Metrum Research Group
- Packages and setup
- Reference
- Data
- PBPK model: pitavastatin / CsA DDI
- Objective function
- Optimize with different methods
- Compare optimization methods
theme_set(theme_bw() + theme(legend.position="top"))
options(ggplot2.discrete.colour = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(name = "Dark2", n = 8))
options(ggplot2.discrete.fill = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(name = "Dark2", n = 8))
Quantitative Analyses of Hepatic OATP-Mediated Interactions Between Statins and Inhibitors Using PBPK Modeling With a Parameter Optimization Method
T Yoshikado, K Yoshida, N Kotani, T Nakada, R Asaumi, K Toshimoto, K Maeda, H Kusuhara and Y Sugiyama
- Example taken from figure 4a from the publication
- Using this as example data to fit
data <- read_csv(here("docs/data/fig4a-fit.csv"))
data <-
type = ID,
typef = factor(ID, labels = c("Statin", "Statin+CsA"))
. # A tibble: 6 × 8
. ID TIME DV EVID AMT CMT type typef
. <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct>
. 1 2 0 NA 1 2000 2 2 Statin+CsA
. 2 2 1 NA 1 30 1 2 Statin+CsA
. 3 2 1.49 73.7 0 0 0 2 Statin+CsA
. 4 2 1.99 102. 0 0 0 2 Statin+CsA
. 5 2 2.49 59.9 0 0 0 2 Statin+CsA
. 6 2 3.00 37.6 0 0 0 2 Statin+CsA
Important: the data has DV
set to NA
(missing value); this is
important to for the following approach to work.
- The goal is to fit the pitavastatin data either alone (left) or in combination with cyclosporin administered 1 hour before the pitavastatin
ggplot(data = data, aes(TIME, DV)) +
geom_point(aes(col = typef), size = 3) +
geom_line(col = "darkgrey", aes(group = typef)) +
scale_y_continuous(trans = "log", limits = c(0.1,300), breaks = logbr())
- Check out the model / data with a quick simulation
- We’re only interested in
, the pitavastatin concentration
mod <- mread_cache("yoshikado", here("docs/models"))
mod <- update(mod, end = 14, delta = 0.1, outvars = "CP")
This model has 43 parameters and 31 compartments
. Model parameters (N=43):
. name value . name value . name value
. beta 0.8 | ifhCLint 0.00839 | PSmus 3.5
. CLr 0 | ika 0.999 | PSski 0.534
. exFadi 0.145 | ikiu 0.0118 | Qadi 0.223
. exFliv 0.278 | iKp_adi 17.3 | Qh 1.2
. exFmus 0.146 | iKp_liv 16.7 | Qmus 0.642
. exFski 0.321 | iKp_mus 2.98 | Qski 0.257
. fafg 1 | iKp_ski 13.6 | Rdiff 0.0345
. fb 0.008 | imw 1203 | tlag 1
. fbCLintall 0.737 | itlag 0.254 | Vadi 0.143
. fbile 0.33 | ka 1.06 | Vcent 0.075
. fh 0.035 | Kp_adi 0.086 | Vliv 0.0241
. gamma 0.244 | Kp_mus 0.113 | Vmus 0.429
. iClr 0 | Kp_ski 0.481 | Vski 0.111
. ifafg 0.572 | ktr 0.679 | . .
. ifb 0.06 | PSadi 0.146 | . .
. Model initial conditions (N=31):
. name value . name value . name value
. ac (26) 0 | hc4 (18) 0 | iliv3 (29) 0
. adi (5) 0 | hc5 (19) 0 | iliv4 (30) 0
. ae (23) 0 | he1 (10) 0 | iliv5 (31) 0
. cent (3) 0 | he2 (11) 0 | mc (24) 0
. ehc1 (7) 0 | he3 (12) 0 | me (21) 0
. ehc2 (8) 0 | he4 (13) 0 | mus (4) 0
. ehc3 (9) 0 | he5 (14) 0 | sc (25) 0
. gut (1) 0 | icent (20) 0 | se (22) 0
. hc1 (15) 0 | igut (2) 0 | ski (6) 0
. hc2 (16) 0 | iliv1 (27) 0 | . ... .
. hc3 (17) 0 | iliv2 (28) 0 | . ... .
Simulate out a quick example … we filter out just the dosing records and fill in with a smooth set of observations
doses <- filter(data, EVID==1)
sims <-
mod %>%
mrgsim(data = doses, obsaug = TRUE) %>%
mutate(type = typef(ID))
ggplot(sims, aes(TIME, CP, col = type)) +
geom_line(lwd = 1) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 12, 2)) +
scale_y_continuous(trans = "log10") +
ylab("Pitavastatin concentration") + xlab("Time (hour)")
sims %>%
group_by(type) %>%
pmxTools::get_auc(dv = "CP") %>%
mutate(fold_increase = AUC/first(AUC))
. ID AUC fold_increase
. 1 1 44.07871 1.000000
. 2 2 161.07202 3.654191
- Least squares objective function
- Weighted by the observations
wss <- function(dv, pred, par = NULL) {
sum(((dv-pred)/dv)^2, na.rm = TRUE)
- Let’s go through step by step what each line is doing for us
pred <- function(p, m, d, pred = FALSE) {
p <- lapply(p, exp)
names(p) <- names(theta)
m <- param(m, p)
if(pred) {
out <- mrgsim_df(m, data = d, recover = "type")
out <- mrgsim_q(m, data = d, output = "df")
return(wss(d$DV, out$CP))
#-1*sum(dnorm(log(yobs),log(out$CP),.par$sigma,log=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE)
- These appear to be the parameters that the authors are fitting
theta <- log(c(fbCLintall = 1.2, ikiu = 1.2, fbile = 0.9, ka = 0.1, ktr = 0.1))
control <- list(iprint = 25)
fit1 <- newuoa(theta, pred, m = mod, d = data, control = control)
. npt = 7 , n = 5
. rhobeg = 0.460517 , rhoend = 4.60517e-07
. start par. = 0.1823216 0.1823216 -0.1053605 -2.302585 -2.302585 fn = 11.02654
. rho: 0.046 eval: 8 fn: 7.75648 par:-0.278195 0.182322 -0.105361 -2.30259 -2.30259
. 25: 5.9761213: -0.384231 0.0362186 0.00414868 -1.21552 -2.32950
. 50: 5.3741109: -0.308723 0.648357 0.292933 -0.905966 -1.96759
. rho: 0.0046 eval: 51 fn: 5.32508 par:-0.353296 0.655989 0.284855 -0.909043 -1.96654
. 75: 5.3059744: -0.350731 0.459433 0.217035 -0.850124 -1.92008
. 100: 4.3785352: -0.370051 -2.44139 -0.294690 -0.577846 -1.60233
. 125: 1.3293983: -0.247092 -4.51333 -0.870589 -0.331008 -1.15243
. 150: 0.93251296: -0.202694 -4.66897 -1.12121 -0.210335 -0.727268
. 175: 0.68900360: -0.201159 -4.52256 -1.07453 -0.0104370 -0.399597
. rho: 0.00046 eval: 194 fn: 0.686165 par:-0.205710 -4.51109 -1.07050 -0.0167822 -0.374735
. 200: 0.68611383: -0.206148 -4.51161 -1.06892 -0.0115912 -0.374251
. rho: 4.6e-05 eval: 220 fn: 0.686078 par:-0.204591 -4.51402 -1.06778 -0.0113134 -0.371530
. 225: 0.68607711: -0.204374 -4.51398 -1.06767 -0.0112089 -0.371226
. rho: 4.6e-06 eval: 237 fn: 0.686077 par:-0.204382 -4.51408 -1.06765 -0.0111493 -0.371452
. rho: 4.6e-07 eval: 246 fn: 0.686077 par:-0.204382 -4.51408 -1.06765 -0.0111493 -0.371452
. 250: 0.68607681: -0.204382 -4.51408 -1.06765 -0.0111494 -0.371452
. At return
. eval: 255 fn: 0.68607672 par: -0.204382 -4.51408 -1.06765 -0.0111493 -0.371452
fit1$par <- setNames(fit1$par, names(theta))
- Predictions with the final estimates
- Predictions with the initial estimates
- Observed data to overlay
df_pred <- pred(fit1$par, mod, doses, pred = TRUE) %>% mutate(type = typef(type))
df_init <- pred(theta, mod, doses, pred = TRUE) %>% mutate(type = typef(type))
df_obs <- mutate(data, type = typef(type))
ggplot(data = df_pred, lwd = 0.7) +
geom_line(data = df_init,aes(TIME, CP, lty = "A")) +
geom_line(aes(TIME, CP, lty = "B")) +
geom_point(data = df_obs, aes(TIME, DV, col = type), size = 3) +
facet_wrap(~type) +
scale_y_log10(limits=c(0.1, 100)) +
ylab("Pitavastatin concentration (ng/mL)") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 14, 2), name = "Time (hours)") +
values = c(2,1),
labels = c("Initial estimates", "Final estimates"),
guide = "none",
name = ""
pred(fit1$par, m = mod, d = data)
. [1] 0.6860767
. fbCLintall ikiu fbile ka ktr
. 0.81515103 0.01095373 0.34381394 0.98891267 0.68973229
This optimizer comes from the stats
package in base R.
fit1b <- stats::optim(theta, pred, m = mod, d = data)
“Performs evolutionary global optimization via the Differential Evolution algorithm.”
lower <- rep(-6, length(theta)) %>% setNames(names(theta))
upper <- rep( 4, length(theta)) %>% setNames(names(theta))
decontrol <- DEoptim.control(
NP = 10*length(theta),
CR = 0.925,
F = 0.85,
itermax = 90,
storepopfrom = 0,
trace = 10
fit2 <- DEoptim(
fn = pred,
lower = lower,
upper = upper,
control = decontrol,
m = mod,
d = data
. Iteration: 10 bestvalit: 3.516849 bestmemit: -0.632696 -3.722511 -1.360311 -0.036983 -0.612196
. Iteration: 20 bestvalit: 2.350025 bestmemit: 0.000703 -4.042717 -0.719919 0.230071 -0.511443
. Iteration: 30 bestvalit: 1.984471 bestmemit: 0.068825 -4.628240 -0.675047 -0.255022 -0.762239
. Iteration: 40 bestvalit: 0.875897 bestmemit: -0.125607 -4.415018 -0.963055 -0.076342 -0.074339
. Iteration: 50 bestvalit: 0.702213 bestmemit: -0.217592 -4.554969 -1.094951 -0.058136 -0.450317
. Iteration: 60 bestvalit: 0.702213 bestmemit: -0.217592 -4.554969 -1.094951 -0.058136 -0.450317
. Iteration: 70 bestvalit: 0.687438 bestmemit: -0.196411 -4.523280 -1.054508 -0.014670 -0.361633
. Iteration: 80 bestvalit: 0.686394 bestmemit: -0.207140 -4.517563 -1.073372 -0.011188 -0.382893
. Iteration: 90 bestvalit: 0.686113 bestmemit: -0.206033 -4.512065 -1.069557 -0.010903 -0.373121
We can plot each population from the DE optimization over time as well as the best member for each iteration.
hx <- lapply(fit2$member$storepop, %>% bind_rows()
hx <- mutate(hx, iteration = rep(1:decontrol$itermax, each = decontrol$NP))
hx <- mutate(hx, pop = rep(1:decontrol$NP, time = decontrol$itermax))
hxm <- pivot_longer(hx, fbCLintall:ktr) %>% mutate(value = exp(value))
best <-
fit2$member$bestmemit %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate(iteration = seq(decontrol$itermax))
bestm <- pivot_longer(best, fbCLintall:ktr) %>% mutate(value = exp(value))
ggplot(data = hxm) +
geom_line(aes(iteration, value, group = pop), col = "darkslateblue") +
geom_line(data = bestm, aes(iteration ,value), col = "orange", lwd = 1) +
scale_y_log10(name = "Parameter value") +
facet_wrap(~name, ncol = 2, scales = "free_y")
sacontrol <- list(maxit = 100, nb.stop.improvement = 20, verbose = TRUE)
fit3 <- GenSA(NULL, pred, lower, upper, m = mod, d = data, control = sacontrol)
. Initializing par with random data inside bounds
. It: 1, obj value: 6.303744151
. It: 24, obj value: 0.6860791496
fit4 <- hydroPSO(
fn = pred,
lower = lower,
upper = upper,
control = list(maxit = 100, REPORT = 5),
m = mod, d = data
results <- list(theta, fit1$par, fit1b$par, fit2$optim$bestmem, fit3$par, fit4$par)
results <- map(results, exp)
method = c("initial", "newuoa", "nelder", "RcppDE", "SA", "PSO"),
fbCLintall = map_dbl(results, "fbCLintall"),
ikiu = map_dbl(results, "ikiu"),
fbile = map_dbl(results, "fbile"),
ka = map_dbl(results, "ka"),
ktr = map_dbl(results, "ktr")
) %>% kable(digits = 4)
method | fbCLintall | ikiu | fbile | ka | ktr |
initial | 1.2000 | 1.2000 | 0.9000 | 0.1000 | 0.1000 |
newuoa | 0.8152 | 0.0110 | 0.3438 | 0.9889 | 0.6897 |
nelder | 0.8387 | 0.0106 | 0.3572 | 0.9904 | 0.7114 |
RcppDE | 0.8138 | 0.0110 | 0.3432 | 0.9892 | 0.6886 |
SA | 0.8155 | 0.0110 | 0.3439 | 0.9885 | 0.6904 |
PSO | 0.8150 | 0.0110 | 0.3436 | 0.9883 | 0.6897 |