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Fit parameters in PBPK model

Metrum Research Group

Packages and setup




theme_set(theme_bw() + theme(legend.position="top"))

options(ggplot2.discrete.colour = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(name = "Dark2", n = 8))
options(ggplot2.discrete.fill = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(name = "Dark2", n = 8))


Quantitative Analyses of Hepatic OATP-Mediated Interactions Between Statins and Inhibitors Using PBPK Modeling With a Parameter Optimization Method

  • T Yoshikado, K Yoshida, N Kotani, T Nakada, R Asaumi, K Toshimoto, K Maeda, H Kusuhara and Y Sugiyama




  • Example taken from figure 4a from the publication
  • Using this as example data to fit
data <- read_csv(here("docs/data/fig4a-fit.csv")) 

data <- 
    type = ID, 
    typef = factor(ID, labels = c("Statin", "Statin+CsA"))

. # A tibble: 6 × 8
.      ID  TIME    DV  EVID   AMT   CMT  type typef     
.   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct>     
. 1     2  0     NA       1  2000     2     2 Statin+CsA
. 2     2  1     NA       1    30     1     2 Statin+CsA
. 3     2  1.49  73.7     0     0     0     2 Statin+CsA
. 4     2  1.99 102.      0     0     0     2 Statin+CsA
. 5     2  2.49  59.9     0     0     0     2 Statin+CsA
. 6     2  3.00  37.6     0     0     0     2 Statin+CsA

Important: the data has DV set to NA (missing value); this is important to for the following approach to work.

  • The goal is to fit the pitavastatin data either alone (left) or in combination with cyclosporin administered 1 hour before the pitavastatin
ggplot(data = data, aes(TIME, DV)) + 
  geom_point(aes(col = typef), size = 3) + 
  geom_line(col = "darkgrey", aes(group = typef)) + 
  scale_y_continuous(trans = "log", limits = c(0.1,300), breaks = logbr()) 

PBPK model: pitavastatin / CsA DDI

  • Check out the model / data with a quick simulation
  • We’re only interested in CP, the pitavastatin concentration
mod <- mread_cache("yoshikado", here("docs/models")) 

mod <- update(mod, end = 14, delta = 0.1, outvars = "CP")

This model has 43 parameters and 31 compartments

.  Model parameters (N=43):
.  name       value . name     value   . name  value 
.  beta       0.8   | ifhCLint 0.00839 | PSmus 3.5   
.  CLr        0     | ika      0.999   | PSski 0.534 
.  exFadi     0.145 | ikiu     0.0118  | Qadi  0.223 
.  exFliv     0.278 | iKp_adi  17.3    | Qh    1.2   
.  exFmus     0.146 | iKp_liv  16.7    | Qmus  0.642 
.  exFski     0.321 | iKp_mus  2.98    | Qski  0.257 
.  fafg       1     | iKp_ski  13.6    | Rdiff 0.0345
.  fb         0.008 | imw      1203    | tlag  1     
.  fbCLintall 0.737 | itlag    0.254   | Vadi  0.143 
.  fbile      0.33  | ka       1.06    | Vcent 0.075 
.  fh         0.035 | Kp_adi   0.086   | Vliv  0.0241
.  gamma      0.244 | Kp_mus   0.113   | Vmus  0.429 
.  iClr       0     | Kp_ski   0.481   | Vski  0.111 
.  ifafg      0.572 | ktr      0.679   | .     .     
.  ifb        0.06  | PSadi    0.146   | .     .
.  Model initial conditions (N=31):
.  name       value . name         value . name         value
.  ac (26)    0     | hc4 (18)     0     | iliv3 (29)   0    
.  adi (5)    0     | hc5 (19)     0     | iliv4 (30)   0    
.  ae (23)    0     | he1 (10)     0     | iliv5 (31)   0    
.  cent (3)   0     | he2 (11)     0     | mc (24)      0    
.  ehc1 (7)   0     | he3 (12)     0     | me (21)      0    
.  ehc2 (8)   0     | he4 (13)     0     | mus (4)      0    
.  ehc3 (9)   0     | he5 (14)     0     | sc (25)      0    
.  gut (1)    0     | icent (20)   0     | se (22)      0    
.  hc1 (15)   0     | igut (2)     0     | ski (6)      0    
.  hc2 (16)   0     | iliv1 (27)   0     | . ...        .    
.  hc3 (17)   0     | iliv2 (28)   0     | . ...        .

Simulate out a quick example … we filter out just the dosing records and fill in with a smooth set of observations

doses <- filter(data, EVID==1)

sims <- 
  mod %>% 
  mrgsim(data = doses, obsaug = TRUE) %>% 
  mutate(type = typef(ID))

ggplot(sims, aes(TIME, CP, col = type)) + 
  geom_line(lwd = 1) + 
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 12, 2)) + 
  scale_y_continuous(trans = "log10") + 
  ylab("Pitavastatin concentration") + xlab("Time (hour)") 

sims %>% 
  group_by(type) %>% 
  pmxTools::get_auc(dv = "CP") %>% 
  mutate(fold_increase = AUC/first(AUC))
.   ID       AUC fold_increase
. 1  1  44.07871      1.000000
. 2  2 161.07202      3.654191

Objective function

  • Least squares objective function
  • Weighted by the observations
wss <- function(dv, pred, par = NULL) {
  sum(((dv-pred)/dv)^2, na.rm = TRUE)

Prediction function

  • Let’s go through step by step what each line is doing for us
pred <- function(p, m, d, pred = FALSE) {
  p <- lapply(p, exp)
  names(p) <- names(theta)
  m <- param(m, p)
  if(pred) {
    out <- mrgsim_df(m, data = d, recover = "type")
  out <- mrgsim_q(m, data = d, output = "df")
  return(wss(d$DV, out$CP))
  #-1*sum(dnorm(log(yobs),log(out$CP),.par$sigma,log=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE)

Optimize with different methods

minqa::newuoa: minimization without derivatives

  • These appear to be the parameters that the authors are fitting
theta <- log(c(fbCLintall = 1.2, ikiu = 1.2, fbile = 0.9, ka = 0.1, ktr = 0.1))

control <- list(iprint = 25)

fit1 <- newuoa(theta, pred, m = mod, d = data, control = control)
. npt = 7 , n =  5 
. rhobeg =  0.460517 , rhoend =  4.60517e-07 
. start par. =  0.1823216 0.1823216 -0.1053605 -2.302585 -2.302585 fn =  11.02654 
. rho:    0.046 eval:   8 fn:      7.75648 par:-0.278195 0.182322 -0.105361 -2.30259 -2.30259 
.  25:     5.9761213: -0.384231 0.0362186 0.00414868 -1.21552 -2.32950
.  50:     5.3741109: -0.308723 0.648357 0.292933 -0.905966 -1.96759
. rho:   0.0046 eval:  51 fn:      5.32508 par:-0.353296 0.655989 0.284855 -0.909043 -1.96654 
.  75:     5.3059744: -0.350731 0.459433 0.217035 -0.850124 -1.92008
. 100:     4.3785352: -0.370051 -2.44139 -0.294690 -0.577846 -1.60233
. 125:     1.3293983: -0.247092 -4.51333 -0.870589 -0.331008 -1.15243
. 150:    0.93251296: -0.202694 -4.66897 -1.12121 -0.210335 -0.727268
. 175:    0.68900360: -0.201159 -4.52256 -1.07453 -0.0104370 -0.399597
. rho:  0.00046 eval: 194 fn:     0.686165 par:-0.205710 -4.51109 -1.07050 -0.0167822 -0.374735 
. 200:    0.68611383: -0.206148 -4.51161 -1.06892 -0.0115912 -0.374251
. rho:  4.6e-05 eval: 220 fn:     0.686078 par:-0.204591 -4.51402 -1.06778 -0.0113134 -0.371530 
. 225:    0.68607711: -0.204374 -4.51398 -1.06767 -0.0112089 -0.371226
. rho:  4.6e-06 eval: 237 fn:     0.686077 par:-0.204382 -4.51408 -1.06765 -0.0111493 -0.371452 
. rho:  4.6e-07 eval: 246 fn:     0.686077 par:-0.204382 -4.51408 -1.06765 -0.0111493 -0.371452 
. 250:    0.68607681: -0.204382 -4.51408 -1.06765 -0.0111494 -0.371452
. At return
. eval: 255 fn:     0.68607672 par: -0.204382 -4.51408 -1.06765 -0.0111493 -0.371452
fit1$par <- setNames(fit1$par, names(theta))

Get some predictions to look at how the fit went

  • Predictions with the final estimates
  • Predictions with the initial estimates
  • Observed data to overlay
df_pred <- pred(fit1$par, mod, doses, pred = TRUE) %>% mutate(type = typef(type))
df_init <- pred(theta, mod, doses, pred = TRUE) %>% mutate(type = typef(type))
df_obs <- mutate(data, type = typef(type))


ggplot(data = df_pred, lwd = 0.7) + 
  geom_line(data = df_init,aes(TIME, CP, lty = "A")) +
  geom_line(aes(TIME, CP, lty = "B")) + 
  geom_point(data = df_obs, aes(TIME, DV, col = type), size = 3) + 
  facet_wrap(~type) + 
  scale_y_log10(limits=c(0.1, 100)) +
  ylab("Pitavastatin concentration (ng/mL)") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 14, 2), name = "Time (hours)") +
    values = c(2,1), 
    labels = c("Initial estimates", "Final estimates"), 
    guide = "none",
    name = ""

The final objective function value and estimates

pred(fit1$par, m = mod, d = data)
. [1] 0.6860767
. fbCLintall       ikiu      fbile         ka        ktr 
. 0.81515103 0.01095373 0.34381394 0.98891267 0.68973229

optim: Nelder-Mead

This optimizer comes from the stats package in base R.

fit1b <- stats::optim(theta, pred, m = mod, d = data)

DEoptim: differential evolution algorithm

“Performs evolutionary global optimization via the Differential Evolution algorithm.”

lower <- rep(-6, length(theta)) %>% setNames(names(theta))
upper <- rep( 4, length(theta)) %>% setNames(names(theta))


decontrol <- DEoptim.control(
  NP = 10*length(theta), 
  CR = 0.925, 
  F = 0.85,
  itermax = 90, 
  storepopfrom = 0, 
  trace = 10

fit2 <- DEoptim(
  fn = pred, 
  lower = lower, 
  upper = upper, 
  control = decontrol,
  m = mod, 
  d = data
. Iteration: 10 bestvalit: 3.516849 bestmemit:   -0.632696   -3.722511   -1.360311   -0.036983   -0.612196
. Iteration: 20 bestvalit: 2.350025 bestmemit:    0.000703   -4.042717   -0.719919    0.230071   -0.511443
. Iteration: 30 bestvalit: 1.984471 bestmemit:    0.068825   -4.628240   -0.675047   -0.255022   -0.762239
. Iteration: 40 bestvalit: 0.875897 bestmemit:   -0.125607   -4.415018   -0.963055   -0.076342   -0.074339
. Iteration: 50 bestvalit: 0.702213 bestmemit:   -0.217592   -4.554969   -1.094951   -0.058136   -0.450317
. Iteration: 60 bestvalit: 0.702213 bestmemit:   -0.217592   -4.554969   -1.094951   -0.058136   -0.450317
. Iteration: 70 bestvalit: 0.687438 bestmemit:   -0.196411   -4.523280   -1.054508   -0.014670   -0.361633
. Iteration: 80 bestvalit: 0.686394 bestmemit:   -0.207140   -4.517563   -1.073372   -0.011188   -0.382893
. Iteration: 90 bestvalit: 0.686113 bestmemit:   -0.206033   -4.512065   -1.069557   -0.010903   -0.373121

Plot the history

We can plot each population from the DE optimization over time as well as the best member for each iteration.

hx <- lapply(fit2$member$storepop, %>% bind_rows()
hx <- mutate(hx, iteration = rep(1:decontrol$itermax, each = decontrol$NP))
hx <- mutate(hx, pop = rep(1:decontrol$NP, time = decontrol$itermax))
hxm <- pivot_longer(hx, fbCLintall:ktr) %>% mutate(value = exp(value))
best <- 
  fit2$member$bestmemit %>% 
  as_tibble() %>% 
  mutate(iteration = seq(decontrol$itermax))
bestm <- pivot_longer(best, fbCLintall:ktr) %>% mutate(value = exp(value))
ggplot(data = hxm) + 
  geom_line(aes(iteration, value, group = pop), col = "darkslateblue") + 
  geom_line(data = bestm, aes(iteration ,value), col = "orange", lwd = 1) + 
  scale_y_log10(name = "Parameter value") + 
  facet_wrap(~name, ncol = 2, scales = "free_y")

GenSA: simulated annealing


sacontrol <- list(maxit = 100, nb.stop.improvement = 20, verbose = TRUE)

fit3 <- GenSA(NULL, pred, lower, upper, m = mod, d = data, control = sacontrol)
. Initializing par with random data inside bounds
. It: 1, obj value: 6.303744151
. It: 24, obj value: 0.6860791496

hydroPSO: particle swarm optimization


fit4 <- hydroPSO(
  fn = pred,
  lower = lower, 
  upper = upper, 
  control = list(maxit = 100, REPORT = 5),
  m = mod, d = data

Compare optimization methods

results <- list(theta, fit1$par, fit1b$par, fit2$optim$bestmem, fit3$par, fit4$par)

results <- map(results, exp)

  method = c("initial", "newuoa", "nelder", "RcppDE", "SA", "PSO"),
  fbCLintall = map_dbl(results, "fbCLintall"), 
  ikiu = map_dbl(results, "ikiu"), 
  fbile = map_dbl(results, "fbile"), 
  ka = map_dbl(results, "ka"), 
  ktr = map_dbl(results, "ktr")
) %>% kable(digits = 4)
method fbCLintall ikiu fbile ka ktr
initial 1.2000 1.2000 0.9000 0.1000 0.1000
newuoa 0.8152 0.0110 0.3438 0.9889 0.6897
nelder 0.8387 0.0106 0.3572 0.9904 0.7114
RcppDE 0.8138 0.0110 0.3432 0.9892 0.6886
SA 0.8155 0.0110 0.3439 0.9885 0.6904
PSO 0.8150 0.0110 0.3436 0.9883 0.6897