[1] - Vim
[2] - Shawn Biddle
Insert - Brush is on the canvas
Normal - Brush is off the canvas
Command - Mixing your pallette
vim <file>
vim, :e <file>
i - Enter insert mode at cursor
I - Enter insert mode at first non-blank character
s - Delete character under cursor and enter insert mode
S - Delete line and begin insert at beginning of same line
a - Enter insert mode _after_ cursor
A - Enter insert mode at the end of the line
o - Enter insert mode on the next line
O - enter insert mode on the above line
C - Delete from cursor to end of line and begin insert
This is a test sentence
(Next class will cover 'c')
h < > l
Because go to the next class
La la la la, I can't hear you
Basics: wWbBeE
w - Forward to the beginning of next word
W - Forward to the beginning of the next WORD
b - Backward to the next beginning of a word
B - Backward to the next beginning of a WORD
e - Forward to the next end of word
E - Forward to the next end of WORD
Slightly less basic: fFtT All follow [(n)um]<n(o)un> syntax
[n]f<o> - Forward until (nth) (o) (Inclusive)
[n]F<o> - Backward until (nth) (o) (Inclusive)
[n]t<o> - Forward until (nth) (o) (Exclusive)
[n]T<o> - Backward until (nth) (o) (Exclusive)
abcdefg, abcdefg, abcdefg
/ - Forward
? - Backward
* - Word under cursor - forward (bounded)
g* - Word under cursor - forward (unbounded)
# - Word under cursor - backward (bounded)
g# - Word under cursor - backward (unbounded)
n - Next result, forward
N - Next result, backward
(Note here to explain what bounded/unbounded mean)
y - Yank. Example: yw (yank word)
p - paste after cursor
P - paste before cursor