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File metadata and controls

811 lines (614 loc) · 19.8 KB

var / let

var myVariable = 42
let label = "some text " + String(myVariable) // String construction

let explicitDouble: Double = 70
let π = 3.1415926
let piText = "Pi = \(π), Pi 2 = \(π * 2)" // String interpolation 


  • Optionals either contains a value, or contains nil (no value) to indicate that a value is missing.
    • it may be an Optional which contains a value
    • or it is nil
var someOptionalString: String? = "a"
someOptionalString = nil

test Optional

  • If let structure
    • If let is a special structure in Swift that allows you to check if an Optional rhs holds a value
      • if is does , unwraps and assigns it to the lhs
if let test = someOptionalString {
    print ( test ) ;

Tips for optional test

  • sometimes more Optional test is painful , try guart let , it makes code pretty
func userLogIn() {
    guard let username = myUsername, let password = myPassword else { 
    print("Welcome, \(username)!") 

Tips for A or B

var colorToUse = userChosenColor ?? defaultColor

force unwrap

  • use ! to implicitly unwrapped optional
var unwrappedString: String! = someOptionalString

Any / AnyObject

  • to store a value of any type
  • AnyObject == id from Objective-C
  • Any also works with any scalar values ( Class, Int, struct, etc. )
var anyVar: Any = 7
anyVar = "Changed value to a string, not good practice, but possible."
let anyObjectVar: AnyObject = Int(1) as NSNumber


  • Array and Dictionary types are structs
  • So let and var also indicate that they are mutable (var) or immutable (let) when declaring these types


var shoppingList = ["catfish", "water", "lemons"]
var emptyMutableArray = [String]() // empty String array
var explicitEmptyMutableStringArray: [String] = [] // same as above


var occupations = [
    "Malcolm": "Captain",
    "kaylee": "Mechanic"
var emptyMutableDictionary = [String: Float]()
var explicitEmptyMutableDictionary: [String: Float] = [:] // same as above

Control Flow


  • 条件语句支持 "," (逗号) 子句, 可以用来帮助处理 optional values
let someNumber = Optional<Int>(7)
if let num = someNumber, num > 3 {
    print("num is greater than 3")

for loop (array)

let myArray = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5]
for value in myArray {

for loop (dictionary)

var dict = ["one": 1, "two": 2]
for (key, value) in dict {
    print("\(key): \(value)")

for loop (range)

  • ..< exclude the last number [ )
  • ... include the last number [ ]
for i in -1...shoppingList.count {
shoppingList[1...2] = ["1", "2"]

while loop

var i = 1
while i < 1000 {
    i *= 2

Tips for while count

  • 为了控制 while 的循环次数,这里不得不定义一个变量 i
// Better Code
for _ in 1...5 { print("Count") }

repeat-while loop

repeat {
} while 1 == 2


  • Very powerful, support String, object instances, and primitives (Int, Double, etc)
let vegetable = "red pepper"

switch vegetable {
case "cucumber", "watercress":
    let vegetableComment = "That would make a good tea sandwich."
case let localScopeValue where localScopeValue.hasSuffix("pepper"):
    let vegetableComment = "Is it a spicy \(localScopeValue)?"
default: // required (in order to cover all possible input)
    let vegetableComment = "Everything tastes good in soup."


func greet(name: String, day: String) -> String {
    return "Hello \(name), today is \(day)."
greet(name: "Bob", day: "Tuesday")

// 第二个参数表示外部参数名使用 `externalParamName` ,内部参数名使用 `localParamName`
func greet2(name: String, externalParamName localParamName: String) -> String {
    return "Hello \(name), the day is \(localParamName)"
greet2(name: "John", externalParamName: "Sunday")

// returns multiple items in a tuple
func getGasPrices() -> (Double, Double, Double) {
    return (3.59, 3.69, 3.79)
let pricesTuple = getGasPrices()
let price = pricesTuple.2 // 3.79

let (_, price1, _) = pricesTuple // price1 == 3.69

// you can also name those tuple params 
func getGasPrices2() -> (lowestPrice: Double, highestPrice: Double, midPrice: Double) {
    return (1.77, 37.70, 7.37)
let pricesTuple2 = getGasPrices2()
let price2 = pricesTuple2.lowestPrice

guard statements

  • guards provide early exits or breaks
    • placing the error handler code near the conditions
  • it places variables it declares , in the same scope as the guard statement
func testGuard() {
    guard let aNumber = Optional<Int>(7) else {
    print("number is \(aNumber)")

Variadic Args

func setup(numbers: Int...) {
    // it's an array
    let _ = numbers[0]
    let _ = numbers.count

returning functions

func makeIncrementer() -> ((Int) -> Int) {
    func addOne(number: Int) -> Int {
        return 1 + number
    return addOne

pass by ref

func swapTwoInts(a: inout Int, b: inout Int) {
    let tempA = a
    a = b
    b = tempA
var someIntA = 7
var someIntB = 3
swapTwoInts(a: &someIntA, b: &someIntB)


  • Functions are special case closures ({})
  • -> separates the arguments and return type
  • in separates the closure header from the closure body
var numbers = [1, 2, 6]{
    (number: Int) -> Int in
    let result = 3 * number
    return result

//  When the type is known ...{ number in 3 * number })   // kind of lambda ?
// 语法糖, 这种情况下,可以不要 (){ number in 3 * number }

Trailing closure

numbers = numbers.sorted { $0 > $1 }

Tips : Use Closure to drop function parameter name

// Normal Function
func sum(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int { return x + y }

var sumUsingClosure: (Int, Int) -> (Int) = { $0 + $1 }

Tips : 函数式编程

  • 例:获取偶数:
// bad
var newEvens = [Int]()

for i in 1...10 {
 if i % 2 == 0 { newEvens.append(i) }

// Declarative 
var evens = Array(1...10).filter { $0 % 2 == 0 }
print(evens) // [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]


  • Structures and classes have very similar capabilities
struct NamesTable {
    let names: [String]

    // Custom subscript 下标访问
    subscript(index: Int) -> String {
        return names[index]
  • Structures have an auto-generated (implicit) designated initializer
let namesTable = NamesTable(names: ["Me", "Them"])
let name = namesTable[1]  // Them

Error Handling

  • The Error protocol is used when throwing errors to catch
enum MyError: Error {
    case BadValue(msg: String)
    case ReallyBadValue(msg: String)
  • functions marked with throws must be called using try
func fakeFetch(value: Int) throws -> String {
    guard 7 == value else {
        throw MyError.ReallyBadValue(msg: "Some really bad value")
    return "test"

func testTryStuff() {
    // assumes there will be no error thrown,
    // otherwise a runtime exception is raised
    let _ = try! fakeFetch(value: 7)

    // if an error is thrown, then it proceeds,
    // but if the value is nil, it also wraps every return value in an optional, even if its already optional
    let _ = try? fakeFetch(value: 7)

    // normal try operation that provides error handling via `catch` block
    do {
        try fakeFetch(value: 1)
    } catch MyError.BadValue(let msg) {
        print("Error message: \(msg)")
    } catch {
        // must be exhaustive


  • Classes, structures and its members have three levels of access control
    • internal (default), public, private
public class Shape {
    public func getArea() -> Int {
        return 0
  • All methods and properties of a class are public
  • If you just need to store data in a structured object, you should use a struct
internal class Rect: Shape {
    var sideLength: Int = 1

    // Custom getter and setter property
    private var perimeter: Int {
        get {
            return 4 * sideLength
        set {
            // `newValue` is an implicit variable available to setters
            sideLength = newValue / 4

    // Computed properties must be declared as `var`
    // cause' they can change
    var smallestSideLength: Int {
        return self.sideLength - 1

    // Lazily load a property
    // subShape remains nil (uninitialized) until getter called
    lazy var subShape = Rect(sideLength: 4)

    // If you don't need a custom getter and setter,
    // but still want to run code before and after getting or setting a property,
    // you can use `willSet` and `didSet`
    var identifier: String = "defaultID" {
        // the `willSet` arg will be the variable name for the new value
        willSet(someIdentifier) {

    init(sideLength: Int) {
        self.sideLength = sideLength
        // always super.init last when init custom properties

    // override
    override func getArea() -> Int {
        return sideLength * sideLength

// A simple class `Square` extends `Rect`
class Square: Rect {
    convenience init() {
        self.init(sideLength: 5)

var mySquare = Square()
// cast instance
let aShape = mySquare as Shape

Tips : 计算属性 vs 方法

  • 上例的 sideLength / perimeter 是相互关联的两组数据
  • 与其创建两个相互转换的方法 , 不如使用 计算属性getter/setter 把他们关联起来

init 方法: 构造函数

  • init方法是用来创建对象的,有着比较严格的调用方式和实现方式。
  • 初始化方法的顺序. 为了保证所有的属性都被初始化,对init方法里语句的顺序有严格的要求
    1. 子类要先初始化子类自有的属性
    2. 调用父类的初始化方法
    3. 对父类中需要改变的属性再赋值
  • init的类别
    1. Designated
      • 不加修饰的init都为designated.
      • designated初始化方法中要保证所有非Optional的属性都被初始化,子类的init方法也必须都调用父类的Designated init
    2. Convenience
      • Convenience初始化方法必须调用同类中的Designated init完成初始化,且不能被子类重载也不能在子类中用super的方式调用.
      • 只要子类重写了父类convenience初始化方法需要的Designated方法,子类就可以直接调用父类的convenience init完成子类的初始化
    3. Required
      • 对于希望子类实现的初始化方法,我们可以通过required限制,强制子类重写,这样写的作用保证了依赖某个Designated初始化方法的convenience一直可以使用。
      • 另外可以用required修饰convenience方法,用来保证子类不直接使用父类的convenience。

Optional init

  • init now can return nil
// Optional init
class Circle: Shape {
    var radius: Int
    override func getArea() -> Int {
        return 3 * radius * radius

    // Place a question mark postfix after `init` is an optional init
    // which can return nil
    init?(radius: Int) {
        self.radius = radius

        if radius <= 0 {
            return nil
var myCircle = Circle(radius: 1)
print(myCircle?.getArea())    // Optional(3)
print(myCircle!.getArea())    // 3


  • Enums can optionally be of a specific type or on their own
  • They can contain methods like classes
enum Suit {
    case Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs
    func getIcon() -> String {
        switch self {
        case .Spades: return ""
        case .Hearts: return ""
        case .Diamonds: return ""
        case .Clubs: return ""
  • Enum values allow short hand syntax, no need to type the enum type
    • when the variable is explicitly declared
var suitValue: Suit = .Hearts
  • String enums can have direct raw value assignments
    • or their raw values will be derived from the Enum field
enum BookName: String {
    case John
    case Luke = "Luke"
print("Name: \(BookName.John.rawValue)")  // John
print("Name: \(BookName.John)")           // John
print("Name: \(BookName.Luke.rawValue)")  // rawLuke
print("Name: \(BookName.Luke)")           // Luke
  • Enum with associated Values
enum Furniture {
    // Associate with Int
    case Desk(height: Int)
    // Associate with String and Int
    case Chair(String, Int)

    func description() -> String {
        switch self {
        case .Desk(let height):
            return "Desk with \(height) cm"
        case .Chair(let brand, let height):
            return "Chair of \(brand) with \(height) cm"
var desk: Furniture = .Desk(height: 80)
print(desk.description())     // "Desk with 80 cm"
var chair = Furniture.Chair("Foo", 40)
print(chair.description())    // "Chair of Foo with 40 cm"

Tips : Enum 类型安全

  • eg. switch中 对字符串做匹配,是一种很危险的做法
  • 因为我们不能保证 switch case 中的字符串有没编写正确
  • 使用 enum 可以在编译期间发现你的错误


protocol ShapeGenerator {
    var enabled: Bool { get set }
    func buildShape() -> Shape
  • 使用 @objc 声明的协议允许 optional functions , which allow you to check for conformance
  • 这些函数也必须用 @objc 标记。
@objc protocol TransformShape {
    @objc optional func reshape()
    @objc optional func canReshape() -> Bool

class MyShape: Rect {
    var delegate: TransformShape?

    func grow() {
        sideLength += 2

        // Place a question mark after an optional property, method, or
        // subscript to gracefully ignore a nil value and return nil
        // instead of throwing a runtime error ("optional chaining").
        if let reshape = self.delegate?.canReshape?(), reshape {
            // test for delegate then for method


  • Add extra functionality to an already existing type
// Tips:  Better Version than define a square function 
extension Int { 
    var squared: Int { return self * self }
5.squared // 25
5.squared.squared // 625


  • Similar to Java and C#
  • Use the where keyword to specify the requirements of the generics.
func findIndex<T: Equatable>(array: [T], valueToFind: T) -> Int? {
    for (index, value) in array.enumerated() {
        if value == valueToFind {
            return index
    return nil
let foundAtIndex = findIndex(array: [1, 2, 3, 4], valueToFind: 3)
print(foundAtIndex == 2) // true


  • Custom operators can start with the characters:
    • / = - + * % < > ! & | ^ . ~
  • or
    • Unicode math, symbol, arrow, dingbat, and line/box drawing characters
prefix operator !!!

// A prefix operator that triples the side length when used
prefix func !!! (shape: inout Square) -> Square {
    shape.sideLength *= 3
    return shape
// current value
print(mySquare.sideLength) // 4
print(mySquare.sideLength) // 12

// Operators can also be generics
infix operator <->
func <-><T: Equatable> (a: inout T, b: inout T) {
    let c = a
    a = b
    b = c
var foo: Float = 10
var bar: Float = 20

foo <-> bar
print("foo is \(foo), bar is \(bar)") // "foo is 20.0, bar is 10.0"