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Releases: metabrainz/bookbrainz-site

February 2016

09 Feb 22:37
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December 2015

06 Dec 02:00
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Fixed edit profile page and removed unimplemented email changing

0.15.3 - March 2015

02 Apr 21:52
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In this release, we redesigned the homepage, removed a lot of placeholder elements and improved support for screenreaders. We switched to passport.js for authentication, and route protection, introduced configuration files, and added data models to simplify routing code. Reduced complexity of alias entry in entity creation pages, and adjusted pages to account for ws and schema changes. Also added profile editor and search, licensing and privacy pages.

0.15.2 - February 2015

28 Feb 19:40
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0.15.2 - February 2015

Site has basic functionality, including ability to add creators and publications, and relationships between all entities. Users can register, log in and send and receive messages.