This is a standard pre-interview take-home project that will be used to evaluate the full-stack expertise of candidates looking to join the team at Budee.
All front-end code must be done in React.js
- Typescript
- Database
- Node server
- React.js 16+ API
- Jest
- Linter
Treat it like production code
The project should have a clean architecture, maintainable/scalable code, and well commented/documented. Additionally, you should make frequent commits to the repository with a concise commit title based on the code change.
- Two buttons exists
- A save button
- A reset button
- When the save button is clicked
- The state game is saved
- When reloading the browser, the previously saved state will resume
- When the reset button is clicked
- The state of the game is reset to the initial state
- When reloading the broswer, the reset state will resume unless the user made a move and click the save button prior to reloading the browser