This site hosts the sgRNA machine learning scripts used to generate the Weissman lab's next-generation CRISPRi and CRISPRa library designs (Horlbeck et al., eLife 2016). These are currently implemented as interactive scripts along with iPython notebooks with step-by-step instructions for creating new sgRNA libraries. Future plans include adding command line functions to make library design more user-friendly. Note that all sgRNA designs for CRISPRi/a human/mouse protein-coding gene libraries are included as supplementary tables in the eLife paper, so cloning of individual sgRNAs or construction of any custom sublibraries targeting protein-coding genes can simply refer to those tables. These scripts are primarily useful for the design of sgRNAs targeting novel or non-coding genes, or for organisms beyond human and mouse.
To apply the exact quantitative models used to generate the CRISPRi-v2 or CRISPRa-v2 libraries, follow the steps outlined in the Library_design_walkthrough (included as a Jupyter notebook or web page).
To see full example code for de novo machine learning, prediction of sgRNA activity for desired loci, and construction of new genome-scale CRISPRi/a libraries, see the CRISPRiaDesign_example_notebook (included as Jupyter notebook or web page).
- Python v2.7
- Jupyter notebook
- Biopython
- Scipy/Numpy/Pandas
- Scikit-learn
- bxpython (v0.5.0,
- Pysam
- ScreenProcessing
External command line applications required:
- ViennaRNA
- Bowtie (not Bowtie2)
Large genomic data files required:
Links are to human genome files relied upon for the hCRISPRi-v2 and hCRISPRa-v2 machine learning--and required for the Library_design_walkthrough--but any organism/assembly may be used for design of new libraries or de novo machine learning. For convenience, the files referenced in Library_design_walkthrough in the folder "large_data_files" are also available here.
- Genome sequence as FASTA (hg19)
- FANTOM5 TSS annotation as BED (TSS_human)
- Chromatin data as BigWig (MNase, DNase, FAIRE-seq)
- HGNC table of gene aliases (not strictly required for the Library_design_walkthrough but useful in some steps)
- Ensembl annotation as GTF (not strictly required for the Library_design_walkthrough but useful in some steps and in other functions; release 74 used for the published library designs)