The main configuration file is common.vim
. It's used indirectly by both Vim and
Neovim: Vim sources it from vimrc
and Neovim from init.vim
- I think ; (semicolon) and , (comma) haven't been mapped to anything ever since I started using rhysd's clever-f.vim plugin a long time ago. What a waste.
is too big. Split it into several files.- Add
vimrc file that's used forgit commit
and Ctrl-X Ctrl-E in Bash? - Fix warnings when doing
vim -u NORC
. - Use
to toggle the quickfix window? - Map
to something more useful. - Maybe map
to something more useful. - Use
suggestions. - Use a
for Markdown files.- See
- Use a plugin like vim-markdown-folding?
- Is it possible to soft-wrap at
? See neovim/neovim#4386. - Use
for automatic paragraph formatting?
Maybe try some of these plugins:
- neoterm
- Neovim-only
- Neoterm provides commands for sending code to REPLs using Neovim's built-in terminal emulator.
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>e :TREPLSend<CR>
?unlet g:neoterm_automap_keys
?Tmap ls
- nvim-miniyank
- Neovim-only
map p <Plug>(miniyank-autoput)
?map P <Plug>(miniyank-autoPut)
?map , <Plug>(miniyank-cycle)
- dwm.vim
- I mostly like this but sometimes it tries to do a bit too much automatically.
- Maybe only add commands or keybinds for activating a master-and-stack layout and for switching the master and/or cycling windows.
- gabrielelana/vim-markdown
- preservim/vim-markdown
- Some of the mappings are pretty nice.
- This plugin noticeably slows down opening markdown files.
- This plugin optionally depends on tabular.
let g:vim_markdown_folding_disabled = 1
?let g:vim_markdown_math = 1
?let g:vim_markdown_frontmatter = 1
?let g:vim_markdown_no_default_key_mappings = 1
- kotlin-vim
- With vim-plug I was able to do this:
Plug 'udalov/kotlin-vim', { 'for': ['kotlin'] }
- With vim-plug I was able to do this:
- vim-searchindex or vim-indexed-search
- loupe
let g:LoupeClearHighlightMap = 0
- vim-textobj-pastedtext
nnoremap gp `[v`]
- Powerline, Projectionist, ReplaceWithRegister, VimShell, Vimwiki, ack.vim, ag.vim, deoplete, investigate.vim, libclang-vim, neocomplete, nvr (not actually a plugin), splitjoin.vim, vim-better-whitespace, vim-easyclip, vim-easygrep, vim-journal, vim-matchup (doesn't support Python) or vim-most-minimal-folds, vim-move, vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc-syntax, vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc, vim-peekaboo (Neovim-only), vim-protodef, vim-quicklink, vim-sexp, vim-signature, vim-sort-motion, vim-swap, vim-textobj-clang, vim-textobj-line, vim-trailing-whitespace, vimproc, vimtex, yankring.vim