JQuranTree is a set of Java APIs for accessing and analyzing the Quran, in its authentic Arabic form. The Java library is released as an open source project. The Uthmani distribution of the Tanzil project is used (http://tanzil.info) and is left unmodified.
The library contains;
- a Java API which wraps the XML Uthmani Script of the Tanzil project
- an object model for the Quran’s orthography
- encoders and decoders for converting Arabic text
- Java classes for searching the text of the Quran
- The library includes a user guide and API documentation, with examples on using the library to perform basic analysis of Quranic text.
java -cp jqurantree-1.0.0.jar org.jqurantree.tools.Tools qamar
usage: jqurantree [input-text]
-in,--input-file <arg> input file path
-o,--operation <arg> operation 1=Buckwater to Arabic 2-Arabic to Buckwater [Default=1]
-out,--output-file <arg> output file
java -cp jqurantree-1.0.0.jar org.jqurantree.tools.Tools -o 2 -in <path>\roots.csv -out <path>\roots_bw.csv