Pharo is full of implicit coding conventions.
This page aims to document all those conventions to help newcomers to write Pharo code following the community's idioms.
/!\ This document is a work in progress
Pharo as some conventions when it comes to tests. This section will cover them.
Package name
First, it is usual to store tests rather in a separated package than in the package of the tested classes. The name of this package should be NameOfOriginalPackage-Tests
For example, if one wants to add tests to Material-Design-Lite-Core
, the tests should be in a package called Material-Design-Lite-Core-Tests
Class name
Tests classes (subclasses of TestCase
) should end with the suffix Test
(and not Tests
because a test class is a test case).
In the case of unit tests, the name of the class should be MyClassTest
. For example, if one wants to add unit tests of MDLButton
, the test class will be named MDLButtonTest
Method name
Test method names in Pharo should always be prefixed with test
. For example, testListRectToDropEvent
In case of a unit test on a method of the tested class, the name should be prefixed by test
followed by the name of the method to test.
For example:
- The unit test for
will be named#testClick
- The unit test for
will be named#testClickElement
- The unit test for
will be named#testClickElementWithShiftPressed
By doing that, you should see a new icon next to your actual method name. This icon allows one to launch the unit test of the method via a click.