime, communes of common goals methodology will merge fruits of each all philosophies, and can converge to be as minimal as 1, or 2 communes inside the same komingeh, a komingeh is around 5k for V=3 as a best guess! in a small country of 5millions population, a society will be a Confederacy of 1k different komingehs of potentially unique philosophies, and culture, but common confederate self-preservation, and development unity.
## elimination of second ownership in societal-aware communalists, anarchy is equality, anarchy is order!
13- equal political weights implies equal share of resources analogous to phenomenal "randomized share system" of egalitarian society of hunter-gatherers.
14- communes bottleneck is the resource capacity of conscripted communalists, for the basic survival, and preservation communes all communalists are equalized with equal share of resources, because each communalists is dependent on the rest of the communes, it is expected to harvest their collaborative communal fruits charge free, otherwise for equality to behold, and money to coexist with it, each working communalist is expected to receive equal share of money from shared resources, and surplus to their myriad work regards of working hours, or effort, in the sense money is redundant, and unnatural, the other possibility of existence of money as reward factored by working hours, passion, productivity, knowledge, genetics, environment, etc will unequalize share of wealth in accord with ability to work. overtime wealth motivated by ownership will centralize itself in handful of small elite minority, polarize society into the dichotomy of elite rich, and slave poor with nothing left for them to be owned! giving more political weight to elites, dismantling first conditions of equality, this characteristics of extreme ownership and control of resources only known to state citizens run by divine king, or arbitrary democratic representative is foreign to the egalitarian societies in which a successful hunter (usually male) was discouraged by elders and co-hunters with words, and disappointing behavior to reduce his pride in himself, to not transmit his supremacy over the population, and rule over them dismantling their phenomenal egalitarianism, after hard work, hunter was expected to shared his booty equally, and using randomized share system in cases scarcity, if komingeh to be egalitarian it must be anarchist, otherwise it will fall into the inevitable inequality of second ownership! in second ownership, centralization of resources is implied, while in egalitarian society, equality assumes equal basic access to resources, and can only achieved if the members are assumed to be equal, an assumption that can't exist in cosmopolitan city of conflicting ethos.
15- in komingeh of average number of 5k, each member is essential for life, communalist integrate with the environment for development, protection for achieving propensity of mental calamity with minimal contribution to entropy.
16- any lag in productivity of few communalist can perils survival, and preservation needs, and such behavior shall be studied, understood, and applied for developing binding ethos of the whole komingeh, or concerned commune for enhancement of communalist behavior, from deterministic prospective each communalist is an expression to environment and it's own ancestral past, therefore laziness, genetic, mental, psychological, philosophical anomalies, inferiority, or defects could be studied, understood, discussed, and developed by working first on the nature! tracing all symptoms to their environmental causes for higher chances of survival, and self-preservation.
17- for propensity of communalists siblings, they optimally ought to care first for the contemporary existing communalists with low productivity scaled on societal need of survival, and self-preservation, in that sense low productive output of children, elders, sick, and pregnant communalists is tolerable!
18- liberty, freedom and emancipation of fellow human lies in the ability of understanding each others, and healthy societal social relations rather than neoliberal individuality corrupted by ownership and suppressed by alienation of egoistic elites.
19- second ownership of chieftain shall be destroyed! however first ownership is implied by difference in binding ethos!
## komingeh as closed network of communes.
20- komingeh can be perceived as a directed cyclic graph, in which each commune is a node, with set of inputs (resources), and output (services), such closed network wrapping the whole society, and satisfying the basic needs of communalists, is the framework of 21's century egalitarianism, the resurrection of clan equality, and construct of lost anarchism, by the nature of commune autonomy it's weight is the sum of it's communalists, leaving equal distribution of power equalized over the communalists, without overarching authority, top-down order, or domination of resources, sex, knowledge, or philosophy.