- Repository - Martin Fowler
- No need for repositories and unit of work with Entity Framework Core
- Repository and unit of work ARE useful
- The generic repository is just a lazy anti-pattern
- The Repository Pattern isn’t an Anti-Pattern; You’re just doing it wrong.
- The Generic Repository Is An Anti-Pattern
- Repository Pattern in .Net Core
- DDD: The Generic Repository
- Creating A Generic Repository
- Repository is Dead: Long Live Repository
- More on Repository
- Avoiding the Repository Pattern with an ORM
- Query Objects instead of Repositories
- Building a CachedRepository via Strategy Pattern
- Adding decorated classes to the ASP.NET Core DI container using Scrutor
- Introducing the CachedRepository Pattern
- Should repositories throw exceptions ?
- Repository Pattern in ASP.NET Core with Adapter Pattern for easy Maintenance & better Unit Testing
- Should Controllers Reference Repositories or Services
- Architecting in the pit of doom: The evils of the repository abstraction layer
- Implementing repository querying interface in EF Core DbContext
- Repository pattern or DbContext - what's your poison?
- Repository Pattern C#
- Repository and Unit of Work Pattern
- Should you use the Repository Pattern? With CQRS, Yes and No!
- Implement Repository Pattern using .NET EF Core
- EF Core Repository with Specification Pattern in .NET
- Better Enhanced Repository Pattern Implementation in .NET
- The Repository Pattern is simple yet misunderstood
- Getting Started With Specifications
- Specification Pattern
- Specification pattern: C# implementation
- CQRS vs Specification pattern
- Specification Pattern vs Always-Valid Domain Model
- Unit of work pattern with Dapper
- Repository Pattern with C# and Entity Framework - Mosh Hamedani
- Step by Step - Repository Pattern and Unit of Work with Asp.Net Core 5
- Should you use the Repository Pattern? With CQRS, Yes and No!
- Reviewing the Specification Pattern and NuGet package
- Should we use repositories or not?
- Reviewing the Specification Pattern and NuGet package
- What's new in v5 of Ardalis.Specification
- Ardalis - Working on the Ardalis.Specification and EF Extensions GitHub projectso)
- ardalis/Specification - Base class with tests for adding specifications to a DDD model
- FoundatioFx/Foundatio.Repositories - Generic repositories
- RobThree/MongoRepository - Repository abstraction layer on top of Official MongoDB C# driver
- urfnet/URF.Core - Unit of Work & Repositories Framework - .NET Core, NET Standard, Entity Framework Core. 100% extensible & lightweight. Live demo: https://goo.gl/QpJVgd
- alexandre-spieser/mongodb-generic-repository - An example of generic repository implementation using the MongoDB C# Sharp 2.0 driver (async)
- esendir/MongoRepository - Repository pattern for MongoDB with extended features
- WeihanLi/WeihanLi.EntityFramework - EntityFramework extensions
- brunohbrito/MongoDB-RepositoryUoWPatterns - Example of an implementation of Repository and Unit of Work Patterns with MongoDB for ASP.NET Core.
- TanvirArjel/EFCore.GenericRepository - This repository contains Generic Repository implementation for Entity Framework Core
- Daniel127/EF-Unit-Of-Work - Repository and Unit of Work pattern implementation for Entity Framework Core.
- SharpRepository/SharpRepository - C# Generic Repository for use with Entity Framework, RavenDB and more with built-in caching options.
- AhmedTarekHasan/BetterRepository
- threenine/Threenine.Data - Generic Repository Pattern for .net core
- timschreiber/DapperUnitOfWork
- BaalaSrinivas/Dapper.RepositoryAndUnitOfWork
- outmatic/Dapper.UnitOfWork