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File metadata and controls

206 lines (133 loc) · 8.56 KB


Teleoperation is about sending command signals to the robot, and receiving sensor feedback from the robot.


  • Demo GUI ROS node
  • teleop_twist_keyboard with ros2_control
  • teleop with a gamepad
  • teleop with a phone

Demo GUI ROS node

  1. In the RPi clone the repo and symlink to src, build and source:
(RPi): $ cd ~/git/ && git clone
(RPi): $ ln -s ~/git/serial_motor_demo/ ~/dev_ws/src/
(RPi): $ cd ~/dev_ws/
(RPi): $ colcon build --symlink-install
(RPi): $ source install/setup.bash
  1. Run the driver node in the RPi:
(RPI):$ ros2 run serial_motor_demo driver --ros-args -p serial_port:=/dev/ttyUSB0 -p baud_rate:=57600 -p loop_rate:=30 -p encoder_cpr:=1975
Connecting to port /dev/ttyUSB0 at 57600.
Connected to Serial<id=0xffff80b8ec40, open=True>(port='/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=57600, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=1.0, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False)
Error: Serial timeout on command: e
  1. Repeat the process in the PC and run the GUI:
(PC): $ cd ~/git/ && git clone
(PC): $ ln -s ~/git/serial_motor_demo/ ~/dev_ws/src/
(PC): $ colcon build --symlink-install
(PC): $ cd ~/dev_ws/
(PC): $ source install/setup.bash

(PC):$ ros2 run serial_motor_demo gui

Teleop with the keyboard (teleop_twist_keyboard and ros2_control)



Using ROS topics is not fast enough

ros2_control is faster (loads libraries) and allows writing modular reusable code

Controller manager

Controller manager connects hardware drivers with control algorithms using plugins

2 ways to run it:

  • normally you use the one provided controller_manager/ros2_control_node
  • you may want to write your own node of class controller_manager::ControllerManager

Provide info about the hardware interfaces via the URDF file and the controllers via a YAML parameters file

Interacting with the controller manager:

  • via ROS services
  • via ros2_control CLI tool that simplifies the calls to these services
  • via specialized nodes and scripts

Hardware interfaces

Hardware interfaces or components are pieces of software that speak to the hardware and expose it in the standard of ros2_control. They represent the hardware through Command interfaces (read/write, things we can control in the robot, e.g. motor velocity) and State interfaces (read only, things we can only monitor, e.g. wheel position and velocity, battery level, temperature, etc)

A robot may have multiple hardware components. The controller manager uses the resource manager to gather all the hardware interfaces and exposes them together so the controller manager sees a long list of command and state interfaces. We include ros2_control tags in the URDF to list the hardware interfaces (plugins) the resource manager must load.


The way we interact with ros2_control listen for input e.g. gamepad or navigation path planner

They listen for some topic, calculate proper actuations and send command inputs to the hardware interfaces through controller manager and resource manager

Controllers are designed for specific robot applications, and are hardware independent. Many are provided in ros2_controller package. E.g. the diff_drive_controller/DiffDriveController

We set up the controllers through a YAML file that sets parameters

We can have several controllers provided they are not trying to command the same interfaces, but they can share state interfaces (read only)

Controllers do not need to actually control anything, can be used e.g. just to read a state interface and publish it to a ROS topic

In practice (with gazebo)

  1. Install packages:
(PC):$ sudo apt install ros-foxy-ros2-control ros-foxy-ros2-controllers ros-foxy-gazebo-ros2-control
  1. update URDF file ./manolobot_uno/description/robot.urdf.xacro to call ros2_control.xacro instead of gazebo_control.xacro
  2. Create ./manolobot_uno/description/ros2_control.xacro and YAML parameter file ./manolobot_uno/config/my_controllers.yaml
  3. build and source
  4. run with:
(PC):$ ros2 launch manolobot_uno world:=./src/manolobot_uno/worlds/
  1. Check hardware interfaces are working with:
(PC):$ ros2 control list_hardware_interfaces
command interfaces
	left_wheel_joint/velocity [unclaimed]
	right_wheel_joint/velocity [unclaimed]
state interfaces
  1. start controllers with the script which will later on work nicely for a launch file
(PC):$ ros2 run controller_manager diff_cont
  1. To run teleop_twist_keyboard we need to remap /cmd_vel to /diff_cont/cmd_vel_unstamped which is what the controller expects:
(PC):$ ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard --ros-args -r /cmd_vel:=/diff_cont/cmd_vel_unstamped

In practice (fixing details)


Increase gazebo clock rate

Robot movement is choppy because clock rate in Gazebo is too slow (10Hz). Increased to 400Hz because why not.

Note: After implementing the fix to increase gazebo clock rate, I get the following error message when running gazebo - even though it otherwise seems to be working fine:

[gzserver-2] Error [] Error parsing XML in file [/home/mhered/dev_ws/install/manolobot_uno/share/manolobot_uno/config/gazebo_params.yaml]: Error document empty.

If appears it is trying to interpret the gazebo_params.yaml file as XML and failing.

Reduce wheel drift

Replace wheel collision model for spheres

Add parameter to toggle between gazebo_control and ros2_control

Because ros2_control shows misbehavior at higher speeds (?)

  • To Do: add toggle at runtime, i.e. $ ros2 launch my_package use_ros2_control:=false

In practice (in the actual robot)


We want to link the command velocity (Twist or TwistStamped messages from a gamepad or Nav2 or whatever) with the actual motors in the robot.

In our case:

  • we use the diff_drive_controller controller plugin to convert command velocities into required wheel velocities.
  • we need to write a hardware interface plugin or clone diffdrive_arduino by Josh Newans - this converts required wheel velocities into motor hardware commands
  • The controller manager (ros2_control_node) links the two plugins.
  • Joint State Broadcaster reads wheel encoder positions and publishes to /joint_statesso the Robot State Publisher can publish its TFs.
  1. Install the hardware interface plugin (clone and symlink the two repos, install ros2-control, and build):
(RPi):$ cd ~/git
(RPi):$ git clone
(RPi):$ ln -s ~/git/diffdrive_arduino/ ~/dev_ws/src/
(RPi):$ git clone
(RPi):$ ln -s ~/git/serial/ ~/dev_ws/src
(RPi):$ sudo apt install ros-foxy-ros2-control ros-foxy-ros2-controllers
(RPi):$ cd ~/dev_ws
(RPi):$ colcon build --symlink-install
  1. Configure it: first, update the URDF file ros2_control.xacro so it loads the hardware interface plugin diffdrive_arduino/DiffDriveArduino and define all the parameters. Next, create and replace the call to gazebo controller for the controller_manager node passing as parameters the URDF in robot_description and with the controller plugins in my_controllers.yaml. Then, remove the use of sim time in, and my_controller_params.yaml . Finally, delay the launch of controller_manager, diff_drive and joint_broad.

Teleop with a gamepad

See details in ./BOM/

It is possible to connect a gamepad to the PC and fwd the commands to the robot (easier to setup for both simulated and real robot) or directly connect it to the robot (lower latency and better perfo). Can also set up both.

A joy_node node talks to the joystick driver and publishes /joy messages with the commands

Other nodes subscribe and take actions. In particular teleop_twist_joy calculates and publishes Twist messages with velocities to /cmd_vel topic.

Teleop with a phone